Chapter 39-Fidio

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Dannon is playing on my desk with his little toy silently not disturbing me. Sometimes he demands for my concentration and when I look at him and give him a smile or say some words he settles again. He makes a fuss if I don't spend time with him but with the busy schedule we have I got no time to allocate to him specially.

It is as I expected so I arranged one of my friends bring him here and leave him with me along with some toys, baby food, few extra clothes and diapers. I even got myself a baby sling. He plays on my desk silently or sleep in the cradle that is beside my chair or if I have to move around to monitor things I make him sit in the baby sling and bring him with me.

Gouenji first smiled amused at this, the arrangements I made for him. I found that Dannon is quite attached to him and he too treats him like his son. Some, no most people mistake me for his mother. I softly say no and leave with a smile. I think I am treating him like my own son.

But the credit doesn't belong to me. He has this power to wrap me around his little finger and make me dance to his wishes. He is this cute little guy. I miss playing dress up with him. After starting as his care taker I used to buy various outfits for him and dress him cutely. Lately I am not able to do that. I have to do it and add to my collection of Dannon. I mean after dressing him up cutely I take a photo and store it. I will make it into an album later as I said earlier

Today Fidio and G came here to hand me Dannon. That is weird since Fidio doesn't like G in general and G distances herself as much as she can when it comes to Dannon. It makes me wonder why since she is the mother as far as I know. Her behavior makes me doubt if I am wrong about it. Any ways no time for all that drama now. We don't have enough time. Things are going well but very hectic.

The futons I got proved very useful and I had to rent more of them. Lunch delivery idea was a hit too. None of them go out, they don't have time actually. Everyone almost stays in the office working late. I stay here too and we go back for an hour or so to take a bath and get ready. G got me professional wear but in the office I wear comfortable and simple office wear. Gouenji is involved in work that he doesn't eat if I don't remind him at least thrice.

I have to move now so I got on the baby sling and placed Dannon in leaving G there. For some reason she wanted to stay and I let her though I can't pay attention to her. I went around our team doing the required and I had to go to master's office so I went in knocking and found Fidio sitting there. Suspicious. Why are the two of them hanging around here? I shrugged leaving it aside and doing my work. When I was almost done with him I got a call from Lillian. Gouenji looked at me in question and I smiled apologetically and lifted the phone after finishing with him.

"Hello Lillian. Can you tell the matter quick? You know we don't have enough time." From the corner of my eye I could see Fidio tensing and his facial expression changing making me sense something is wrong. She sniffed on the line making my suspicions true.

"What happened?" I asked softly this time.

"I am going back to Boston." She sniffed again.


"I am done. I am giving up on this unrequited love. He will never love me. He will never change. I can't make him love me and give up on his playboy life." She said sobbing.

"Are you sure?"

"I am."

"Okay. Do what you think is best for you. I will try to get home to sleep tonight."

"Thank you."

"That's fine." I ended the call and glared heatedly at Fidio.

"Mind explaining what happened?"

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