Chapter 23

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Alpha Kayden above

Read the edited version of Chapter 22

I open my eyes to see Austin's arm draped across my body. I sigh out in relief that I'm not back at the orphanage. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and then banging on the door. 

"What?!!!" Austin groans turning over. 

"Kayden is here." Paris shouts opening the door up.

"Get up he wants to have a meeting with everyone." Paris tells us throwing clothes at us. I get up and flinch when my feet hit the cold tile. I take some clothes and put the sweatshirt over my tank top. I take my shorts off and put warm up pants on. I'm to tired to care that I just did that in front of Austin and Paris. I walk downstairs slowly taking my time because I'm still a little out of it. I make it down the stairs and then trip over the rug. I close my eyes waiting for the impact that never comes. I peek one eye open and see an unfamiliar face. I quickly stand up and step away from him. 

"Kayden." He states holding his hand out. 

"Laura." I take his hand shaking it. 

"You got a last name darlin?" He asks me and I nod. 

"Sure do, but you'll go running for the hills when ya hear it." I tease him walking into the kitchen. 

"Darlin  you're supposed to be in the meeting room." He tells me and I chuckle. 

"Well I'm hungry so shush." I tell him taking a bite out of my apple. I toss it to him and walk out of the kitchen to the meeting room across the hall. It's enormous!!!!

"Alright settle down." I hear Lucifer shout over all of the talking. 

"We are here for Kayden he is a new ally of ours. So please give a warm welcome for Kayden." He shouts  and whistles and claps are heard throughout the auditorium. 

"Sorry to wake all of you, but I need to some earlier because I have some business to get back to. I am very excited to be allies with you. I see many great things in the future." His voice booms through the room. Everyone burst out into cheers. I sigh and clap along with them. 

"I must get going." He shouts and then makes eye contact with me. He gets off the stage and goes through the crows to me. 

"Your coming with me darlin." He tells me and I shake my head.

"Hey babe. Kayden." Austin greets us

Kayden takes off running and then a black wolf comes back in his eyes shining bright red. I pet it and he purrs. Where did Kayden go? The wolf bites me and I take my hand back. The wolf whimpers before leaving. I scream as pain takes over my body. I lay on the ground my vision seems different. I look to the ground and see paws. What the!!! I look to see my stomach,, but see fur. Austin stares at me and I see a wolf in his eyes. I'm a wolf!!!!!!

5 years later

"Stop." I giggle when Dustin tickles me awake. 

"Dustin." I groan when he gets up.

"Laura." He groans right back as he shuts the bathroom door. I get up and put my robe on over my PJ's. I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen. I start to cook breakfast. My favorite bacon chicken omelets. 

"I smell something good." Dustin whispers in my ear wrapping his arms around me. 

"I know." I tell him cheekily and look up at him. He kisses me and then I chuckle. 

"Too bad none of its for you." I tell him wiggling out of his grasp. I put the omelet on my plate and clean the dishes. I sit down at the table and start to eat looking at my emails on my phone.

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