Chapter 18

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Paris's Point of View

After bringing mom to the hospital we had to sit and wait for her to get out of surgery. They had to perform an emergency c-section. I can sense Austin's wolf rising to the surface and I groan. Since we are identical twins, well sort of. I can sense everything from him, it's kind of like we are connected in some weird way. I take his hand in mine and walk out to the woods to let him shift. His copperish wolf walks out and rubs his body along mine. I can't shift into a wolf, never have and never will. My mom wanted to shield me from the world so we moved away from the pack house. Mom and dad go there every morning while I go to school. Austin does online school because his wolf is so powerful that he flips out over everything. 

His wolf likes to rub his body along mine to show other wolves that I'm his. Well not as in mates, but as in mess with her you deal with me. It's  weird thing that he does, but  dealing with it every single time he shifts it is like a routine now. He puts his nose in the air and sniffs, then he growls. About what I don't know. He growls and takes off running. I take off after him. My parents and Austin trained me to fight. Since all of them are extremely fast because they are werewolves I had to learn how to run as fast as them to keep up. My mom can shift into an animal she wants, but her favorite is her wolf. a

Dodging trees, jumping over logs, crunching leaves under my boots. I keep running after Austin. We make it to our border and then he stops. Lucifer stands leaning against a tree with his arms crossed wearing sweatpants. I can't help, but stare he is defiantly a God given gift to girls.  I toss Austin his basketball shorts and he shifts and puts them on quickly. He growls at Lucifer his eyes darkening. I put my hand against his arm and shake my head.

"No need to get in a petty fight with him. Don't forget you want allies when you become Alpha not enemies." I told him looking into his eyes. I wasn't granted the ability to shift into a werewolf or anything, but I was granted one thing. I am a animal whisper. One night the Moon Goddess appeared in my dream. She told me she made a mistake and y accident gave Austin both of our wolfs and then some making his wolf overpoweringly strong. She told me that she did give me a special gift that no one has ever been granted before. She gave me the power to talk and tame animals. All of them from birds, leopards, even to sharks. It creeps me out, but it is really handy. I have to tame Austin's wolf all the time. But, I'm the only that can do it, well until his mate comes along. 

Lucifer growls at me and shows his canines at us. I look at him and give him an are you serious look. "Why are you on our land?" Austin growls at him. He shrugs his shoulder sand looks up. "This is my rightful territory and you know it pup." Lucifer growls making Austin step forward. pushing against me making me trip and fall on my butt. I swing my leg out and trip Austin and Lucifer. "Bot of you tone down the testosterone will ya?" I asked them standing up and dusting myself off. "Now Austin stop growling and listen to hi like a normal person and Lucifer you need to accept the fact that this is our territory and not yours." He shakes his head. "That's where your wrong princess this is my territory. It was passes down from generation to generation. My father sold it to your father, but in the contract it said once i step down my son or daughter will receive all of the land back. That's how it works honey." He tells me as if I was a baby. "Is this true Austin?" I ask looking at him and he growls steeping forward and getting in Lucifer's face. I groan and roll my eyes male wolves are impossible. "I am half British and half Texan, I refuse to affected by territorial disputes between mythical creatures." I tell them crossing my arms. They both look at me shocked. "You two need to work out whatever this is or I will do it for you and neither of you will like the outcome." I tell them raising my voice at them. Lucifer growls at me causing Austin to growl at him and then Lucifer growls back and then they keep growling at each other. I groan and I finally do a high pitched whistle making them grab their ears groaning. "Shut up both of you." I yell at them and they both nod tucking their tails in between their legs. I can be scare when I want to be. "I will settle this argument for the both of you. Austin you keep half of the territory on our side and Lucifer you keep the other half that is on your side. Split the territory you are fighting over problem solved. either you can do as i say or face the wrath of a very angry female." I tell them narrowing my eyes and glaring at both of them. Austin nods his head and I look at Xavier whose eyes are black. "I don't take orders from some human girl to weak for a wolf." He spits out growling. That was a low blow. I take a step back hurt by what he said. Everybody knows not to bring that up even enemies don't and he does. He growls at us. "This sin't over." He growls shifting and then running off to his territory. Austin walks over and wraps his arms around me pulling me in for a hug. I let a tear fall and then pull away turning around and wiping it off my cheek. I'm supposed to hold him together not the other way around. He smiles sadly at me and shifts. He bends down and I get on his back letting him run back to the pack doctor. 

I get off and Austin shifts behind a tree putting his basketball pants back on. We both rush inside to see our dad holding a little boy in his hands. He's so cute. I walk over to him happy tears sliding down my face. "Do you want to hold him?" He asks me and I nod my head swiftly holding my arms out. Dad sets my new brother in my arms and I cradle him to my chest. The doctor comes out with a sad face. "Alpha the Luna didn't make it through the surgery. I'm sorry sir, but she died. We did all we could Alpha,  but there wan't anything we could do." He tells dad and I slide down the wall and cry with the little guy in my arms. My dad cries falling to his knees and howls. It's full of pain and sorrow. All of the sudden the sound of glass breaking and bullets flying are ringing through the hospital. I scream when a bullet goes through my leg and my then one through my shoulder. I quickly shield my new brother from the bullets. I see dad laying on the ground lifeless with a bullet through his head. I scream and cover my ears as the walls shake and the light bulbs flicker. Austin runs over to me in his wolf form and I get on his back holding our brother into my chest. I have my arms wrapped around Austin's stomach and our brother is secure under my chest against Austin's back. He's crying and I can't move or we will both fall. Austin keeps running out of our territory and to Lucifer's pack house. 

He skids to a stop in the middle of the woods close to Lucifer's territory and he let's me off. He mind links me. 'Run to Lucifer's pack house. Get there safely. I'm going to help fight. I love you.' He tells me and then licks both of us taking off running. I hold our little brother to my chest. I should name him. "Wyatt." I whisper running my hand over his forehead and then kissing his forehead. I stand up holding him close and walk to Lucifer's territory. My legs burning and my breath coming out in pants. I stop when I see wolves surrounding me. Rogues!!! They circle me and then one of them shifts. "Either you come with us the easy way or we kill both of you." He growls and I nod obeying them scared of what they might do. I can't let Wyatt die. He grabs me by my waist and holds me bridal style. I don't fight him in fear he might hurt Wyatt or me. I'm not a wolf and I can't beat them either. When we arrive he throws me in a cell and I land on my back not crushing Wyatt. I hold Wyatt close to me and shush his cries. 

It's been about seven months of torture. I've taking it for both Wyatt and myself to save him. I would do anything for him. He's so sweet and innocent, I can't let them do anything to him. They've shot, stabbed, burned, punched, kicked, broken bones, whipped, and wrote things into my skin with a knife. I am emotionless besides when I'm around Wyatt. He makes me feel alive and happy with his bubbly attitude. I cuddle him to my chest as he falls asleep. I hear shouting and fighting above the cells. I let a tear fall and I hold Wyatt even closer. I hear the metal door being fought against and then it falls down making a loud bang causing Wyatt to wake up and start crying. I cuddle him closer and sing quietly rocking back and forth. I see a wolf coming walking over. He breaks the cell door bars and he motions for me to follow. I nod and set Wyatt out first and then crawl through. I pick him up and walk slowly behind the wolf. My legs have lost all of it's strength and meat, I'm just skin and bones. Struggling to walk I keep going. Wyatt sucks his thumb and keeps sleeping. 

I walk out to see blood and dead wolves everywhere. A wolf runs over to me and I find it very familiar looking. He shifts and I see Austin running over to me and crushing me into a bear hug. I go stiff and flinch away from him. He let's go of me with worry in his eyes. The wolf from earlier tosses Austin some pants and he puts them on quickly. "Follow me." He says slowly walking in front of me and I follow. We walk for a couple of minutes and we are in front of  a huge house.  Lucifer comes out and his warriors surround us with guns. I silently cry rocking back and forth with the little one in my arms.  "Stand down!!" Lucifer shouts and all of them immediately retract their guns away from us. "Austin you're safe, we couldn't find you anywhere. Thank God your okay bro." Lucifer states bro hugging Austin. "I found her, she's safe." Austin tells Lucifer with a happy smile. "Go and get the women. Now!!!!" He shouts and all of the warriors scurry off. Lucifer bends down to my level and looks at my brother. "Is this your brother? "He asks me his voice sweet and nice. I nod and he smiles sweetly at me. "He looks like you." He whispers reaching his hand out slowly and rubbing his thumb along his cheek. Hi hand touches my arm on accident and I suck in a breath feeling sparks. Lucifer, the youngest and most feared Alpha is my mate. 

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