Chapter 73-Teasing

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I felt myself waking up and am glad that for the first time in three days I wasn't woken up rudely by someone. That too at ungodly hours in the morning. I rested well and had enough sleep. A smile crept onto my face in satisfaction and I stretched my body lazily turning my head to the side but my smile faltered and I stopped mid-stretch as soon as I saw who  was lying beside me my tormentor and the master Gouenji. He is lying on his side with his head propped on his hand watching me.

"You look cute almost like a cat stretching."

My face scrunched up with confusion. Was that supposed to be a compliment? How am I supposed to know whether it is or not when I never saw a cat stretching?

"Good morning! Slept well?" He said drawing me near him and kissing my forehead.

"Yup! I did and none woke me up early thankfully."

"I was waiting for you to wake up. It's almost noon you know."

I looked at the clock and true enough it was. It's 11:50 a.m.

"Don't blame me. I was woken up early straight three days and not to mention you didn't let me sleep last night." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I let you sleep by midnight."


"I don't remember you complaining last night. In fact you were so into it and asking for more."

"That wasn't it!" I denied blushing though I know he is true. I dug my own grave I guess.

"Your blush says it all!" he answered chuckling. "You need not deny because I loved it, especially your moans." I better escape before he starts some digging deep. What can I say? You should always be on your toes when you marry, I mean decide to marry, a prodigy like him who knows how to get what he wants.

I sat up but not before ensuring that I am covered with the blanket. I remember crystal clear what happened yesterday night which would be better if I forget quickly because I don't want to sport a blush all day. I looked around the bed to find my clothes which were discarded along with his. My clothes were thrown far away from the bed almost to the edge of the elevation which is basically half of the room. To get my clothes would require me to walk and get them.

Gouenji threw them quite far which is very unnecessary if you ask me. His shirt was just beside the bed and to my side. I think my choice is clear which wearing his shirt and the shirt would basically reach mid-thigh so I took and wore it. While buttoning the shirt I could feel his eyes on me with a smirk.

I sighed realizing that this is also his plan. There is no need to ask him to confirm. He wanted me to wear his shirt in the morning and threw my clothes away on purpose and his shirt just beside the bed on my side. See, this is also one of the down sides of marrying a prodigy like him. They plan so that they get what they want. I remember him saying that he liked me in his clothes and wanted to see me again I guess which ended in the present predicament.

I wonder how his brain worked in that situation because for me my brain was fogged and stopped working, all I could do was just act on my emotions and instinct trying to feel him and craving him. But what would he have done if I chose to cover myself with the blanket instead of his shirt? When I finished buttoning my shirt he pulled me by my waist startling me and placed his head on my lap hugging me.

"I like you in my shirt!" He mumbled.

"Which is why you made it your aim to throw my dress far away." I answered rolling my eyes not needing his conformation.

"You know me well." He smirked. "Be glad I let you have my shirt."

"Considering it is you that I am dealing with I should be glad I guess." I sighed playfully. "Let me go now. I need to bath." I said trying to get away from him.

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