Chapter 19-Embarrassing

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After the photo shoot we got a bigger car, since we thought travelling together would be fun. Gouenji in driver seat with me in the passenger seat, Kidou and Aram behind us, Robert and G behind them. I sulked in the car since no one listened to my pleas of deleting that photo and got it included in the album but no seemed to notice me sulking or they thought I am not worth being noticed. Either way I am sulking and dead tired. I am hungry too.

"I am hungry!" G said whining. 

"I am too." I said out loud. I decided to give into hunger rather than sulking. If I keep quiet my stomach won't be filled.

"There is departmental store at the side, stop there. These girls can get something to fill in their stomachs until dinner." Aram said. Gouenji nodded and stopped at the side. I and G got off and went inside the departmental store. We went our separate ways picking up what we thought is appetizing. Anything to fill my stomach until we can have dinner. When I came to the counter Gouenji was there and paid the bill despite my protest much to my dismay. I got in the car sulking again.

I took an almond chocolate granola bar and munched on it since I think they are nutritional and satisfy the hunger. Aram took the bag from me and Kidou too joined him to find something to eat that they like.

"I didn't know you were planning to have fun with him back in the room with this." He said showing me some random box I threw in.

"He likes it? I didn't know." I asked in confusion. Does he like it that much? But how uses chocolate to have fun? I mean we enjoying eating chocolate but I don't think fun is an appropriate word here. 

"Huh! Why not?" He smirked throwing the box at me. "Which guy on this earth doesn't like it?"

Is it an all famous chocolate that guys like? I really don't know anything about this world huh! What if I don't like it? After all guys like something strong and we girls like sweet things. No problem, I can give it to these guys then, after all they seemed to like it.

"I didn't know you were planning to have fun with him without telling us."

"I really didn't know that he likes it. Seriously! I just randomly threw it in since the cover looked like it will be tasty." I said but heard snickering in the background making me look back at them "And why are you guys laughing? Is it something that tastes absolutely bad and you are making fun of me?" I asked since all the ones in the car started laughing. Even the ever stoic Gouenji has a small smirk on his face. What is the big joke to make the Gouenji lose his poker face? It must be something big to get a reaction out of it.

"No, no." Kidou said trying to sober up. "Believe me when I say it is the best a guy likes in this world."

"Is it?" I said confused. The cover looked colorful and interesting and there were lemon, chocolate, mint and vanilla flavors. I took a pack of each one of the flavors. "Since you said guys like it so much you can share it with us. Just because I am sharing the room doesn't mean you are not welcome to join."

They burst into fits of laughter now. Gouenji's face looked serious with a frown but others laughed so hard clutching their bellies.

"Oh my God! I can't laugh anymore! Please! Not anymore!" G exclaimed trying not to laugh but couldn't control.

"I don't understand. What is funny about it? Did I phrase it to sound wrong? I am just offering this." I asked scratching the back of my head. May be something is wrong with the chocolate. I took the pack with vanilla flavor since it is my favorite and opened the box. There are small packets in it. I took one and it is in transparent polythene cover. There is circular rubbery kind of thing. I looked at in confusion.

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