Chapter 2

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"Tyler!!" Justin yelled running up to me . When he caught up to Jake and I, he stopped with his hands on his knees.

 "Give me a minute." He said in between breaths holding a finger up at us.  

"I thought that a beta was supposed to be fit." I told him patting his back. He growled at me and I chuckled at him. 

"Are you a wolf? Can I see your wolf? Oh, can I ride on your wolf?" Jake asked excited. 

"Yes I am a wolf. Her name is Luna. You can see her just not today." I told him with a smile. He jumped up and down from being so excited. 

"Clay!!!" Jake yelled looking around for him. He came running up with a black eye. I had to fight my wolf from running over to him and helping him. I felt my eyes start to glow. She may be an omega, but she sure is strong. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He nods at me. 

"You should see the other guy." He replied back. 

"That's my boy." Justin said with a smile and they did that weird man hug thing. I seriously don't understand why they can't just hug like normal people. Does it like hurt their pride or something?

"Tyler you zoned out again" Justin said snapping his fingers in front of my face. I smiled innocently. I stopped for a second and sniffed the air. 

"Rogues." I growled. I ran to the smell. If they think that I am such an easy catch, boy are they in for a rude awakening. I stop, smelling them all around. I turn to see four of them circling around me. 

"You know you really weren't that hard to find." One of them laughed. 

"I would kill you because your a waste of space with all of that air in your head. But, your so pretty that it makes up for the lack of your brain." I growled warning them to shut their trap before I rip it off their face. 

"Speak for yourself. You are idiots for coming after me when an Alpha and a beta is around." Their smiles dropped. 

"Where I don't see them." They all said laughing thinking I was joking. Just then I heard a tiny roar and I saw Jake come running out of the trees and he stopped next to me. 

"You even have a kid." They all laughed and I growled. 

"Jake what are you doing here. Didn't your dad teach you to stay away from rogues?" I asked him taking my eyes off the rogues. 

"Maybe, but I thought that since you ran to them that I should follow you." He said smiling. I smiled back and looked up in time to see a rouge lunging for Jake I jumped on top of Jake and shielded him taking the full impact. I stood up and growled at the rogue. 

"Jake run to Clay and stay away from the rogues." I told him and he nodded running away. Two of the rogues lunged at me, but I was ready and I stood my ground and jumped upwards kicking out both of my legs sending them flying into trees. The other two came after me snapping their jaws and spit flying everywhere. I kicked the first on the snout and the other one bit my leg. I yelped from the pain falling onto the ground. I heard paws pounding on the ground and Justin appeared with a slightly bigger wolf who is probably Clay. The black wolf, Clay knocked the guy off of my leg and Justin went after the one that I kicked in the snout. I shifted letting Luna take control. My leg healed and she walked over to the two that lunged at her growling lowly at them. They both attacked on opposite sides. Very dumb move. When they were close enough I moved out of the way making them attack each other. They stopped realizing that they weren't attacking me. Clay stood beside me and they both backed down whimpering lowly. He growled and then ripped both of their throats out. I walked over to Jake who was behind a tree and nudged him. He looked at my scrawny wolf and grinned hugging her. I smelled her. I smelled Jennifer. What is she doing in the woods. My wolf was on full alert. I ran after her smell with my nose to the ground. She has to be around here somewhere. I stopped when I saw the most beautiful wolf ever. Her fur is light brown and white. I sniffed the air. Holy guacamole. That is Jennifer. She looked at me just as shocked. It could have been that Clay walked up beside me with Jake on his back. I went behind a tree and found a shirt changing and putting it on. I walked out to see Justin and Jennifer dressed they were kissing and Clay was in basketball shorts covering Jake's eyes. I cleared my throat. They both looked at me and gave me a sheepish grin. 

"Well Jennifer and I are going to have a movie night, see you guys later, tomorrow. I don't know." I said waving and then took off running grabbing Jenifer's hand pulling her with me.

When we made it to my house I pulled her inside and locked all of the locks and then bolted it shut. 

"That's a lot of locks." She said eyeing me weirdly. 

"Yeah well safety first when the Alpha of rogues is after you." I told her walking into my kitchen and grabbing the beer from my fridge. 

"Why?" She asked me grabbing the beer from my hands. 

"Long story short he wants me as his mate." I told her rolling my eyes. 

"So you've see him?" She asked and I nodded. 

"He is old, his son is hot though, but that is all ruined by his personality. Now enough about him. What is going on between Justin and you?" I asked her and she blushed. 

"We kind of maybe mates." She told me and then squealed. 

"I can't believe that I'm mates with Justin. The Justin." 

 "Yeah well I can't believe that my best friend Justin got a mate as beautiful as you my other best friend." I told her and she scoffed. 

"He is hot. That would be H.O.T." She spelled out for me. 

"So, what' going on between you and Clay?" She asked me chugging her beer. I shrugged taking a sip of mine. 

"We may or may not be mates." I told her swirling my beer around. 

"Tyler!!" She shouted hitting me on the arm. "Why did you not tell me?" She asked her eyes growing twice their size. 

"Hey, I just found out earlier." She smirked at me. 

"He is hot too okay there I said it. Tyler you got one fine mate." She told me. 

"Jennifer!!" I shrieked. 

"What is this about Tyler's mate being hot?" Justin asked walking in. My mouth literally dropped to the floor. 

"How did you get in. Your brain can't even remember two plus two. How could you have broke in?" I asked him shaking my head in disbelief. 

"You gave me a key remember?" He asked me and I face palmed myself. 

"Idiot." He muttered grabbing my beer and gulping it down in one go. I growled at him and punched his shoulder. 

"For an omega you really do punch hard Ty." He told me and I growled louder at him. Not even a second later Clay walks in sweatpants. I literally was fighting my wolf from surfacing.

Let me have some fun!! She purred and I rolled my eyes.

Let me have some fun!! She purred and I rolled my eyes

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"Beer?" Justin asks and he nods. Justin tosses him one. 

"Thanks bro." He tells him popping the lid. 

"So what about Tyler's mate being hot?"  Justin asks eyeing Jenifer. She smiled innocently. 

"Hey I wasn't lying when I said BOTH of you were hot." She said smirking. Justin growled his eyes turning black. 

"Don't call him hot, you can only say that about me." He said grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the room. 

"So, Tyler. Let's play never have I ever." He said raising his beer and I nodded getting a new one. 

"Never have I ever went skinny dipping." He said and I drank. 

"Never have I ever met my parents." I said knowing that I got him. 

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