Days of Glory

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Monday 23rd February 2017
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what happened last season on Glee: The Next Generation:Gah, so much happened last season so where do we begin? New girl Lana took McKinley by storm and she stole Hallie away from Bella, but it's okay because it looks like Bella finally found true love with Hallie's cousin, Reece. Reece goes to Thurston High, Lana's old school. He's in Glee Club with Chad Riker-Smith, who transferred there but now he's friends with New Directions and he also came out as gay. Lucas still hasn't let go of his insecurities due to Chad gay bashing him and it finally drove Evan away - literally. Due to the stress of his relationship with Lucas and not being appreciated, Evan transferred to Dalton and spent time as a Warbler. There he met his new boyfriend, Claude, who also had a thing for Evan's close friend Jaxon in the past. But that was while Jaxon was broken up with James because James started hanging with Aldy's bad crowd. But it was because James had an identity crisis and wanted to be a bad boy. That whole phase lead to a couple of bad events that James wishes he could take back. Hallie found out her rapist baby daddy isn't dead, he just skipped town and she had a whole Emo phase. Then Jaxon got stabbed, which upset New Directions because they already had lost one friend. R.I.P. John. One loss they aren't upset about? India, who's evil schemes finally got her expelled. But now things are totally different. Jameson is back together and engaged and James is a member of the Berry clan. Lana's mom forced her to dump Hallie, but after prom they got back together, but in secret and her mom still doesn't know. Not back together? Miles and Breezy. She dumped him because she's going to college early next year. Bummer, especially for poor Miles. Jesse St. James quit Vocal Adrenaline because of new guy Spider, who is a douche. Chastity got knocked up and skipped town. And the Warblers are now on friendly terms with New Directions, so who knows what they can expect competition wise. And despite winning Nationals, Lana punching India got them disqualified from Internationals. But at least they have something to strive for. Now excuse me while I catch my breath.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In school Hallway

A handheld camera shook as it made its way down the hallway toward Lucas and Honey, who were holding hands

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A handheld camera shook as it made its way down the hallway toward Lucas and Honey, who were holding hands.
Parker says to Honey "Honey Berry."
Parker Pennington said, thrusting a microphone in her direction.
Parker says to Honey "So is it true? Declan Pierce dumped you this summer before heading off to Harvard?"
Honey says to Parker "I don't wanna talk about that,It's in the past."
Parker says to Honey "So I can confirm that one of McKinley's power couples has hit the skids. And please explain why you're holding hands with gay bashing victim Lucas Aguirre."
Honey says to Parker "We're dating now.As if it were anyone's business."
Parker says to Honey "But isn't Lucas gay?"
Honey rolled her eyes.
Honey says to Parker "He's bisexual. What the hell kind of reporter are you? Ever heard of fact check?"
Parker stuck his head in front of the camera.
Parker says to Toad "Let's move on, Todd."
Todd spun the camera around and it came to rest on Lana, Hallie, Jaxon, James, Miles, and Evan.
Parker says to himself "Bingo."
Parker says to Lana "Lana Addison!"
Lana frowned as Parker shoved a microphone under her nose.
Parker says to Lana "Rumor has it that you and Hallie are still seeing each other in secret, against Mama Addison's wishes."
Lana says to Parker "And if word gets out to her, I'll break your nose.Now get that camera out of my face or I'll make you eat it."
Parker moved the microphone over to Jaxon. Jaxon rolled his eyes.
Parker says to Jaxon "The whole school wants to know.Has the ultimate power couple at McKinley taken the next step? Any truth to the rumors that the rings you and James sport are in fact, engagement rings?"
Jaxon says to Parker "No comment."
Parker says to Jaxon "I'll take your silence as a reluctant affirmation."
Jaxon says to Parker "You better edit that out."Jaxon said, reaching for the camera.
Parker says to Toad "Run!"
Parker said as he turned around and the camera began to shake Blair Witch-style as he ran down the hall, passing Louis and four other letterman with slushies in their hands.
Louis says to the Jocks"We're gonna start our senior year off right."
Louis said as he approached Jaxon and the others.
Evan says to Miles "I've never been slushied before."
Miles says to Evan "I have and it's not fun,I want to run, but I'm paralyzed with fear."
Louis says to the glee club "Welcome back, freaks."
The New Directions members braced themselves for the hit as all five slushies were thrown into their faces.
Jock says to the glee club "Losers."
one of the guys said as they all continued down the hall, laughing.
Evan says to Miles "That was quite unpleasant."Evan said, orange slush dripping off his face.
Miles says to Evan "I have a brain freeze now."
Kevin says to Miles "But on the plus side."
Kevin said, appearing beside them.
Kevin says to Miles "I bet you all taste delicious."
Miles reached over and smacked Kevin in the back of the head. Kevin didn't seem fazed as he reached over and wiped a bit of slushie from Miles's face and licked it off his finger.
Kevin says to Miles "Yum.Green apple."
Hallie walked out of the bathroom, finishing drying her face before throwing the crumpled up paper towel in the trashcan.
Hallie's Voiceover
A lot has happened over the summer. My brush with Chris last year was a turning point that made me realise things needed to change. I had lost sight of who I was last year. I wasn't the same Hallie Grace that I was before I met Lana.Don't get me wrong, Lana is not a problem. But I had grown so accustomed to letting Lana be the tough one that I had let myself soften up and get weak. But not anymore. This past summer, I took an empowerment class down at the civic center, got myself a new and tougher looking hair style, and a more mature style of clothing. But most importantly, I quit the Cheerios.Yes, I quit the Cheerios. What does spelling out words, doing cartwheels, and shaking pom-poms have to do with self-empowerment? Naturally, Coach Sylvester wasn't too happy about it.
In Sue's office
Hallie flashed back to earlier that morning, sitting in Sue's office. Hallie set her uniform on the desk.
Sue yells at Hallie "You can't just quit the Cheerios!Either I kick you off or you die and seeing as you're not in a coffin..."
The flashback ended and Hallie stopped at her locker.
That fragile, weak Hallie is a thing of the past
Hallie's Voiceover
And just like the Cheerios, it was nothing but a forgotten memory. I was never going back there again.So here I was, another day at McKinley High.
Adam sighed as he shut his locker and started down the hallway.
Adam's Voiceover
A lot happened to me over the summer. I just woke up one day and realised that I had grew like four inches. My voice deepened and I felt completely different. Then my mom keep on talking about how I was a late bloomer. I think that was a puberty remark.Anyway, I went to a summer camp and the next thing I knew, I had bulked up a little bit. I looked in the mirror and for the first time ever, I felt like a stud. Now, as I walked down the hall, all the girls started staring at me.Then I realised...oh my gosh, I'm on their radar. Girls are finally noticing me! I smiled to myself, knowing that finally the dweeb I used to be was a thing of the past. No more Justin Bieber comparisons, no more people thinking I was gay. I finally felt like a man.
Adam smiled as he walked past Nicole. Nicole did a double take, not quite able to believe her eyes.Nicole stared at Adam as he walked away.
Nicole's Voiceover
I feel really bad for looking so long at Adam. I'm not all about looks, but Adam really just caught my attention. He just seems so different now. I never looked at him like this before. I know I have a boyfriend. In fact, I have a really nice boyfriend who just so happens to go to another school. But dare I say this? Adam has gotten really...cute?Nicole, stop it. You have Dillon, who is a complete and total gentleman. But a look can't hurt, right? Ugh, and things are so well for you and Dillon too. You still have your promise ring and you once again spent the summer together at camp. Minus Evan, this time, unfortunately. Apparently he spent the whole summer doing things with Claude and trying to convince him to transfer to McKinley.I however could never get that lucky. Dillon's roots were firmly planted at Dalton.
Nicole sighed as she made her way to the choir room.Claude tried to blend in as he marched down the halls of McKinley, searching frantically for Evan.
Claude's Voiceover
So, my name is Claude Montague and you might recognize me as a former Dalton Academy Warbler. But seeing as how I've ditched the blazer and tie for relaxed fit t-shirt, I guess you already figured out that I transferred to McKinley High.At first, I was reluctant. The Warblers had been my home for four years. But then, I realised that I had four years with them and that was the same amount of time most people got to spend with their high school friends. And here I was, a second year senior all because I failed last year.
It was really my fault. See, I have dyslexia and sometimes it can really be a burden. And I had a lot going on last year and somewhere along the way, I got lost and couldn't get caught back up. I tried so hard but my dyslexia just made it all harder.Then I met Evan. Over the summer, he managed to persuade me to transfer to McKinley high. I'm not gonna lie, it took a little convincing. Then he convinced me in his pool, in my bedroom, and even in the changing room in American Eagle Outfitters. How could I say no?
And yes, I am actually serious about that.
Claude smiled as he met up with Evan. Claude took his hand and they walked toward the choir room.
In the Choir Room

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