Chapter 59-Ring in the Dessert

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My already haywire thoughts went further haywire making my head spin

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My already haywire thoughts went further haywire making my head spin. Even the best desert of this hotel that Gouenji claimed to love so much doesn't appeal much to me. It's frustrating! The desert looked so good but it tastes so bland and I know it's not the fault of the desert or the chef but mine. I can't enjoy anything as of now. I feel a headache brewing with all the incoming questions.

I put another spoon of this desert in my mouth mechanically and I felt something hard, very hard. What? I thought expensive hotels take care of hygiene very well but it doesn't like it. How did I get a stone in my desert? And by the feel of it, it is a big stone. I felt very disgusted and since I can't make the other feel gross I took out the stone, which as I feel now is of unique shape, into my hands and when I observed it since it glittered, it is not a stone. A ring! Period!

Furious! That is what I felt! Furious at Kidou. Why? Because Kidou is the one responsible for this. He told me, or rather our gang except of course G that he wants to propose to her and make her his as quickly as possible. They faced enough struggles and it is high time that they get married and live together. I am actually very fond of that idea but not now exactly when the engagement ring with which he is supposed to propose ended up in my dessert.

I think this was supposed to be the classical scene where G finds the ring in her desert and before she realizes what is happening Kidou will kneel down by her side proposing to her with cheesy line and ever lasting promises and G agrees with tears in her eyes very much so happy to get proposed by the love of her life and they live happily together ever after.Nice story right? No!

Not when the ring ends up in my desert and if I was a little more dazed to not notice it I would have swallowed and choked myself to death or if by chance manage to swallow it without choking then I should get undergo surgery to bring that bloody damn engagement ring out! How dangerous is that? Very, very dangerous. I am glad I spit it out. I read this classic scene of proposal in books several times but I never realized the danger it contained. It should have mentioned-'Caution, when tried in real life it might even end in the death of a person'.

I noticed Gouenji's gaze on me. I think he sensed my discomfort and the death glares I was projecting at Kidou who is very busy flirting with G now, not noticing that his proposal ring is with me now. How am I supposed to tell him without ruining the surprise for G? And isn't it his responsibility to make sure that the ring ends up in the correct dessert.

"Is everything okay?" Gouenji asked me finally when he had enough of my death glares, of course not pointed at him but Kidou who still didn't notice my subtle signs to grab his attention. To hell with surprise! That's what you get for being careless and almost ending my life.

"Yeah, yeah." I nodded absent mindedly at him.

"Kidou!" I called him sweetly, very sweet in fact that I can practically detect the sugar dripping.

"Yeah." He responded bewildered at my tone.

"May I know what is this?" I asked in a deadly calm tone showing him the ring in my finger.

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