Chapter 8

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Jack above

"Tryna break the chains but the chains only break me!!" Jasmine and I scream out the song lyrics dancing around.  "What's going on?" I hear my dad shout opening the game room door. I freeze and smile innocently. "How come you didn't invite me?" He asks and I squeal jumping into his arms. "I missed you." I squeal as he starts to tickle me. Laughing I try and swat at him to go away. He starts laughing and then I hear a growl. "Xavier sup." I tell him and he chuckles. "Hey Kyle." Xavier does a handshake thing with him. "Where's Maddy?" He asks him with a serious face which I burst out laughing at. "You...serious."  I laugh hysterically. I see my dad holding back a chuckle to which he fails. He burst out laughing. Somehow we all end up on the floor rolling around while Xavier just stands there staring at us with his arms crossed. "Haven't seen her today why?" My dad questions standing up. "I need to have a serious talk with her." He growls out as he storms away. "What crawled up his butt?" "Seriousness." My dad yells as we all burst out laughing again. 

"Hey mom." I hug her. "Hey baby girl its good to see you again. Your brothers ceremony is next week so yeah." She says enthusiastically clapping her hands. "I can't wait to go to the Bahamas and relax." She tells me day dreaming.  I snap my fingers in front of her face. "Mom can you take me to my doctor's appointment?" I ask her and she smiles nodding with tears in her eye. I grab her hand and guide her to the doctors because she looks like she's going to start jumping up and down and we don't need that. At least I don't. "Hello Alaska, Luna. The doctor will be right with you." The receptionist tells me and I smile. Good because I'm hungry right now and I would like to eat as soon as possible. "Alaska." The doctor yells. I smile walking over to her. "Right this way."

"Oh my God!!! Oh my God!! Oh My Freaking God!!" I mom yells jumping up and down at seeing my baby bump. Now she understands why I wear Xavier's shirts everyday. Okay well it might be for other reasons too. But...whatever. Don't judge me!!! "You have two weeks left. The baby is growing really fast." She tells me and I smile and then frown. Two weeks that's like two weeks from now!!! Oh dear Lord!! Baby Jesus help me!!!! "Come see me next week for an evaluation and then we can go from there." She tells me and I smile walking out. One two three dance party. 

Alaska does the dance moves below

"Stop that!!" My mom shouts and I stop looking at her smiling. "You're smiling." I tease her and she chuckles. "Let's go Alaska." She tells me and I nod sprinting out of there and running back to the pack house. "I'm back baby!!" I shout running through the door. I bump into someone and I stop and look up. "Uncle Ben!!" I shout hugging him. "What's up baby?" He ask me in a weird voice. "Where's Aunt Lindsay?" I ask him looking around. "Oh she's right there." He pointed to her with two kids crawling all on her. "Oh my Goodness. No. No. You didn't tell me you had kids." I tell him shocked he chuckles at me. He whistles and the boys come running with Aunt Lindsay following behind them.  "Jake and Ashton meet your cousin Alaska." Ben says with a smile. "Your that girl from Mighty Med!!" The kids shout with a smiles jumping up and down. I see Xavier walking down the stairs. He spots me, Ben, and Lindsay. He turns around and goes to walk away. Oh no he won't be getting away. I put a finger to mouth and I take off running. Jumping on Xavier's back he screams. Take that boy!!! I jump off his back laughing. Xavier gives me the stink eye and then it's like he remembers something. "I totally forgot about the doctor's appointment. Give it to me." He tells me with his thinking face on. "Two weeks." I tell him and looks at me with a smile. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me. He smothers my face with kisses. I hear Ben clear his throat and I turn around smiling. "Ben this is Xavier. Xavier this is Ben my Uncle." I ell him and he whines. "Why do all of your family members have to look so good?" He asks me referring to pretty much all of them. I smile and shrug. "Thanks bro. I do think I look good if I must say so myself." Ben says and then does a curtsy. "Where's your dad we have to tell him we've arrived." Ben says and I smile. "He's busy right now so let's go get some snacks." I tell him walking off. I quickly put a bun in the oven. "Hey guys I put something in the oven can you get it out for me?" I ask and Lindsay nods walking over to the over and pulling out the bun. "Why is there a bun in the oven?" She asks me and I shrug. "Guess." Once I said that her eyes widened. "You are not. Are you?" She asks me and I nod. She screams so loud I thought that my ear drums are going to burst. She jumps into Ben's arms and lands a big smooch on the lips. "Don't tell anyone though because I have a surprise." I tell her and she nods. Walking into the living room I see my parents, Tyler, Clay, Jake, Jenny, Crystal, Jason, Hunter, Charlie, Blake, Xander, their kid Frank. "Hey guys." I wave with a smile. "Here." I tell them handing each of them a gift. They look at me weird. "Open it at the same time." I tell them and they all nod tearing into the presents. I hear a couple of this won't fit me or how small do you think I am? Then I hear screams. Tyler runs over to me and hugs me. "Oh my goodness this is so awesome!!" She shouts running around the room.  She grabs Clay's face and kisses him. "When's the baby due?" Tyler asks me after sitting on Clay's lap. "Two weeks." I tell them and Tyler spits her beer out everywhere. "Lift up your shirt." She tells me and I hear Xavier growl. "Oh I just want to see the bump." She rolls her eyes. I lift Xavier shirt over my head because I'm wearing a sports bra. I hear Xavier growl. "Calm your tits bro. Nothing is showing." I tell him rolling my eyes. I hear him make a humph noise and then walks out. "Don't worry he just needs to calm down. He'll be back for you all to mess with." I tell them and they all sigh out in relief. They love to mess with any boys that I like. Even humans. Yes!! I know!! Weird right. I close my eyes feeling some pain. "I'll be right back." i tell them with a smile. I walk out of the door and grab onto the wall feeling the pain again. What's going on? "Xavier!!" I shout standing back up and walking around to find him. I feel something wet splash on the ground. I see Xavier running towards me. "Either I just peed or we are screwed." I tell him as he gets closer. I grab his hand and squeeze it when the pain comes again. I see my mom running over to me. "I saw you to over here. What's wrong? "She asks me and I look up at her. "Mom I'm going into labor." 

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