Chapter 77-Ken

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I ran like my life depended on it. That idiot! I don't know what he is thinking! How can he do that to me? After all we went through! I was there with him, gave him my support, loved him but he did that to me! I really want to slap him! May be I should! He will not know what hit him! And there he is standing as if he achieved something, smiling victoriously with his teeth out like an innocent toddler! Just wait till I get my hands on you. I will wipe that smile off his face. In no time I was there before him and slapped him. Hard.

"Ouch! What was that for!" He answered clutching his cheek which would obviously be throbbing. It better be because my hand is red and throbbing with pain.

  Our voices were low enough so that only we two were the one who could hear. I am not high on getting other people involved in my business and he knows that very well, sometimes he takes light of that but he knows not to mess with me in this situation so he kept his voice low.

"You know what it was for. How could you do that to me?"

He still had the gall to smile at me like nothing happened.

"You!" I grabbed his collar dragging his face to my level and glared at him fiercely. 

"Okay! I am sorry Astrea!" He said raising his hands in surrender.

"You think that is enough?" I asked raising a brow.

"I know it is not enough but you knew about it right?"

"That doesn't give you the excuse to do what you did!" I shouted at him.

"I know. I am sorry. I really am. But I wanted to do it on my own."

I sighed not knowing what to do with him. I would be lying if I said I didn't suspect that he would do such a thing. He was always like that. Wanting to do everything on his own even though I told him he need not do things on his own.

"I didn't want to depend too much on you. You were always coddling me."

"Are you still on that? It was never like that. There is nothing wrong with taking a little help from your friend. We knew each other from diapers time and we were always together, attached at the hip. What is wrong with me being there for you when you needed? Should I have left you like others did?"

"No! It's not like that kitten! If you left me like others did I am positive that I would have taken my life long back." My glare at him intensified at that. "So I am glad you were with me. I just wanted to do you proud."

I pouted knowing I can't stay angry with him long. Especially after four years of no contact.

"Did you do me proud?"

He grinned again showing his teeth like posing for a tooth paste advertisement. I sighed and smiled at him unable to resist.

"Yay! So you are no longer angry with me right baby girl?" He shouted, all regard to keep his voice low gone since I am no longer angry at him. I don't why but seeing his cheery attitude after such a long time made me chuckle heartily. He lifted me in his arms and spun me around like he used to do in the past, often to annoy me or when he was superb happy. I laughed out loud along with me, not resisting like I used to because even though I won't admit out loud to him I missed his moronic antics.

But my happiness didn't stay long since he is still spinning me around making me feel dizzy.

"It's enough, stop it! I feel dizzy." I said clinging to him. "Unless you want me to puke on you." I added making him put me down quickly but I was still in his arms since he resorted to bear hug me.

"I missed you so much baby girl."

"You are telling like it was my fault when it is yours." I grumbled.

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