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As I said that we are going to my village, they all look at me like I am looks like a vamp to them.

"What happen guys?" I said not sure what happen to them

"Are you kidding me?" A guy who is younger in their group said. What's his name? Ummm....Krish.....

"What's problem with that? Look, that fatty will anyhow find Amara and Sameer even if they left this country. For 1% if he found them or me then we will be gone for good." I said as Mr. Abhijeet chuckled a little

"So? We are powerful too. He won't let you or them harm. So chill. Karan planned everything. Let's follow his lead." He said and about to sit inside the car when again I stop him.

"Look, I know you all are powerful but try to understand. My whole family is there and that fatty won't be able to think about that village. You all don't have to worry about comfort as well. I will take care of everything. My village is a beautiful place and I am sure you will like it" I said try to make them understand.

It would be good if Ammu will get married there only. She won't miss the warm feeling of family. I don't want her to feel left out even she has my family.

My family loves her like her own child and Ammu is also very close to her. Whenever my dad sees her, I don't know why there was always sadness in his eyes.

"Ammu, I want you and Sameer got married in village only so that you both will have elders blessings. Ammu, my family loves you and you know that right?" I said looking at Amara.

Amara has tears in her eyes. She is close to my family as well. She is not from village but there are so much alike between my dad and her.

Like Amara don't like peanuts as she is allergic to it and my dad also allergic to it. My dad loves pakodas in rainy season so do Amara. Amara hate medicine even if she got injured or fell ill she doesn't take medicines and same with Papa. He also doesn't like medicines. There are many likes and dislike which are same.

Am I again overthinking? May be it just a coincidence that they both like the same thing and dislike same thing as well.

My and papa's likings are different. My papa says that my likings are mostly matches with my mom Vrinda.

"Sona is right, we should go to Village. My family is there and I don't want to do this marriage without them. Please Sameer" She said and holds his arms. As tear drop out from her eyes, Sameer wipe it and kissed her forehead.

"We will go there. I would love to meet them" Sameer said and look at his friends.

"Sameer, I think we should not go there and about her family; we will do some arrangements so that they will not miss their marriage." Vikram said.

"What is your problem? Why you all don't want to go to village. If you all three have problem then simply don't come there." I shouted now. I have enough of their nonsense.

"Listen Ms. Shona baby, we are not going to miss our best friend's marriage and speak with us with little respect" Vikram said looking dangerously towards me.

What's his problem? When I saw his eyes under the moonlight, to be honest I never saw eyes like him. Those eyes looked magical. It was looking like that is doing some black magic under the beautiful moon.

But now I hate these eyes. I thought that he has something special but no, he is no different than those boys who know how to woo a girl but don't know about respect, values, cultures, traditions, respects, elders' blessings and most importantly love.

Twist of Destiny (#1 Her Unyielding Hearts)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang