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Wednesday 12th January 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
So, here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Hallie and Bella kissed at prom, and ever since then, they can't figure out just what they are or what they should do. One thing is for sure, they do love each other. India stole Miles away from Bella and is now dating him. This time it looks like India might actually be in love. She's even softened up a little bit...until she jumped on Archie and started to beat him up. Jaxon is madly in love with James, who is now living with him due to being kicked out by his parents. James ex Archie surprised Jaxon by admitting that he was in love with him. Jaxon still hasn't told everyone the whole truth. Evan has eyes for Lucas, but Breezy thinks he has eyes for Jaxon still. And not to mention, New Directions lost at Nationals. Bummer.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In school hallway

Bella's Voiceover Everything can change in one moment

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Bella's Voiceover
Everything can change in one moment. One puny moment can turn your life upside down. That's the one thing I've learned the past few weeks, Bella thought.
By all means, I should hate India. Okay, so maybe I do. Guilty as charged. But not just because of the Miles issue. This has been a long standing thing. Truth be told, Miles and I were on a road to relationship oblivion for a while now.Miles never told me he loved me anymore. We could barely relate anymore. The last time we kissed...God, I had forgotten. Miles seemed to have trouble containing his urges. I'm a virgin. Yes, I'm still a virgin. Shocking I know. I don't think Miles is anymore. He and India have been pretty touchy feely.Ugh, it's gross. Majorly disgusting to be honest. Just stop thinking about it, Bella. Put it out of your mind. Just close your locker and move along.
Bella closed her locker and started down the hall. She looked up and saw Hallie walking down the hall.
Bella's Voiceover
There she is, the most beautiful girl in the school. I had her and I screwed it up. I screwed up thing with Miles. Then there was the prom...the kiss under the canopy with Hallie. Somehow, I screwed that up, too. I can't even think straight anymore around Hallie. I love her and want to be with her, but I understand her reasons why she doesn't want to be with me right now.If only things could be simpler.
Hallie's Voiceover
Isabella James, I love you, okay? I just freaking love you.
Hallie thought
You're at least 70 percent of everything that runs through my mind. I see your face in my toast. I watched Twilight last night and I swore that I saw your naked body sparkling in the sunlight.
Thank God I didn't say that out loud. Oh my god, how weird would that be if I did? Could you imagine? Focus, Hallie. Just make it to Glee Club in one piece.Glee Club...the sing-off competition! I don't have anything prepared! Quick, Hallie, think of something to sing. Well, there is always the song that I always listen to that reminds me of Bella.It's too cliché. And besides, it's a guy's song. But then again, I'm a Lesbian. A Lesbian can pull off a guy's song, right?
Hallie opened the door to the Finn Hudson Auditorium and walked inside. She found an empty seat near James, Evan, and Bella.
In the Auditorium
Hallie says to the glee club "Who's up first?"
Will says to the glee club "Alright, guys, welcome to the Sing-Off."
Will said as he shut the door and walked down the aisle.
Will says to the glee club "Jaxon is gonna be the first to go as he won rock, paper, scissors. Here are the rules. You'll each perform one song as a solo. At the end of the week, when you've all had a chance to perform, we'll vote. No voting for yourselves, guys. Let's keep this friendly, alright? You guys ready?"
The auditorium was filled with the cheers of the other members in the Glee Club. Will took his seat as the curtain raised and Jaxon walked out onstage.

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