Chapter 24-Truth Machine Version 2.0

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I was in the hospital for a week. Even though I said I was fine they kept me in the hospital for observation. 'They' here doesn't refer to the doctors but my friends. Yeah, even doctors said I was all fine, ready to go home except for my fractured leg. But Gouenji insisted I stay there to monitor my brain activity further to ensure no future dangers and the doctors agreed. Why wouldn't they when a Shuuya is saying so and they are paying you a lot? He even checked my CT scans and all other reports and talked with the doctor. I checked the reports again wondering what he could read from them. What all I could see were some meaningless numbers, scans showing my brain shape and whatnot names. What he understood from that I didn't know. By the level in which he was discussing with them one would think he is one of the team but he is a business major. His stream is entirely different from that.

When I asked him about it he answered like this:

"I studied it a little to decide whether to become a doctor or not." I wonder what 'little' meant in a commoner's dictionary like mine. "I felt that it is much like remembering facts more than innovating. Of course there are more areas to research and a lot more diseases to cure. Technology felt much more interesting to me. People have diverse views and that is what I think. Growing in a business environment could also be the reason. I went to my father's office from my childhood. I liked that environment."

So I was discharged from hospital after a week. My father couldn't stay more than a week. It was already tough to get a week leave since he is a busy surgeon. I sent my mom too since I am all fine and dandy. If doesn't cared for my dad will spend all day at hospital and doesn't even care about his meals and sleep neglecting his health despite being a doctor. So I had to send my mom too. My mom and dad refused but Gouenji assured them that he will take care of me. I called my part-time explaining my situation and that I couldn't come for at least a month. I will rejoin if they have a spot for me or else search for a new job.

That day morning Gouenji came to my apartment and we went to college in his car despite my protest. It is a 10 minute walk so a ride is not needed. Aram arranged meals to be delivered at my home for breakfast and dinner. He brings lunch to college. I am not allowed to eat cafeteria food. Till I am well and healthy I have to eat the food he arranged which they make sure is nutritional for me and add medicines for me too but luckily they don't have bitter taste so I eat without complaining. I swear I gained a minimum of 5 kgs in this month.

Uh yeah it's been a month since that day and my cast is off. We have a long weekend this time, so I figured I would go home. Today is the last day before holidays and what else I missed? Oh! Daniel too joined in our little team. I think I can say he no longer hates me. He studies and tries in the music industry simultaneously. He is another stoic and silent person in our group but I am proud to say that the one or two words he utters per week is to me. Of course he talks to others but to me the most. Ha! Ha! I managed to win over a person. 

Coming to winning over a person, another shocking news is that instead of me carrying Gouenji's bag he carries mine now. I think I should be grateful since at first he was very adamant about carrying me through the college. Princess style. I begged him and begged him and finally he agreed!  Thank god for that or I wouldn't have been able to lift my head in college and my female haters would have increased at my proximity with him.

He says because of the fracture I shouldn't carry heavy things but he wouldn't let me carry anything except a pen. Yeah, I am talking literally not figuratively. When I said that it was not heavy he didn't listen so I asked him what I am allowed to carry he placed a pen in my hand and told me to carry it since I was feeling bad. Yeah, he did that. Not just that he helps me studies too, covering the missing portion and anything else. He is really a god in disguise! A master! When he taught me I came to know that his knowledge is even vaster than I imagined. He knows everything about technology, even its history including when and who invented even the minutest of technology and its changes. I officially declare him the master of technology.

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