Chapter 7

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Angel above

I walk out of Xavier's room. Well more like our room because I have moved pretty much all of my stuff in here.  It wasn't intentional it jut sort of happened. Day after day I brought new clothes in there and then well, here we are. "Xavier." I groan looking at him. "What is it now?" He asks me. "It's three o'clock in the morning and we just went to the store what more do you want?" He asks me growing irritated. I growl at him. "I want pickle pancakes." I tell him with a smile.  "That sounds completely disgusting." He tells me rubbing his hands over his face.  I immediately stop walking when I hear a whimper. I look at Xavier and I run towards the sound. I halt in my tracks when I see a girl around my age laying on the floor in a pool of blood whimpering.I gasp and run over to her. I look at Xavier. "Get over here and pic her up. We have to help her." I shout at him. "But she could be dangerous." He tells me looking at her questionably. "Does it look like I give a crap?" I growl at him. He widens his eyes and picks her up. He takes off running to the pack doctors house. I run in front of him and bang on the door. "DOC!!! DOC!!! DOC OPEN THIS DANG DOOR BEFORE I KICK IT DOWN!!!" I shout banging my fist repeatedly against the door. He finally opens the door. "He looks at the girl and moves out of the way really quickly. " Set her on the table." He tells Xavier while he grabs his bag of medical supplies. Setting her down she whimpers closing her eyes signaling us that she's in a lot of pain. I mumble out incoherent words pacing around behind them. "Stop pacing!!" I hear doc growl at me and I stop and start biting my fingernails. "She's fine, now. She just needs to heal." He tells us and I sigh out in relief falling back on a chair.  "She just needs to rest. IS there a certain place that she is staying at?"  He questions and I curse. "We don't have an extra room right now. The nursery's and the new mothers along with their mates staying at the house its just been so chaotic." I tell him and he nods in understanding. "Plus we have neighboring packs staying here for right now." I tell him remembering my family reunion is tomorrow. "She can sleep in our bed for right now and we can sleep on the couch." I tell Doc and Xavier looks at me like I've lost my mind. "No!! Absolutely not. There is no way that I am doing that." He growls at me.

"Which couch are we sleeping on?" Xavier mumbles out and I grin in triumph. "There's only one here Xavier." I tell him rolling my eyes. He face plants on the chair and groans when he can't fit all the way. That's what he gets for being so freakishly tall. 

"Wake Up sleepy heads!!" I hear someone shout and camera's clicking

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"Wake Up sleepy heads!!" I hear someone shout and camera's clicking. I shoot up an get in defensive position because they just took my picture and I hate my picture being taken. I growl at Kace and my parents. "Nice bed hair sis." Kace says ruffling my hair. I growl at him and he sticks his tongue out at me. "I'm still pissed at you." I growled walking put of the room. "come on your seriously still mad about that." Kace whines and I nod. "It's not that big of a deal sis move on." I stop and turn round looking at him. "It might not of been a big deal to you, but it was for me. Not knowing weather or not I was going to be able to shift or not is a big deal for me. But, you can already shift and you don't know what it's like do you? No, and the one person that i wanted to be with me the whole day wasn't even there." I tell him a  tear slipping out of my eye. "So yes I'm still pissed at you. But it's not even that I'm pissed anymore. I'm just really disappointed." I tell him slamming the door to our bedroom. I scream seeing a girl sleeping on the bed. Holding my hand over my heart I remember the girl form last night. She jolts awake scooting away from me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you. You just startled me that's all." I tell her holding my hand out sh flinches. I take back my hand feeling hurt that she flinched. I won't hurt her. "Are you alright?" I ask her and she nods. I slowly walk closer to her while she brings her knees to her chest. "Can you talk?" "Yes'e" She answers me stuttering and shaking. I smile at her. "I'm Alaska." I tel her and she looks at me confused. "P..p...retty." She says her voice shaky. "Would you like to take a shower?" I ask her and her and she shakes her head. "I'm okay. I don't need to use the water." She tells me and I smile. "I insist. It's okay to take  a shower." I tell her and she smiles slightly. Wobbly standing up. I rush over to her side and she flinches when I touch her. "I'm okay." She whispers and I nod letting go of her. She makes her way to the shower closing the door softly. I hear a growl and I see Xavier's planned beta walking in with his eyes dark growling. I growl at him. "Don't growl at me." He growls. "I'm not growling at you." He tells me looking at the door. He walks over to the bathroom door and starts tot turn the knob. I smack his hand away and push him away from the door. "There is a girl in there. You  are not going in there." He growls at me this time. "Boy watch who you are growling at." I growl at hi and he growls louder this time. Xavier walks in on an intense growling fest. "What is going on?" he demands power crawling through his voice. His eyes flash red when he sees Jack growling at me. "Jack stop now." He growls lowly at his beta. He listens, but his posture still shows anger.  "Why are you growling at Alaska?" Xavier asks Jack calmly. How does he do that? I would be beating up his sorry butt right now if I was him. "Shes stopping me from seeing my mate." He growls looking at me. "Yeah well the poor girls taking a shower." I growl at him. My vision changes for a second and it freaks me out. What was that? I close my eyes and step backwards not liking it. "Are you okay?" I hear Xavier asks me his voice closer to me. I fell his arms wrap around me. "Whatever that was it was scary." I tell him and he starts laughing. "Babe that was your wolf trying to surface. She getting stronger." He tells me kissing my cheek. I open my eyes and visions back to normal. I hear a large sound come from the bathroom. "No you stay out here or I will eat you." I growl at Jack who backs away gulping. I rush into the bathroom and close the door. I see her on the shower floor crying. "Are you okay?" I ask her and she shakes her head crying harder. I walk into the shower with her. Did I mention that she has her clothes on? NO? Well she does. "You know when you take a shower your supposed to take your clothes off." I tell her and she nods her crying stopping. "This is the only way that they are washed." She tells me and I gag. "Take these off I'm going to bring you cleaner clothes." I tell her walking out of the bathroom.  "Jack bring me some of your sweatpants and a sweatshirt of yours." I tell him shutting the bathroom door. He smiles jogging out of the room only to return a couple of seconds later. "here." He tosses me the clothe and I catch them. I knock on the door. "I'm coming in!!" I shout opening it up. She stands out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body.  "Her are some undergarments and regular clothes." I tell her setting them down on the counter. "Anything else?" I ask her and she shakes her head looking down. "Cool." I tell her walking out and both Jack and Xavier fall on the ground when I open the door. "Get your butts off the ground boys." I tell them and I see the girl squeal backing away frightened. "Your scaring her guys." I growl at them and they look  at me sheepishly. "Get dressed." I tell her shutting the door. "What are you trying to do? Scare the poor thing to death? Because you sure managed to do that." I growl quietly at them. They both look down in shame. "Jack you may be her mate, but you can scare her away. She's scared as it is. So go downstairs and don't come back up here until I say its okay." I growl at them pointing to the door. As soon as they shut the door the girl comes out of the bathroom. "They're a little big." She tells me motioning to the sweatpants and sweatshirt." Is shrug in response. "I had Jack bring you some clothes. Plus I always find Xavier's clothes more comfortable. The bigger it is on me the better I feel." She chuckles nodding. She laughed. I made her laugh. I do a mental happy dance. She laughed. She laughed!!! Hey a chuckle counts. Right? Oh shush. "My name's Jasmine." She tells me holding out her hand. I smile at her taking her hand in mine. I can feel her flinch from the contact, but I ignore it. "Are you hungry?" I ask her and she nods shyly as her stomach makes a whale sound. "Whale call!!" I tell her and then start making weird noises. She laughs at me. Score!!! "Your funny." i smile nodding like a lost puppy. "Come on." i motion her as I open the door. I jump over the railing and land on the couch. Like  a boss!! She runs over tot he railing and sees me laying casually on the couch. "Oh my God that was so awesome!!" She yells dona t me and I give her a thumbs up getting of the couch. "You try." I tell her and she nods jumping off the railing and face planting on the couch. She starts laughing so hard I think she might pee. She stands up and follows me to the kitchen like that didn't just happen. She's too cute. We walk int eh kitchen to find Xavier and Jack with covered in ice cream and their moths full of it. "Guys what are you two doing? "I ask them raising my eyebrow at them." Xavier smiles ice cream making up his teeth. He runs over to me and picks me up in a hug. I start screaming. "Put me down!!" He finally does when I tell him he will have to sleep on the couch if he doesn't. I see Jack staring at Jasmine with black eyes. I walk over and smack him on the head and keep walking. He shrieks like a little girl. "idiot." I mutter under my breath tossing Jasmine a pack of Oreo's and chips. "Lets get this party started." I shout grabbing Xavier's hand and taking off to the game room here I plop on the chair. Xavier picks me up and then sits down placing me on his lap. I jump on the ground sticking my tongue out at him. I lay on my stomach next to Jasmine who is smiling like an idiot. "I think I just made my first friend." She tells me looking at me in the eyes. I smile and hug her. "I think I just made my first real girl friend." I tell her and she smiles kissing my cheek. I look over and Xavier and Jack holding beers in their hands talking to each other. "Bromance!!" I shout throwing popcorn at Xavier and Jack. They just have to ruin the fun by catching them all in their mouths. 

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