Chapter 10

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Andie Case as Charlie
"Great everybody is here." I tell my fifth period class. Most of the class is full of boys, but there are a couple of girls. Youngest of everyone being 16 and the oldest being 22. 

 "Alright everybody I want you to get into pairs to work together." I tell everybody. 

"Any questions?" I ask and one girl raised her hand. 

"How come I have never heard of a Luna Tyler or an Alpha Clay before?" She asks me and I smile. 

"That's because we just started a new pack. Anything else?" 

"Yeah, how old are you?" 

"22 years old. And I have experienced more than all of you combined. So don't give me the oh you shouldn't be teaching. Just at least give me a chance." I tell them and they all nod. 

"Alright first up is I want to know how well all of you can fight. Alright let me ask you if there is a pile of leaves under a tree and you stop on the leaves what will happen?" No body rose their hand. 

"No body. Geez...this is basic stuff guys on of you should know this." I tell them and a the girl raises her hand. 


"Charlie. Um...I think that you might become off balanced." She guesses. 

"Sort of correct. Yes you will lose balance, but you will slide over the leaves causing you to be vulnerable to attacks. Write this down because I will test all of you next Monday on this. Alright next question. When you are chasing after lets say a rogue how do you want to run?" I ask them and nobody raises their hand. 

"Guys you are supposed to know this stuff. This is simple material. Okay, unless you have done this before you wouldn't know." I grumble. 

"Alright you would need to run with your nose straight. So you can smell their tracks and if they are in a tree you can smell that too. Higher advantage." I tell them and they all nod writing this down. 

"Great let's see. Oh yes if someone is bitten by a werewolf what happens?" Charlie raises her hand. 


"Well it depends on how deep the bite is. Your saliva needs to mix into their blood stream to pass it to them." She tells me and I nod. 

"Correct. Now What are the three main things that we need to avoid?" I ask them and Charlie's hand shoots up. 

"Anyone besides Charlie." A guys hand goes up. 


"Zander. We need to avoid silver, wolf bane, and salt." He tells me and I nod in agreement. 

"Correct. Let's move on to the Moon Goddess."

Finally it's over. I am about to crash. Eight classes today. Eight different classes tomorrow. Oh boy. I pick up my papers and begin to get everything ready for tomorrow. 

"Um...Luna Tyler." Charlie asks walking into the room. 

"I have a question." She tells me and I nod with a smile. "What do I do if I'm going into heat?" She asks and I quickly shut the door. 

"Firstly you want to hide your scent form any male. Secondly your going to need pain meds. A lot of pain meds. Thirdly you will need your mate, but if you haven't found him yet that is okay." I tell her and she nods. 

"Can you help me?" She asks nervously. 

"Sure thing." She smiles and I grab my phone walking out the door with her on my trail.

Alpha rouge's mateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant