High School Never Ends

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Tuesday 15th August 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what happened last season on Glee: The Next Generation:New Directions soared through to Nationals, but lost so they really plan to give it their all this year. Honey found out Shelby is her real mom, making her and Rachel half-sisters. Evan dumped Breezy for being a diva, but he has for Lucas. Little does he know Lucas has eyes for him too. Bella and Hallie are going strong, as is James and Jaxon. India left for London, craving to belong again and missing her home. Nicole and India have formed what seems like an unlikely friendship. Hallie's now one of the most popular girls in school despite being a lesbian teen mother. John has struggled with self-harm in the past, leading to a bitter fight with his friend Miles.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In school hallway

A handheld camcorder turned its attention to the busy halls of McKinley, coming to focus on what seemed to be a very perplexed and confused trio of Jaxon, James, and Declan

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A handheld camcorder turned its attention to the busy halls of McKinley, coming to focus on what seemed to be a very perplexed and confused trio of Jaxon, James, and Declan.
Parker says to the camera "Parker Pennington here, reporting live in the halls of McKinley.
Parker said from behind the camera.
Parker says to the camera "We have Glee Club members Jaxon Pierce, James Holland, and Declan Pierce here."
Jaxon rolled his eyes.
Jaxon says to Parker "Do we really have to be on the school news report?"
Parker says to Jaxon,James and Declan "We're live guys,So how did you guys spend your summer break?"
Declan says to Parker "We went to Panama."
Declan said, raising an eyebrow.
Parker says to Declan "And is there any truth to the rumor that you quit Glee Club, Declan?"
Declan says to Parker "Yes. I had to drop some extra-circulars in order to buckle down for my senior year."
Parker says to James"And James, how do you feel about being doomed to repeat your sophomore year?"
Parker asked, shoving a microphone in James' face.
James says to Parker "How would you feel if I knocked those buck teeth down your throat?"
Parker says to Todd "Okay, turn the camera off. Damn it, Todd. I said cut it off."
Louis and a couple of his friends walked by, slushies in hand. They laughed out loud as they tossed the slushies in Jaxon, James, and Declan's faces. The three of them stood there, blue slush dripping off their shocked faces.
Jaxon says to James and Declan "Well, at least we don't have to worry about Azimio this year,He finally graduated."
James says to Jaxon and Declan "Only because the school system had no other choice."
Declan says to James and Jaxon "Yeah, but we still have to worry about Louis."
Louis says to James,Jaxon and Declan "Welcome back, losers."
In the Gymnasium

"In the Gymnasium

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