Chapter 17

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"Brother?" Kyle growled at the guy standing in front of us. "Hello, hello... brother. Long time no see." He tells Kyle trailing his finger along the desk he is walking past. "What are you doing here?" He growls. "Aww... that's no way to treat your family." He fake pouts. I growl at him warning him not to push it and that I can do some serious stuff to his face.

"You even got yourself a mate and didn't tell me?" He asks and I growls standing up. "Watch your mouth you aren't in charge here. Learn your place." I tell him with a growl. Kyle just looks at me amused and I shrug. "She sure is a pretty one mind if I have a taste?" He asks his eyes turning gold licking his lips. Kyle growls standing up and slamming his fist on the table with a roar. "Enough." He roars out his Alpha voice seeping through his voice like a snake. I see the guy take a step back taken aback. That literally repeated itself, but whatever!! "Do not disrespect me or her, she is the Luna here." Kyle growls his eyes turning bright red. His brother nods his head quickly submitting. "Get out now!!" Kyle tells him pointing to the door. His brother automatically leaves the room and shuts it quietly. Kyle walks over to me and puts his nose in my neck and hugs me.

When he pulls away we look at each other's eyes. Our heartbeat increasing with ever second and the heat building up int he room. We  lean in and our lips connect. Slow and sweet. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. Pulling him closer I can't get enough. I heard a cough and we pulled away. I buried my face in his shirt and he chuckled at me. "My little boy is all grown up kissing his girl and all. You finally grew a pair and kissed her." His mom told him laughing. I chuckle pulling away and walk over to her. "God morning." I tell her and she smiles. "Come with me. Kyle you need to stay focused on your paperwork." She tells him and then grabs my hand dragging me to the kitchen. "Let's cook." She tells me and I smile my eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Crack two eggs and put it in the bowl." She tells me and I do so. "Stir and then put it in the pan and then the oven." She tells me and I nod finishing what she said. Shutting the oven door I start the timer and smile at her.

I sit down on the chair and sigh out in relief my feet are killing me. "Good Job Jessica." She tells me with a smile. "Thanks." "Okay, now give me the deets about Kyle." She tells me excited. "He's nice." I tell her awkwardly. "That's it?" She asked disappointed." I nod shrugging an taking a sip of my water.
I decide to go for a run. I take off as fast as my legs will take me. Weaving in and out of trees. Everything becoming a blur. Just because I can't shift doesn't mean that I am slow. I smile slowing to a stop at a creek. "Look who we have here." A guy said and I stopped almost running into him. I look at him questionably. "We have the Alpha Rogues little mate. Oh how we can use this to our advantage. I take off running back to the pack house. I felt someone pull me to the ground and everything went black.

I take in a large intake of breath and open my eyes finding myself in front of the pack house. I feel a throbbing pain coming from my head I put my hand to it trying to take away the pain. I retract my hand away quickly feeling a liquid. Blood. That's all my hand is covered in. Blood and I don't get along what so ever.  My eyes widen  and I look anywhere, but my hand. Nope. Nu uh. No way am I looking at blood. I slowly walk up the steps and walk inside the building seeing chaos.  Everywhere people are running around, people are in their wolf forms, there is blood everywhere to. A surprise attack.  That is what happened. "Enough." I growl loudly out my eyes turning  their rainbow form.  Everybody looks at me stopping. "What is going on here?" I growl looking at the mess. "A surprise attack." Someone growls out.  "Out. Now." I growl at them. "Not my pack members the surprise attackers." I tell them and they all walk outside with their head down. I walk outside and look at them like what the heck were you thinking. "You know surprise attacks are against the law. You have to have a valid reason and try to work it out before attacking. Now, give me your reason and how you tried to work it out." I cross my arms waiting for someone to respond. Silence was every where. Nobody talked, not even a pin drop was heard. "That's what I thought. Go back to your lands before you get yourselves killed." I tell them going back inside and shutting the door.  Everybody was still motion less and looking at the door. "Get yourselves cleaned up." I growled and everybody scurried off in different directions. I heard a loud bang and I walked over to the sound. There laid a lifeless body laying on the ground blood pooling around him. I looked up and saw a man with red eyes snarling at me. I heard a gun go off and I fell to the ground feeling myself slowly become unconscious. 

Alpha rouge's mateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora