Chapter 4-Troubles

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Last night I could barely sleep. I somehow escaped from the school earlier without facing anyone. My professor for the last period was absent and without thinking twice I went home. That professor was really an angel to me because he was absent and I escaped or else I don't know what would have happened.

But I can't escape forever. I would have to face them. I really wish I could avoid them. I don't even remember seeing them in my college earlier. But seriously only I could be oblivious to the existence of popular guys in our college. I now wish that I kept up with the gossip so I wouldn't have faced with this situation.

If I knew they were in this college just may be I wouldn't have been rude with them. At least I would not have blurted my ideas about them. This is going to be a serious issue. I didn't think about it then as it was very sudden but now that I think about it seems very biased. I mean I don't them for god's sake, just an incident and I am judging them. Oh my God! What happened to me seriously! Our's is a big college so hopefully I won't be facing them.

I walked to my college and soon it came into my view. It is buzzing with life as usual. Everyone and everything is so peachy except me and my situation. Deep breathes Astrea. Deep breathes. Nothing will happen. Everything will be fine as usual. You will go to classes, listen to lecturers and go back to your job, that's it nothing more, nothing less.

I started walking with my head held high but couldn't keep it high longer because as soon as people saw me there was a silence at first and them more chatter. I lowered my head but I could sense all the stares I was getting. I never thought reaching my locker would take this much time. Luckily my locker is at the corner and I placed my head in the locker feeling tired. I don't think I will last long if just the walk to the lockers proved tiresome.

I sighed cause I can't stay in this locker forever though I really wish I can. I got my head out with my books and turned a little left to find the courage to go to my classroom but got a shock. There's popular no.2, Kidou I guess, to my left just closing his locker. Was his locker next to mine all this time? He looked at me and I am sure my face showed pure shock and horror. He raised his eyebrow and smiled amused.

That got me out of my shock and my immediate response was to back away him and just my luck I backed away into someone and heard the thud signaling that I knocked down his books. I turned immediately and picked the books. I stood up to apologize but the words got stuck in my mouth and I stood there with my mouth open again. You guessed it right. There is popular no.1 with his hands folded and a glare set towards me.

I gulped hard. When did my luck turn this bad? Starting from the pervert in the airport all I am ever facing is bad luck. He will be so dead if I ever face him again. Or is it just a misunderstanding with him and because of behaving bad with him that I am facing all this bad situations. Ugh! My mind started to create some stories too.What to do? What to do? He is glaring at intently. He has this green beautiful eyes. If only he didn't glare at me they would look even more beautiful and I would have to admit he is good looking too. So good looking in fact. Just a small smile here instead of the straight lips and he would be the no.1 model in the world not he is not if he didn't smile. I now understand why he thinks every girl is after him. But seriously I wouldn't stoop so low as to fake a slip and kiss him. Character comes first than looks and riches.

Bloody hell! What am I blabbering? How can I think about his looks when he is glaring at me so fiercely. My lips twitched awkwardly into a smile and I put my hands forward to offer him his books. Out of all the people to knock into why do I always choose him? Why? Oh why? He stretched his hands and took his books rather forcibly all the while looking me in the eyes and glaring at me. I squeaked a small sorry which is barely audible even for me and ran away. What I wished never to face, I faced it the very first thing in the morning. Great! Just great!

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