Chapter 15

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Nicki Minaj as Lorraine

Jessica's Point of View

I follow the ladies advice although I don't think that I was wasting my time talking to her. I grab some marshmallows, graham crackers, and some chocolate. I grin and run outside to the place where there's a place for a bonfire. I smile and snap my fingers and a fire starts. I pick up a stick and put the marshmallow on it. Goodie time!!! More like smores time!! 

"Can I join?" A girl asks sitting down and grabs the marshmallows. 

"Yeah sure." I tell her confused. 

"I was just asking to be nice." She tells me and I nod. 

"Jessica." I tell her holding out my hand. 

"Loraine." She tells me with a mouthful of marshmallows. I chuckle at her. 

"You know just because we are rouges doesn't mean that we are heartless. We don't kill for fun like everybody thinks. We kill for a reason. The difference is that we live freely." She tells me and I nod. 

"I know, I just wish y'all weren't trying to kill my sister." I tell her and she looks at me confused. 

"My sister's name is Tyler." I tell her and she looks at me surprised. 

"Tyler as in the daughter of Kyle's tormentors and they were the one that got him kicked out of the pack?" She asked shocked. 

"What?" I shout worry filling my mind. I never knew about this. But Tyler is innocent why go after her? 

"Why her though?" I ask her and she looks at me. 

"That's because his dad was a psycho and tortured her. Kyle was scared and thought that if he captured her maybe her parents would feel guilty. He never had the intention to hurt her." She tells me and I nod. 

"Well he better stop or I will kick his butt so hard that he will wake up in 3000." I tell her growling. 

"I like you." She tells me with a smile.


"Jessica." Kyle groans pulling me closer. "Stay here." He growls holding me against his chest. 

"I need to pee." I tell him and he reluctantly lets go of me and I run to the bathroom and pee. I walk back to the bed and lay down letting Kyle pull me closer to him. I breath him in and let sleep over take me.


I feel tingles rushing over my cheek. I open my eyes and see Kyle's bright blue ones.

"Good morning." He whispers and I smile up at him. His eyes linger over my lips for a little bit and then he looks back into my eyes. He leans down and kisses my forehead and pulls away. His eyes hold sadness, hurt, and most of all defeat. 

"What's wrong?" I ask him and he sighs shaking his head. 

"I'm going to take a shower." He tells me getting up. Immediately I miss his warmth. His touch.  I groan throwing the blankets off of me and stand up walking outside to try and find some clothes. I bump into someone and immediately mutter a sorry. 

"Jessica?" I hear the girl from last night ask. 


"Come with me let's get you cleaned up." She tells me grabbing my arm and walking me into a room. 

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She starts dancing to I think I'm in love and I burst out laughing

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She starts dancing to I think I'm in love and I burst out laughing. 

"Loraine?" A guy yells walking in and then he freezes. 

"How come you will dance for her, but not me?" He pouts and I start slapping my knee. Knee slap, that's a knee slapper. 

"Because you haven't earned it." She tells him. 

"Matt this is Jessica, Kyle's mate. Jessica this is my mate Matt."  

"Nice to meet you." I smile holding my hand out. 

"Nice to meet you too Jessica." He tells me shaking my hand. 

"Matt why are you trying to be serious. I am telling you. You can't." Loraine tells him with her hands on her hips. He chuckles and runs out of the room. 

"Go get your man." She tells me pushing me out of the room. I give her a questioning look. She just shuts the door on my face.  I walk downstairs because I smell bacon. 

"Bacon!!" I shout with a smile licking my lips. I see someone going for the bacon and I growl leaping on their back. 

"My bacon." I growl louder and the guy holds his hands up. I jump off and smile taking the whole plate full. 

"Kyle my man." He does this weird hand shake with him. I'm the awkward person int he background with a plate full of bacon with a confused look on my face.  

"Jessica? I've been looking everywhere for you." Kyle tells me and I smile sheepishly. He goes to take a piece of bacon and I growl going to take his hand off with my teeth. He looks at me confused. 

"I will submit to you, but I will not share my bacon." He looks at me confused. 

"My bacon." I growl taking one and eating it.  

"She jumped on my back dude. Listen to the crazy child." My eyes snap to his. 

"Who. Are. You. Calling. Child." I ask him my eye twitching. He chuckle and takes off running and screaming 'don't let the crazy lady eat me!!!'. I smile sitting down at the table. I smile eating my bacon. Kyle sits down next me chuckling. After I devour the bacon I put the dish in the dishwasher and walk upstairs.


I open my bedroom door and scream. Blood is everywhere. On the walls, floor, windows. Everything is covered in it. Kyle came running up the stairs growling. When he saw the room he wrapped his arms around me and blocked the bedroom from my view. 

"Let's go." He tells me picking me up and walking me to a bedroom. He knocked and a faint hello was heard. He opened the door and a gasp overtook the silence. 

"Kyle? What a surprise."  The cook lady said with a smile. 

"Jessica meet my mother." He told me and I smiled at the kind lady. 

"It's nice to see you again my dear."

"When Kyle was little you should have seen him." She told me laughing. "He claimed he wanted to be a turtle because they live forever. He actually made a turtle shell out of paper and tried to hid in it when he got scared. Funniest thing ever" She told me laughing. "Or this one time he saw his dad and I kissing. He thought that we had just completed the mating process. He started flipping out and screamed running away." She told me in between laughter. 

"I'm hungry." she announces to me and grabs my hand walking with me to the kitchen. 

We walked inside and our faces held shock. We saw the last person we expected to see there. 


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