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“I never believed in god before. I don’t know if you are here and listening to me or not but if you are listening to me then please take care of Saanvi. She doesn’t deserve this. I wasn't able to see her because I deserved it. Amara was right, I did cheat on her. Even after knowing about my marriage, I still meet with Alaya. I should have gone to our home with Saanvi.”

“You can take my life if you want but return her back with her fierce confidence.” I kneeled down inside of the gurdwara, covering my head with a handkerchief and making a wish. Doctor said to pray and I am praying.

The whole gurudwara was lit up with lights. After coming back from Temple, I came here. If someone is up there, then my only wish is to make her conscious. I stood up and came outside the gurdwara only to see an old man moping on the floor.

He looks aged but he is wiping his tears. There are so many people who are doing their work, some are sitting, some are doing their meditation here but this man took my interest.

My steps automatically moved towards him and I put my hands over his shoulder. He turns around and looks at me. His eyes were numb with tears. There was redness in his eyes. His face looks dull. His body looks so fragile because of poor diet.

“Why are you crying?” I asked but he didn’t say anything and started to do his work…

“Uncle, you can tell me. I will try to help you.” I asked because I don’t know but something is telling me to ask his problem and help this man. I never liked this. Never!

Leave helping, I never asked my own driver if he was needed for something or not. I disrespect not only my driver but the security guard, Gardner, chef, employees who work at my dad’s office and in return no one dared to say anything to me.

“You can’t help me either.” He said, letting me face his back. I stood in front of him and asked

“Why can’t I help?”

“Because you yourself are a poor guy who can’t help me other than sitting here and talking with me.” He said and wiped his tears. Poor guy?

He must have thought like this and why not, I look like a messy boy with dark circles under my eyes, messy hair, shrieked shirt which has blood as well, bare foot, damaged jeans which actually got damaged while saving Saanvi and tired eyes.

He was about to go when I made him stop.
“I am not poor. I can help you. Please tell me.” I gave him an assuring smile which made him sit on the floor. I did the same and listened to his story.

“I live with my son in a hut which is near the footpath. He was in 4th standard when his mother died. I was the only one who worked and took care of my son. He left his school just because I was not able to pay his fees. He started to work at the age of 10. He turned 17 a month back and….”

He stopped and his shoulder started to shake. He started to cry but I didn’t console him because I don’t know how to console. I never hear of someone's situation like this and here I am, outside the gurdwara. I am experiencing everything for the first time.

“Some boys came to our house last and they all beat him to death and left him to die.” He said and cried.

“Where is your son now?”

“In the hospital. Doctor said that I have to deposit 5 lakhs otherwise they won’t treat him. From where I will get 5 lakhs. They didn’t even give him a room. He will die soon. He will die. They didn't even provide a room to my son. He way lying on the cold floor mercilessly.” He cried and cried. I can imagine that if someone close to you gets hospitalized and in serious condition then how it feels.

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