Chapter 76-Dare

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Graduation day is fast approaching. G is having the time of her life after returning from her honeymoon.(They had to postpone their  honeymoon for three days because I did a good number on Kidou and Fidio was worse because he was my main target) They are still in honeymoon phase and I don't think that they will ever come out of it. They are very happy and it's good but sometimes it gets too much to watch them. But I guess I can bear it if it means they are happy. They are not as forward as Fidio and Lillian I guess.

Speaking of them Lillian is making him pay dearly. Sometimes I feel sorry for Fidio but the again I tell myself he deserves it. I even warned him but he had to act as a hypocritical idiot. But still they are happy together. Even though Fidio appears irritated or  frustrated he is still in love and happy. That is just a front he is putting up because of his ego or manly pride to put it nicely. All the couple's are happy with their silly fights. Aram is in good health too and his recovery was fast.

As for me I guess you should say I am happy...........? Gouenji is having his full on revenge on me even now. Prodigies don't forget. At all. That day he acted normal, being all nice, taking care of my hangover. I thought for once I am safe but nope! Nada! I strongly pity the people who even try to make Gouenji as their enemies. Fighting with a fire spitting dragon and coming out alive victorious is more probable than escaping him.

If you ask me what his revenge is...........he is............ I mean......... I really don't know how to explain this. If I say it loud people might laugh out loud saying that is normal for couples and I am overthinking things but I am definitely NOT overthinking or crazy. I know him and it IS his revenge. I named his revenge plan as slow poisoning. That is the perfect way to describe.

In slow poisoning you get injected with small amounts of poison regularly, slowly increasing the dosage until it finally leads to your demise without anyone noticing a thing. The same with me. This is absolute torture I say. Absolute sweet sickening torture.

The night I got drunk to put it in simple terms I bet Fidio and Kidou black and blue; seduced the heck out of Gouenji(Yup! I agree, no matter how much I want to disagree or act oblivious I seduced him and THEmost important thing is he was seduced) and slept like a baby. 

What a great way to bring misery upon myself! I never let myself live peacefully! Nope! I had to do something and wake up the inner beast in Gouenji. Yeah, a beast. I agree even before he was sort of a beast but now I can see it clearly coming out.

Maybe he thought the best way to get back at me was to do the same thing I did. Tease the heck out of me. Who am I kidding? He is seducing me. On a daily basis. So each and every moment I am on edge not knowing when I will be attacked. He doesn't have a time schedule and that boy, no that man can appear out of thin air.

It could start early in the morning or when I think that I escaped today successfully he appears to finish his daily quota of revenge. And just because I was teased once in a day it doesn't end because I don't know how how many times he wants to play with me. Did I mention it could happen at  any time and any place? We could be alone in a room or in a conference in his company.

He makes me squirm in my place while none has no idea of what he is doing to me. We two would be the only one to know and he would be sitting there all innocent with a poker face on and I can't complain to anyone because none would understand. From the starting itself I was his personal entertainer and he took great pleasure in my misery and now........

As I said like slow poisoning it slowly started with small pecks and innocent touches which slowly escalated to make out sessions and full on groping( Don't worry, still on PG level but that man has ways to get me twisted).

And that is not an increasing graph too. One day he would be full on making out with me, french kissing or whatever simply put heavy thing and the next day he could resort to innocent pecks. He is unpredictable and complex. 

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