Chapter 45-Big D

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"Okay then. I hope you got it all. With this the meeting ends now." Everyone packed and started dispersing to do the needed things. It's the last week of the month, the week for promotion and things are going as per plan. We will start the promotional video shooting today. The costumes G made for this were approved, we will leave to the studio in another five minutes and big D will get there directly.

"Astrea." Gouenji called.


"You will keep company to big D all the time he stays there for the shooting."

"What?" He closed his files and started moving away ignoring my question and I followed him dodging the others moving around.

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"I meant what I said."

"Why me? Last time he was here he was particularly awkward with me and I am not good at conversing with people."

"You are the only one who can keep him company."

"What?" And just like that he escaped into his office leaving me to suffer. Of course he is coming to the studio too to overlook things. Why can't he appoint someone else for this, better him. He is good at everything especially dealing with big people like big D.







We started for the studio in five minutes after doing little things and here I am moving around big D like a puppy. He is still covering his face. He went inside his cabin and got ready. I was about to follow him inside to see what's necessary and keep company but he ordered me to stay outside and like a faithful puppy I stayed out. After getting ready he came out still covering his face.

Why is he still covering his face? I know he is keeping his identity secret but does he really have to cover his face in such a suspicious manner everywhere he goes? Moreover isn't his identity going to be revealed with this album? Why is he still covering his face then? God knows why?

There are still little arrangement going on in the studio and hence he had to sit for a while and I sat beside him because I am the one who needs to keep him company and make sure he is comfortable. If I do something wrong and he goes away that's it. Total doom. We will lose a great promotional means. Do I need to talk to him? Better keep quiet. In plenty of words there's folly. So keep quiet and see if he needs anything.

"Have you heard any of my songs?" Big D asked starting a conversation with me.

"Yes. I did. They are very nice." I said very nervous.

"You know me before?" He asked me.

"I am sorry but I really don't. I just don't keep up with the news. But I heard your name from my friends. They are big fans of you and they really like your voice. You are a big sensation. Actually at one point of time I got irritated hearing your name everywhere. Whenever someone says music your name comes out."

"What do you think of my music?" He asked his eyes piercing me. His eyes looked familiar.

"They are nice. My opinion is not of high value since there are many popular songs which I don't like."

"I want to know what you think." He said serious again. His voice somehow sounds familiar or is it just that I think so. Recently I think every person is familiar but when I thought they were familiar I really did see them before. May be I am feeling so because I heard his songs.

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