Chapter 30-Trust

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"Do you really think you can rape me at the isolated side in the west of ***** college in ****. Since you say you know me why not go to my apartment after the college to have some good time."

I tried saying those words as seducing as I can but the thing is first of all I don't know how to seduce and especially when I am in pain all over. Basically I said those words gritting my teeth trying to fight against the drowsiness. I have to buy enough time or else I won't be saved in time. Please believe my words and leave me saying why not? Will that be too much to ask?

I think my condition is serious since I can see Gouenji coming from the ground. Was my head injury serious to cause such serious hallucinations? It would be great if he is really here to save me but if arrived at wrong timing my words can mislead him and he will hate me forever. He already hates female species as it is and if he hears me he will never see my face again. I don't think it is a dream since Gouenji is still coming to me fastly and very furious than I ever saw him. He looked like the devil himself making me shiver in fear.

Olivia appeared smirking. She is here too? I closed my eyes and reopened it to look clearly and there is an entire crowd here. What is going on?

"So, guys I hope you enjoyed the show. True colors of Destiny revealed for all of you to see! Her true intention and her plans behind the curtain. Outside so innocent, doesn't know anything, acting all innocent and naive to capture the interest of rich kids and then have them wrapped around finger, enjoy the luxurious life that follows behind. Perfect plan but alas! It's revealed!"

What nonsense is this! I don't mind you planning something like this but do they really have to use such brutal force and harm in real. If I knew this was an act, I wouldn't have uttered such words which I thought would buy me time but now, what would they think of me? I said those words with my very own mouth, now even if I beg them to believe I don't think they would! Don't mind them! Let them believe what they want! This is so much better than being raped. I can't do anything to make them believe in me. I looked at Gouenji and found him shaking with fury and approaching us in long strides. I said I don't mind anyone's certificate of character in my life but I don't want my friends to think bad of me. Especially Gouenji! They became my treasure! I don't want to lose them! All this time I spent with them is really precious to me. I don't want to lose them. Will I really have to let go of them all? Will they think I am using them all this time? Tears flowed from eyes at this horrible thought! I am going to lose them all!

Gouenji clutched Robin by his shirt, turned him around and held his neck.

"How dare you?" He gritted and punched him square in his face.

"What are you doing?" Olivia interrupted. "She is the one who did wrong!" She said pointing at me. "Why are you punching him?" She shrieked.

"Shut up!" Gouenji shouted glaring at her. He is so furious! He pushed him aside punching him hard that he knocked out cold and came face to face with her.

"Why are you doing this to her? What is it that you want?" He said moving towards her shouting and she started moving back in fear.

"You put him up to do this didn't you? You planned this attack and he obliged since his ego was bruised earlier and he wanted revenge. How can you do this? I swear if you do something like this again I will kill you!"

Gouenji yelled making me surprised. He believes in me? Even though I said something that will make everyone believe in Olivia, he believes in me?

"Why are you shouting at me? Didn't she admit to give him a good time? She is the wrong one here!" She shrieked!

"I know who's wrong and who's not! I know what you do and what you did just now. That kind of character is yours not hers."

"But she just admitted!" Olivia shrieked.

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