Chapter 71-Aram

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My patience started dwindling and I started moving to and fro of the door, waiting for someone to come out of the door and give me some news. It's been close to eight hours but those doors remain closed. Do operations really go this long or is it too complicated for it to take this much time. Just when I was go crazy with the mental tension the door opened making me turn to the door with rapt attention.

"Doctor." I called him going to his side and looked at him with hope.

"Operation is successful." The doctor said making me smile and sigh in relief. "But.." He continued making my smile disappear immediately. 'But' is always dangerous, whatever comes after 'but' is never good.

"We need to keep him under observation for 24 hours. While removing the brain tumour we gave him high amount of anaesthesia. The tumor was removed successfully but we can't say that he is safe. Brain is very complicated in its working and even when we think that everything is alright sometimes things get complicated. So we have to wait until he gains consciousness. He needs to gain consciousness within 24 hours or else there are high chances that he will slip into a coma. If he does slip into a coma, you know what happens. We can't say when he will wake up, it might take days, months or even years."

"Can I stay with him?" I said clenching my hands.

"Sure! That might even help him gain consciousness. You can stay with after we shift him to his room." He answered leaving and I fell to my knees unable to stand anymore. Turns out I am very weak and can't bear such a thing! Isn't the operation a success? Aram did his part in staying strong and right now he is fighting for his life and I am crying like a pathetic person? I don't think Gouenji will appreciate this. He would want me to stay strong. With that thought I gathered my strength and stood up without crying, I am strong and I will be strong! For Aram, for Elena and for all my friends.

I sat in the chair and waited patiently without crying while Aram was being shifted. When I received the permission to go in I stopped momentarily before the door not wanting to go in and see Aram on hospital bed. No, I can't do this! I decided that I will be strong for him! He needs my support and I will give him that. I will help him in any way I can! Taking a deep breathe I opened the door and went in closing the door behind me.

My breathe got struck seeing Aram all wired up with heart monitors and the intravenous drips. There are wires all over his chest and he has the breathing mask on. I didn't know whether to think of the constant beeping as a boon or curse, boon since it indicates that he is very much alive or curse because we need to use that. I closed my eyes and imagined what Gouenji would do if he came in with me. He would hug me and give me the strength to move forward. Imagining his warmth, hopeful looks of Elena and Aram's smile I gained strength and moved forward to sit at his bed side.

I gave him a warm smile even though he can't see it. I reached out to his hand and held it lightly to indicate that I am there with him.

"Congrats Aram! I knew you could do it! Operation is a success you know. I knew it would be. You did well. Now all you have to do is fight over the darkness and wake up. I know that you can do that too. I will be sitting here and waiting by your side to see you open your eyes. I know you can and you will. But don't make me wait long! Got it?" I asked him and held onto his hand waiting for him to wake up. I observed him looking for any signs of movement for around four hours but still there was none. Still I wasn't depressed but held onto his hand waiting patiently. I know Aram is doing his best. It would be injustice to ask him to do it in a minute. He needs some time and I will give him that.

After another fifteen minutes there was slight movement in his hands making me smile. I knew he can do that. I held his hand applying just a little more pressure whenever he moved a little to encourage him and to tell him that there is someone with him waiting for him eagerly. I also encouraged him with soft words and telling him that he is doing well. He even tried to open his after five minutes. Finally! Finally after six hours from the operation he opened his eyes. I displayed a wide million watt smile to him. "You did it Aram." I said my voice barely above a whisper.

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