Chapter 19

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Today is the day I can leave the hospital.  Kyle's sister Lindsay has wiggled her way into my heart. She is the sweetest girl in the world.  A 16 year old that goes to the werewolf school that my sister teaches at. The pack is getting the results of whether or not we will become a pack or not today. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. "Jessica are you even listening to me?" Lindsay asks me with her hands on her hips. I chuckle at her trying to be serious.  "Is a 16 year old really giving that look to a twenty five year old?" I ask her and she nods with a smile on her face. Kyle walks in his phone to his ear and him in Alpha mode. Is there like a switch or something because he can be all fun and silly with me one minute then the next he is  all serious and there isn't a trace of a smile on his face anymore. It really creeps me out. "Call you later with details bye." Kyle hangs up the phone and turns around with a goofy smile on his face. Lindsay rolls her eyes at her brothers playfulness. "How do you do that seriously?" She ask shim. "One minute your all serious the the next your making silly faces at us." She yells out in frustration. She throws her hand in the air. "I give up." She tells us walking out of the room. 3...2...1. "I'm back did y'all miss me?" She asks with a smile. I shake my head at her silliness. "You really are one of a kind," I tell her shaking my head laughing. She chuckles and Kyle walks over to me. "Morning baby." He whispers in my ear and kisses my forehead. "I want that." Lindsay whines and I chuckle. "Find your mate when you turn seventeen babe." I tell her and Kyle growls. "Don't call anybody besides me babe." I chuckle at his protectiveness. "Only for you. And Lindsay." I add in and he growls at me. Lindsay shrieks out when Kyle loos at her with a deadly glare. She takes off running screaming BLOODY MURDER!!! "Kyle give the kid a break." I tell him and he smiles at me a genuine smile. He leans down and kisses my lips. Every time I try to deepen the kiss he pulls away and kisses my cheek and then goes back to my lips. I growl at him and he chuckles at me. He just chuckled. The doctor walks in and Kyle stands up straight in Alpha mode. I groan in frustration. "You are all cleared to go home. Alpha you will need to rub this ointment on the wound three times a day until it heals. As well as change her bandages six times a day every day until I give the clear." He informs Kyle with a serious face. Kyle nods in agreement and takes the bag of supplies. "Thank you, Doctor" He nods and walks over to me picking me up bridal style. He walks me upstairs to our room and lays me down on the bed. "How am I supposed to get better if I don't walk." I ask him crossing my arms sitting up against the head board. "Not now because you were just shot in the leg and the chest twice by a silver bullet. Just let me take care of you please." He yells out in frustration. "You don't know how hard I t was to watch you lying there practically dead." He whispers a tear falling from is eye. "Yeah well you weren't the one he felt helpless." I whisper pulling the covers over my head and letting out quiet sobs. I've never felt that helpless before. Staring at the guy with a gun frozen not able to move. I hate being helpless and needy. HE caused that and I will never let anyone else make me feel that way again. HE was the one holding the gun. HE was after me not the innocent bystander. HE will always haunt me. HE will always be there. I hate HIM and everything that HE is. HE will never be my Alpha again. I close my eyes trying to forget, but flashes of the torture HE put me through keep going through my mind. Every little thing he did to me is etched in my mind and will be burned there like a scar forever. I will never forget what HE did. HE ruined me. The sobs over take my body and I shake from fear of him being there. HE'S always there. I want Kyle here with me, but he will get hurt and I love him too much for that to happen. I feel the bed dip and Kyle pulls me into him stroking my hair. "It's okay baby. Everything is okay." He whispers into my hair. I turn towards him and bury my face in his chest sobbing. He rubs my back and he whispers soothing words into my ear. Once I calm down I take slow breaths and close my eyes exhausted.

My eyes shoot open and I scream. I look around and I'm in bed with Kyle. Everything's okay for now. The nightmares have come back. They come and go, but have never been this vivid before. I fell Kyle rubbing my back next to me. Sweat dripping down my forehead. I get out of bed and I limp into the bathroom starting the shower. I put it on cold water and I get in with my clothes on not caring anymore. I lean against the wall and bring my knees up to my chest laying my head on my knees. I start to cry. My tears mixing with the shower water. Sobs rack my body as I cry from being so scared and helpless. I hear the door open and Kyle walks in. He looks at me with a sad smile. He gets into the shower fully clothes and sits down next to me. He pulls me onto his lap and I cry into his chest. I want the pain to go away, I want everything to disappear. I want the paint to stop. Memory after memory floods my mind and I scream out holding my head. Kyle pulls me into him and rocks back and forth. "I was born human." I whisper. "Alphas have wanted me because my mother is the Moon Goddess and I can bare powerful werewolves. When they find out I'm human they treat me like I'm weak and I'm trash. I have the traits of a wolf and I can feel her, but she can't surface. My mother told me it was the curse. Her first born child would be cursed, but her children would rule. I don't want o fell weak anymore Kyle. It hurts to remember." I tell him tears blurring my vision. He hugs me tighter. "Your perfect just the way you are." He tells me and kisses my forehead. I shake my head my eyelids growing heavy and I close them falling asleep.

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