Chapter 12

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It's been about three months since Xavier asked me to marry him. The wedding planning is so stressful, but we did finish one song. Little do you know. We've both been so busy that it's ridiculous. Paris and Austin switch between who they stay with for a couple of hours because honestly everybody want to hold them and all of that. 

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Alaska: Be on the lookout for Cindy's Magazine!! Coming up next is a modeling gig with Melanie Jasper. Love you guys and all of your support!!!

Xavier: Looking good!!

Lindsay: Such a beauty

JackIsBae: Love you too

CaydenWithA_C: Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!! Workout buddies

Xavier: You literally just saw us two seconds ago.

Alaska: We miss you too Cayden

Xavier: Lies!!! She spreads lies!!!

username64: You are so beautiful

username: What happened to your hair it looks like a rats nest. Xavier is too good for you.

Xavier: Actually she's too good for me. As for her hair it's on fleek!!!

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Xavier: Chillin with my baby

Alaska: When did you take this?

Xavier: When you were asleep next to the twins!!

Lindsay: You look hot!!

Jasmine: Lookin hot girl!!!

JackIsBae: Looking fine gurl

Jessica: Beautiful girl

Kyle: Pretty baby

username: Put some clothes on

Alaska: It's just a sports bra and shorts with a jacket wrapped around my waist nothing is showing. 

username: Why you trying to be pretty when we all know that your the ugliest one here.

Alaska: Did I ask for your opinion? No...Keep it to yourself. 

"Babe."I groan when Xavier licks my cheek. "You are so gross." I tell him wiping it off on his shirt. My brown hair sprawled out above me on the pillow. Today is our day off!!! He rolls around landing on top of me. He plants a kiss on my lips and I smile. He traces them down my jaw to his mark. My phone rings and it's my mom. "Hello?" I ask trying not to groan into the call. "Quit." I whisper swatting at Xavier who ignores me. "Hey baby just calling to see how you are doing." She tells me and I smile. "I'm with Xavier chilling in bed." I tell her and I hear her chuckle. "It's your day off huh?" "Yep, where are you guys getting back?" I ask them and I hear her whisper a quit it to someone. I'm betting it's dad. "Hey dad!!" I shout into the phone and I hear him groan. "Hey baby how is it there?" He asks me and I smile. "It's great the first song of the album is coming out soon." I tell him excitement rolling through the air. I think that Xavier is apart of that too. "Stop." I whisper swatting at him again.  He smirks and then kisses my mark again. "Hey Xavier!!" I hear my dad shout and I pull the phone away from my ear. "Ow dad that hurt really bad." I whine as he chuckles. "Hey Kyle." Xavier shouts. "Can we face time you so we can see Paris and Austin?" Mom asks and I chuckle. She almost didn't go because she wanted to stay with them.  "Sure thing let me walk to the nursery one second." I tell them reluctantly getting off the bed. Xavier wraps his arms around me and picks me up causing me to squeal. I hear them chuckle. I face time them and they answer. They are at the beach laying on the sand. "Hey baby." Dad waves into the phone. "Hey dad." I wave back. "Hey Xavier." He says and I feel Xavier's laugh vibrating through me causing me to feel warm and fuzzy. Setting me down we walk inside the nursery and see the twins sleeping on the bed. I walk over to the cribs and turn the camera around so they can see them. I see Paris's eyes open and when she sees me she holds out her arms. I chuckle handing the phone to Xavier and picking her up. She drops her pacifier and she looks like she about to cry. I put my finger in her mouth picking up the pacifier. I put it in her mouth and she smiles. She closes her eyes falling asleep against my chest.  I set her down in her crib and walk over to Xavier. "We will talk to you later baby." My dad waves putting his glasses on. My mom sends kisses through the phone and ends the call. "They are goals." I tell him and he chuckles. I bring his face down and kiss him. "I love you so much baby." He groans against my lips. His phone goes off and I smirk revenge. i kiss his mark and he groans gripping my arm and answering the call. "Hello?" "Son since you have found your mate its time for you to take over the pack." He tells Xavier and I smile when his face looks like hes in pain. "Yeah." He mumbles out his voice strained. "Did we call at a bad time?" I hear his mom ask. He groans and pushes me away with his hand. I pout, but shrug walking over to the cribs. Laying down on the ground I silently cry. I miss Kace so much, but he hasn't even tried to contact me. He's so happy while I'm miserable. Xavier makes me forget sometimes, but I am always sad because Kace isn't here to spend it with me. We promised that w wouldn't leave each other once we found our mates, but that's exactly what he did. He left. I pull Paris's pink blanket over my body and cuddle into it crying. I want Kace back. 

I wake up to crying and cramps in my neck and back. I sit up and see Paris tears running down her face as she is sitting up. I slowly stand up and hold her in my arms. "It's okay baby." I tell her and she wont's stop. Austin joins in and I start to cry too. I grab Austin in my arms and we all lay on the floor crying. I hear Xavier walk in, but I don't stop. I'm too tired emotionally and physically to care. "Baby what's wrong?" i hear him ask setting his phone down. "I'm tired and I want Kace." I tell him hugging him. "I know baby I miss him too." He whispers caressing my hair. I slowly calm down left to just hiccups. Austin and Paris are calmed down and back in bed. He picks me up and walks me to our bedroom. He's talking to someone, but I'm too tired to hear their conversation. I slowly let the darkness fall over me. The last thing I think of is that I will love Xavier forever and always. 

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