Chapter 11

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Cody Christian as Hunter

"Carly?" I asked as the six year old came into my classroom. She nodded her head. 

"Is there something wrong sweetie?" I ask her and she nods her head. 

"If I tell you will you not tell anyone?" She asks and I nod my head bending down to her height. 

"What's wrong sweetie?" She hands me some letters. 

"I keep finding these on my bed Luna Tyler." She tells me on the verge of tears. I pull her into me and she starts to sob into my chest. I pick her up and stuff the notes in my pocket. 

I walk her to my room and see Clay in there. He looks at me alarmed and I hand him the notes. Her eyes are puffy and red. She yawns and I lay her on our bed and she curls up falling asleep. 

"Tyler we have a big problem." He tells me and I get worried snatching the notes from him. 

"Holy Crap!!" I whisper shout. 

"Lock down the perimeter and shut the gates no one is to leave or to come in." I tell Clay and he nods in agreement. He walks outside to bark orders to everybody. 

Carly finally wakes up. "Hey honey how was your sleep?" I ask her and she smiles. 

"Better. What about the notes?" She asks me and I smile at her. 

"I am doing everything I can to prevent the Alpha of Rogues to get you okay." She nods her head shaking slightly. 

"Hey look everything is going to be okay." I whisper to her holding her to my chest. She nods tears wetting my shirt. I can't let her go through what I went through.

"Eat the food or I will punish you." His dark voice tells me and I shake my head no. "You have been a bad little girl." He tells me bringing out his whip. "It's time for your punishment little girl." He tells me.

"You are safe here." I whisper the words that I wanted to hear when I was with him. Her cries became whimpers which became heaving breathing to her slight snores. I set her down on the bed and walk out to the training field. I need to blow some steam. I wrap my knuckles and throw punch after punch. Each punch makes me become angrier. White hot anger burning through my veins. I see red throwing punch after punch. I growl and put all of my energy into the last punch sending the punching bag flying across the room and cracking the mirror. I heard clapping and I turned around. 

"Luna Tyler that was amazing." The kids in my fourth period told me and I nodded not wanting to snap at them. I grab my water bottle and drink some , I pour the rest on my head to cool me down.  I shake the water off and then walk out of the gym. I need to let my wolf out really bad before she snaps.

After shifting I started to run. I ran so fast that everything was just a blur. I growl stopping when I hear a twig snap. My ears are perked up so that I can listen, but my front end is low to the ground ready to take off. Growing lowly I hear another twig snap. I slowly walk towards the noise. There isn't any smell though. Nothing at all. Walking closer one of the rogues that attacked me the day I met Clay came out of the bushes. 

"I didn't peg you as a Luna. I don't even understand why Alpha wants you, but he does." Oh he picked the wrong day to fight me. I am angry. I growl at him my anger boiling over. He looks slightly taken back. 

"Is there an Alpha here?" He asks and I growl at him creeping closer to him. I leap when he is distracted and tear his throat out. Blood goes all over my snout and splatters my body. I shake it off and run back to the house. I hear someone scream and my wolf takes charge and runs to them like a true Luna. 

Alpha rouge's mateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin