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"You're Late" was the first words that came out of Illumi's mouth as I stop in front of him.

"Well ~ I got this I-don't-want-to-walk virus so I decided to ride a Taxi" I said as I brush my hand through my (H/L) (H/C) hair. I haven't got to sleep last night 'cause I accidentally  killed two guys that tried to scare me. They run pretty fast.... Made my Bloodlust out of control~

"You should have just run" he said with a blank face that made me irk my eyebrow. Is he freaking serious right now?

"You know what, Illumi? Lead the way and try not to talk too much. It would do both of us good"
"I didn't say anything wrong" He said with what I think is a confused face. Well.. It looks like one or maybe it's his usual blank face. I don't know.
"It's not wrong. It's stupid" I said before rolling my eyes. This guy..

Let's fast Forward...

We are now inside a what I think is an elevator just staring blankly at each other.
Before I could speak he start to put pins in his face. Well~ it looks nice.

.....If he would only drop dead in front of me~

After putting it in the right places his face transformed into someone else.
"Well if you're going to look like that on the entire exam then please don't talk to me. I don't want to be one of the weirdos there" I said as I cross my arms.  No Actually, I just don't want to deal with him.

"That's the plan. You could have fun while I do my job" he said with a weird voice.
"Job? What Job? " I asked as I tilted my head slightly to the side.
"I have had figured out that Killua is also taking the exam. I have to monitor him and at the same time take him back home. Mother is not very happy about Kill leaving the house" He said.

"Oh~ so this Kill. Is he worthy to kill? " I joked but he seemed to take it seriously as the mood around as turned dark and I can feel his aura creeping around us.

"I'm kidding, Illumi~ don't have to take my words seriously." I said as I smirk.
Before he could response the door opened and I start to walk out.


My eyes wonder around as I try to find a worthy oponent.
Suddenly a green bean walk up to me handing me a Tag.
I didn't register what he's saying but take the tag and put it where my heart is. My number is 300. Wow~ I'm pretty late.

I look at Illumi and he got the number 301. He start to walk away so I once again look around when suddenly a fat ugly looking man approached me.

He's not worthy to kill but at the same time he's not worthy to keep alive.

........ I want to kill him.

My eyes widen slightly at the thought. Killing seems to be fun just right about now. I have to restrain myself though. It's not time yet. Later... Later I will kill. As that thought invade my mind I didn't realize that I'm smiling creepily.

"U-uh ah Hi!  I-I'm Tonpa. Nice to meet you." He said with a smile that made me drop mine. I think I should be a Transmuter...


I didn't answer him that made him laugh nervously to himself.

"W-well you look like you're new so I thought I can help you with something" he said that made me interested. If he knew that I was new then maybe he's here before.

"Hm~ Yeah I'm new. So.. Tonpa " I said before looking at his number...... 16 huh.

"Could you tell me whom I should avoid" I asked smiling a little. Well it's a fake one.
I really don't have to ask him about dangerous people. I could just find them by myself then again maybe he'll leave me alone once he's done 'Helping' me.

He suddenly perk up before looking at the crowd obviously trying to find someone when the creepy sound of Illumi reach our ears.

"Well for one, that man with number 301 seems dangerous. He has this aura going on around him that made it hard for me to approach. They said his name was Gittackur and he's just simply creepy"

Well I agree. The sound sure is creepy. I didn't know that Illumi used a fake name. He should have had told me, I felt hurt...

... Well not really.

"Ah I can't find the other one but his number is 44. He is extremely dangerous. Last year he killed an examiner that's why he got disqualified. His name is Hisoka. You should avoid him because he looks like someone who would kill anyone." he said and after a few seconds of me thinking, he suddenly broke into a wide smile..

"Well now that I told you what I know, what About we became friends? Here" he said before extending his hand with a canned juice.

"To celebrate our friendship" I can smell his lies. Oh Ghad he really is making me want to kill him.

I didn't say anything. Instead, I laugh a little before walking away. If he dare follow me I'll kill him.

Thank God he did not.

A few more hours later 3 boys walk out of the elevator. One that seems to be around 12 or 13, the blond that seems to be 16-17 and then the old looking guy who seems to be in the middle of adulthood.

I turn away from them when suddenly a red hair caught my eyes. I turned to look at the person and there he was. The most unique person I have ever seen. He looks like a Gay clown but with those Aura surrounding him like he just want to kill everyone makes me even more drawn to him. I want to play ~

To caught an attention of strong opponent I should always do something risky but exciting at the same time!!

This. Would. Be. Fun~

I activated my Nen and it surround the place in an instant l, making some of them stop while some stiffen and him... Oh ~
He looked up as if he found something interesting. Well~

He smirk at me and at the same time I deactivated my nen. We hold each others stare for a good 2 minutes with him licking his lips while I just stand there looking at the most appetizing food, ever!

Suddenly a man bump into him making me smirk even more while his face became blank. Pfft!

When he turned to the man that's when I start to walk away. Completely concealing my presence.

"Yow" I jolted when I heard Illumi beside me and when I turn around I glared at him.

"You could have had warned me" I said still glaring at him while he just stared blankly at me.

I roll my eyes because of irritation and walk away. Leaving him standing there by himself.

Knowing The Clown (HisokaXReader)Where stories live. Discover now