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"You still have dreams? Now you are a doctor so what else is left?" He asked and I stop in my track.

I look forward and said "This"

Vikram looked in front and gets confused.

We are standing in front of an old building. It's just a ground floor but a burnt one. No one comes here as this area is restricted.

According to the villagers, no one knows how this school caught the fire. Some says because of short circuit this school burnt in fire, some says it's because of supernatural power.

So, everyone decided that they will restrict everyone to go there.

"What is this? Whose building is this?" He asked looking closely. He looked at me like a curious kitten.

"This building belongs to my mom." I said refreshing old memories. My Dadi told me about this building when I was in 7th standard.

"Your mom?" He asked

"Yes. When I was in 7th standard, Dadi told me about this school. She told me that my mother was a Kathak dancer and she had a school." I started to open up myself to him.

I don't know why I am opening up to him when I never done this before in my life with any of my male friends.

This is a strange feeling but opening up in front of him gives me some kind of relief.

"My mother was good in Kathak. She taught so many students. This building is like a temple to my mom. I still remember how she dances. Her every move, every expression had some kind of magic which motivates me in any situation." I said wiping the tears which is about to come from my eyes.

I am an unfortunate girl that I didn't get a chance to feel motherly love. I know I have my whole family who loves me, adores me but motherly love was missing from my life and I miss her even I never get a chance to say hi to her properly.

We both were standing outside the building when all of the sudden rain started to pour.

"Oh shit!" I said and held his wrist and we both come inside of the school.

This place is not locked but just restricted. Broken window, burnt school, room is full of dust, everything turns into black.

I came inside of the school first time because I don't want to come inside of it. This place is horrific.

Inside the burnt school, we could see the remnants of what was once a vibrant and lively place. We could only imagine of this place as lively and a happy environment. Sounds of magical ghungroo could be imagining inside of my head.

The ground floor, now covered in black soot and ash, bears the scars of the devastating fire that took place years ago.

The walls are charred, and the air is heavy with a sense of loss of my mother and this nostalgia hit me hard.

Amidst the destruction, I can still find traces of the school's past glory. A huge wallpaper of my mom, who was likely a beloved figure in this community, remains hanging on the wall, though it too suffered damage in fire and we can't see her face properly.

This is so unfortunate that due to differing opinions among the villagers, this area has to remain restricted, preventing any potential rebuilding or restoration efforts.

This is my dream. My dream to rebuild my mom's school. She must be heart-broken when she saw her school turning into ashes.

"How this school gets burned?" He asked as he looked everything very closely.

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