Chapter 33-Fake Girlfriend

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The next day college was a big fuss. No, the thing about Aram is still a secret. He wanted me to keep it a secret. He doesn't want others to know about it. I told him I will keep it within me. It will remain a secret until he wishes to unveil it. I will leave it to him. Moreover I don't have the heart to tell others about this heart breaking news. I even don't know how to reveal it.

After returning home I almost stayed indoors crying. As soon as I reached home I was about to go in and cry heart out but Dannon came out crawling sticking to my legs. I gave him a sad smile and picked him up and went inside locking my room and cried hugging him. Poor Dannon couldn't understand what to do! His presence soothed me a little.

The ever observing Gouenji found something was wrong with me. He asked me what happened but I just stayed quiet. I found everything depressing and a stoic expression adorned my face. As of now nothing can move me. He too found that something was wrong with Aram but said he was fine after we returned and something was wrong with me now. I wondered if he knew that something was wrong with him and that was why I wanted to go out with him and know what happened. Why did he suggest that he come with us? Oh! I got it. He too wanted to know what is wrong with him but it is not like him to ask what is wrong. He cares about everyone though he doesn't show it.

"I asked him what's wrong but he always said nothing." He said shocking me.

I guess he can go against his nature for others but what can he do if Aram doesn't want to say. He was pissed with me finally. I unconsciously adopted his stoic face and non-responding nature staying silent whatever he asked making him very furious. But I didn't do it intentionally. My heart became unresponsive and nothing seem to draw a response from me.

Leaving all that behind the fuss we are talking about is because of a photo. Yes, a photo someone took a photo of me and Aram yesterday. Those photos were misleading. There were two photos, one of him hugging me and the other him kissing my forehead, sitting at the shade of the tree in a side hug. Those photos didn't show our faces clearly making it unable to see my tearful face and hence the fuss.

I was asked about the relation between us but I couldn't answer keeping in mind what he asked me yesterday. If I said it was nothing like that how am I supposed to act like his girlfriend? But then again I couldn't find it in me to lie to them so I kept quiet looking blankly at them without replying and doing my work. My unresponsive face seems to be helping me a lot with this. All this fuss added to Gouenji's temper. I feel like walking next to a ticking bomb which might explode any minute now.

Our table is eerily silent and I ate in my stoic style which seemed to confuse my friends further.

"So, that photos." G started.


They looked from face to face.

"You are together with him?" I looked blankly at this. I can't lie to my friends so I am leaving it to you. After all it is your plan Aram! Fix the shit yourself!

"Is it that hard to believe?" Aram answered.

Suddenly we heard a loud bang and Gouenji stood up his hands clenched very tightly, making us all look at him.

"I have to make a call." He said and I nodded returning to eating but the others gulped looking at him. I can see a deadly aura around him. Something seemed to piss him off. Is it the business? Who knows? I shrugged internally. And even though I don't want to admit his look at me it feels as if he is accusing me. Did I do something again?

"I know that is not the truth." G said banging her hands on the table after Gouenji left. What is with people and banging tables today? First Gouenji and now G? Next who? "You don't love him." I love him like my brother. Does that count? "What are you trying to do? Making him jealous to bring out his true feelings? If so let us know. You know I am staunch supporter of you two's relation so you have to let me in this plan." Sorry staunch supporter. This is no plan to make anyone jealous.

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