Chapter 10

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"Xavier." I groan pushing him off the bed. "It's your turn." I groan rolling over. I hear him groan. "Fine." He mutters walking out of the room. I smile and try to go back to sleep, but I can't because it's ten o'clock and the babies are crying. I groan and reluctantly get up to get ready. 

Walking out of the bathroom I feel better.  I go into the nursery and see Jasmine standing next to their crib. She looks up at me and smiles. I take a quick picture and upload it. 

Alaska posted:

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Alaska: Hanging out with jasmine today!! Beautiful babe!!

jasmine: Thanx

KyleLovesAlaska: Can't wait to meet you at the meet and greet!!!

Alaska: Following spree!!! First 10 people at the beach to meet me I will follow. ILY!!

I toss my phone onto the big teddy bears on the ground. I walk over to their cribs and they are the cutest little things. I rub my thumb against their cheeks. They lean into my hand unconsciously. "You look beautiful today." I hear Xavier whisper in my ear. "I will be back. I'm going to go find Jack." Jasmine tells us and she winks at me. I wink right back at her. He kisses my cheek. "I love you." He whispers turning me around. "I love you too, but you have to take a shower because you reek." I kiss his lips and then push him away. I chuckles walking out of the room. Jack and Jasmine walk inside and I hug both of them. "How are you guys?" Jack shrugs and I see Jasmine's mark. I squeal and push her hair away. She chuckles . "Isn't it beautiful?" I nod smiling at her and Jack. Austin starts to cry so I pick him up and rock him back  and forth. Once he settles down Jasmine takes him from me and starts making weird faces at him. Jack and Is it down on the floor staring at her. "I love her so dang much." He tells me and I smile at him. "She loves you too." I tell him squeezing his hand. "Mom and dad are going to watch them alter while I go to the meet and greet. Do you guys want to come?" I ask and Jasmine nods setting him down. I smile clapping my hands lets go get ready then. We walk downstairs and I turn to the gym following Xavier's scent. I walk in and see him with the other two Alpha's working out. I sit down watching them. How have the not noticed me yet. "Are you guys coming to the beach with us?"  Xavier asks them taking a drink of his water. They both nod. "Well if you guys are go get ready because we are leaving in about twenty minutes." I tell them and they all jump. "We knew you were there." They all said awkwardly. I chuckled at them and smiled at Xavier. "I'm going to get ready so peace." I tell them running out before Xavier could catch me. 

I run down the stairs after checking on Paris and Austin

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I run down the stairs after checking on Paris and Austin. I jump on Xavier's back and wrap my arms around his neck. "Hey baby." He says as I jump down. He turns around and pecks me on the lips. "Let's go!!" I shout grabbing my keys. I hear the pounding of footsteps and people rush past me. I get in my car and speed off to the beach.

I snap a picture of Xavier in the water and post it.

Alaska posted:

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2,000,000 likes:: 800 comments

Alaska: Guess who is joining the meet and greet. Don't forget the first ten here I will follow. 

Xavier: I will follow the first 10 as well. The 100th person to see us will get to ask us 20 questions that we will answer. They will be able to receive the inside information on our relationship and collaboration. 

I smile and jump into Xavier's arms and we fall back into the water. I swim back to the surface and run to shore where everybody is gathered. I sit on Xavier's lap in the circle. "Let's play truth or dare." Jasmine says and everybody nods putting their phones away. "Truth or dare Alaska?" She asks me. "Truth." "Is it true that Xavier and you have known each other since you were six?" I nod an she smiles at me. "That's so cute." "Truth or dare Jack?" I ask him. "Dare." I dare you to go buy me an ice cream." I tell him and he nods jumping up and running to the booth. He comes back with two and gives one to Jasmine. It went like this for another hour or so. I heard screams and it's time for meet and greet. I get up with Xavier and we walk over to the table we have set up. The first girl walks over and we both give her a hug. "Hi my name's Tiffany you two are the most amazing couple every. Hashtag goals." She tells me and I smile. "What's your Instagram username?" "Tiffany_Black." She tells me and I nod following her. She smiles and walks back to her parents. The next girl walks over and she smiles at us. She brings us into a hug. "can you kiss my cheek?" She asks Xavier. He nods and kisses her cheek. At the last second she turned her face so he kissed her on the lips. "Leave." I tell her and she frowns. "That was not right and you know it. If I ever see you at one of my concerts or meet and greets again I will personally kick you out."  I tell her and she frowns again. "You don't want me to leave do you?" She asks Xavier. "Yes I kind of do." He tell her and I smirk. "Whenever she dumps you don't come crawling to me." She tells him and he rolls his eyes. "She stuck with me for at least 18 years." He mutters and I think she heard it because her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh you two have a baby together don't you? "She asks and I nod. "Actually we have babies together. As in more than one." I tell her crossing my arms. She looks shocked. I whistle and Jack comes running over with Jasmine. "Can you escort her away?" I ask him and he nods. "Hey baby." She purrs at Jack. I see Jasmine holding in a growl. She stand in front of Jack. "That's my man." She tell her and then punches her in the face. "Go Jasmine!!" I shout and Xavier chuckles kissing my cheek. I hear awes through the crowd.

"The 100th person!!" I shout as a girl walks up her smile wider than anything. "If you sit on that bench for five minutes we will answer your questions then. "Only 10 more people." I shout. 

"What's your first question? "We ask Madeline. She smiles. "Do you two really have a baby together?"  She asks and I nod. "We actually have babies together. Twins. Austin and Paris." She fans her eyes and squeals. "That is so adorable. Are they here? Can I meet them?" She asks and I shake my head. "Maybe another day you can." "Are you two together?" She asks and I nod. "We are dating." I tell her and she smiles softly at us. "I don't really have any other questions I just want to know about the collaboration." "Well we are signing with a record company and we are going to be singing an album together." She squeals. "This is so amazing." "Honey let's go." I hear a man shout. He walks over and smiles at us. "Honey we need to go see your mother now." Her dad says his voice filled with excitement. "Alpha, Luna." He nods and I smile. "Nice to see you Harry." 

"I'm beat." I mutter laying on the bed. "I love you baby." Xavier whispers kissing my lips. I smile in the kiss. "I love you too." I whisper my breath mingling with his. I hear the twins start to cry and I groan getting up. "Motherhood calls." I shout closing the door. 

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