Chapter 46-Press meet

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At the end of the month as per our schedule exactly at midnight a short clip of the video with a little hint of music was released in Social media and believe me when I say it's a big hit. Big D's reputation made it all work, his fans were so excited with his public appearance and Gouenji's appearance in this video added all the spice needed.

Media was shocked to find him in it and they were wondering the reason behind his appearance in the video when he denied any interview or never uttered a single word in reply to the ton's of questions aimed at him. Media is following him closely and trying to know the motive behind it. They are so excited and the no. Of person around our house increased ten times more.

The last promotional week was even more busy and everyone was moving around. We planned to release the short clip at midnight 12'o clock exactly to spice up things and big D's third musical CD with the promotional song as the main one will be released into the market the next day morning at 9:00 clock exact. Our little clip in the social media was a big hit, it got millions of views in just a night with tonnes of comments and people started standing in queue for the video at designated shops from 6 in the morning.

Game's theme song was the only one in which big D appeared, other songs in the CD contain only his voice with different scenarios like his previous two CD's. The first day's collection broke the previous two record crossing the total of the previous two amount. And that I say is a total success. I wondered how much it will make in total. Our company get's part of the profit since we are involved in its making. But of course the game is our main focus.

I was sure we will get a positive response but the tension still remains in the air. With the release of the cd, media got hint of what we were doing and great discussions were going on and the response was positive. The talk about the game was positive and it put me in good spirits. I hope this continues after the release of the game. After much discussion with the team we decided to release of our game "The Battle" the next day midnight.

I didn't really understand his idea of releasing things at midnight but we agreed. We want to put all our pieces out while things are hot. We won't let it cool down. While the topic of the musical CD and game was still out there making news we want to release the game and make another sensation. We wanted to give at least two days gap to let all the media talk about this but we relented to Gouenji's talk and believed in him and his idea was not bad too.

We just hoped everything went as we wished and sure things did for once, in fact even more than we hoped for. We released the game and the response for it was superb. Sales were on record level and our little company became famous overnight. Of course it is not luck but the hard work and effort of our master and company members and our joy on knowing the success of our game was boundless. The happiness you get when the thing you worked hard for becomes a success is beyond measure.

In a week the sales crossed record level and our company sitting as one of the world's best gaming company with "The Battle" as the number one popular game. The profit we got in a week restored what all Gouenji lost. That means we will get many times more as the time passes. What's important is that the company reached record level and its reputation is beyond measure. We are getting many calls congratulating us and many to buy stocks and form partnership.

After it is a big success if you think we can rest easy now you are greatly mistaken. We are still very busy and we have many things left to work on. A part of our team already started working on moving our company to a big place. Our current place is just on the ground floor and it won't be sufficient for future deals. The last Shuuya office is around 50 to 60 floors high I guess, I don't know the exact number.

Some suggest we buy a new office and I think why not we build a new office in this place, it's just I think we better design our own working place rather getting some place already built, some agree and some disagree. I too disagree with this idea even though I am the one to suggest it because it takes time to build a new one and the new one should be at least like the last one and planning the budget, buying materials and we have to make various other arrangement and all these involve a lot of work, if buying a new building it's just a one time deal and we get over with it. But is it really worth it?

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