Chapter 17

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"What do you mean dad isn't my real dad or your mate?" Xavier asks his mom with a hurt expression on his face. "Honey your real dad was killed by a group of rogues protecting me because I was pregnant with you." She started to cry and I feel my heart clench in my chest. "H..he was my mate and I had to find an Alpha to take over before everything went downhill." She told us and then she burst out crying. "But today after what I saw I am getting a divorce from George and he will be out of our lives for good." She tells him pulling Xavier closer. "I'm so sorry baby." She whispers and I suddenly feel as if I'm intruding.

I slowly tip toe out of the room and over to the twins. "Morning baby." I whisper stroking Paris's cheek. She chuckles and grabs my thumb sucking on it. She is too cute!!! I look over at Austin with his mouth wide open, snoring, and drool coming out of his mouth. Like father like son. I feel arms wrap around my body and then sparks form at his touch. Xavier kisses my neck. "Did you think that I wouldn't notice that you left?" He asks me and I nod looking upwards at him. He chuckles and kisses my ear. "Let them sleep I already gave them a bath plus they had play time afterwards." He tells me and I smile. He is such an amazing father. "Come on." He whispers in my ear dragging me away from the twins room. "But I don't wanna go." I whine as he picks me up from my waist carrying me. "Too bad babe." He tells me and I groan and continue to get him to let go of me. He sets me down on the couch in our room and presses play on the remote. Timeless comes on and squeal jumping on Xavier's lap since he was closer to the screen. He groans. "You know not to do that." He tells me with his voice restrained. I chuckle and turn my attention back to the screen. He makes it really hard because he keeps kissing my neck. I swat at him, but he chuckles and carries on. I turn my head and put my lips onto his. Wrapping my legs around his waist I put my hands on his cheeks. All of a sudden I hear Austin start to cry. Great timing!!! I jump off of Xavier and run to his room. He's red and sweaty. Something's wrong. I quickly walk over to him and put my hand on his forehead, but immediately take it back. He's burning up. I pick him up and shout for Xavier. He comes running in. "Austin, it's his temperature it's way too high." I tell and he grabs Austin out of my hands and takes off running. I grab Paris and take off running after him.

"Alpha, Luna." The pack doctor greets walking over to us. "We have a problem. Austins wolf is trying to surface now. We found out the problem. Paris won't have a wolf because Austin got that full gene causing him to have a stronger wolf that has developed already. Whereas Paris has the gene of changing into whatever she wants to." The doctor tells us and we nod. "Austin is stable for now, but we are going to have to give him a shot every day until he is sixteen or else he will die." She tells us and I hold back the tears. I hear her walkie talkie go off and she waves walking away and through the door. I turn around and sob into Xavier's chest. "Why do bad things happen to good people?" I ask him and I shakes his head. "I don't know baby. I don't know."

"MOM!!" Austin shouts. "WHAT?!!!" I shout back from downstairs eating my weird pregnant cravings. "WHERE'S DAD?!!!"He shouts back and I think about it really hard. "I DON'T KNOW!!!" I shout back and hear him growl and punch the wall. Great a hormonal fifteen year old boy that's angry is upstairs ruining my house. I slowly set my food down and walk to his room. "You better not of punched a hole in my wall and you better calm your butt down before I get the water." I growl out at him my anger rising. He nods sitting down with his head hung low. "Look Austin I know that your wolf is extremely powerful and hard to handle. You have to overpower him and keep your cool or else something is going to happen and you won't like it." I tell him and he nods meeting my eyes. "I'm scared mom." He whispers and I walk over to him bringing him into a hug. He starts to sob into my chest and I rub his back. "Baby everything going to be okay and I am so proud of you. I love you so much baby." I tell him and he stops crying and pulls away. He wipes the tears off of his face. "I love you too mom." He tells me and right then Xavier walks into his room. "Come on we're going to go train." He pats Austin on the back and kisses me. "Gross save that for the bedroom." Austin gags and I chuckle. "Oh we do.:" Xavier smirks and Austin runs out of the room. "Paris open the dang door now." He yells pounding his fist on it. "What?" I hear her shout and then the door clicks open not long after a slam is heard. "Well looks like I'm taking a nap." I tell Xavier yawning. He nods kissing my cheek. "Love you baby." He whispers and I smile. "Love ya too." I tell him walking out of the room. Suddenly I feel immense pain shooting from my stomach making grab it and hold onto the railing. I felt bile rise in my throat and I started puking up blood. "Alaska!!!!" I heard Xavier shout as I collapsed to the floor. "Austin, Paris!!! Help me!!! It's your mom!!!" I hear him shout as he picks me up. The twins come running in freaking out. I five them a smile and I can feel the blood dripping down my chin and onto my shirt. My eyes close and I'm out like a light.

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