♠ 17 ~

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The moment that the referee announce who won, I stand up from mu seat and drag Touji out of the place.
"Where are we going? " He asked me with almost a silent voice.

"Nowhere." I said. When I reach our room, I saw Hisoka standing there. Doing God knows what.

"So what are you planning now? " I asked. Not even bothering to hide the fact that I'm irritated.
"I need to go somewhere that does not concern you" He said, looking at me sideways.
Those words! It hurts.
I put my game face on and smirk at him.
"Oh~ is that so? Sure. I have somewhere I need to be anyway." I said. Before he could utter another word I walk out of the room. Quickly walking towards the elevator.

"Mom! " I heard a shout behind me. Oh shocks! Touji! How can I forget about my won son?
I turn around and smiled at him.
"Come here little one. Let's practice your nen" I said and hold out my hand towards him.  He happily run to me and hold my hand.

Suddenly I saw Hisoka walking towards us. I don't want to talk to him at the moment. I need space. So the best thing that my mind has thought of is escape.
I quickly turn my back on him and started walking fast. Far from him!

"(Y/N)! Wait!" He said,  I heard his heels clicking fast,  meaning that he's half running to me.

Shit! I didn't know what came to me but I did what is the best to do at that moment.
I quickly opened a portal and enter, dragging Touji with me.

I stumbled to the ground and realized that I end up in meteor City.  Why the hell am I here?
This is probably the first place that came to mind when I opened the portal. Whatever. I don't need to think about that now.

I look beside me and saw Touji looking around. "I'm back here" he suddenly said. He look uo at me and I was shock tk see tears running down his face.
"Are you leaving me h-here? " he asked, his voice cracking at the end. 
I realized my mistake then and quickly shook my head sideways.
"Of course not! I'm your mom! But since we're here already then why not practice your nen? Right? " I said.
He stop his tears and nod his head to me, smiling.

"Ne! " he answered.

I didn't even realize how exhausted I was when I suddenly drop to my knees. Feeling weak.

Gah! I knew it! I shouldn't have had used my portal. It takes too much energy oit of me.

"Hey, are you alright?" I suddenly heard in front of me. I look up to see a man with scarf on his forehead and two blue earings.
He lool down at me, smiling gently. He suddenly held out his hand and introduce himself. "I'm Chrollo Lucilfer. My house is not far from here. Can you stand?"

"Ah... Yeah. Thanks." I said and grab his hand. He help me stand up and let me put my arms around his shoulder so I wouldn't fall.
I look at Touji and he nod his head. He walk to us and hold my free hand.
"You've got a kid with you. You shouldn't be in a place like this" He said, looking at my face then started walking to god knows where.
"It's fine. He's strong" I said. That was a lie though. He can't still use nen.

"Oh! What's your name?" He asked.
"(Y/N), he's Touji" I said. He humm and nod his head after.

A few minutes of walking and we arrived at a small house made of woods. Like it is just a temporary shelter.

When we entered, I saw that there is just a single bed and nothing more.
"I'm sorry it's this small.  I wasn't really expecting any visitors at all" He said. Still with the nice smile on his face.
"No. It's fine.  I'm sorry for intruding" I said and he laid me down on the bed.

"It's late. You should rest" He said and started heading towards the door.
"Huh? What about you?" I asked. He look back at me and wave his hand.
"I've got something to do." He said and walk out of the door before I can say anything.

"Touji, come here sleep next to me" I said and move. He laid next to me. I tried to sleep but all I can think about is Hisoka. He's invading my mind. What might he be doing at this moment?
I shouldn't think about him.  But I should have had talk to him. That's wrong on my part.  I'm so stupid at times.
I roll my eyes and close it.  Trying to find sleep. I'm really tired.


The next morning, the moment I woke up I started stretching. It's still a little dark but I won't waste any more time. I woke Touji up and started his training. A one hell of a training.

We started his test and found out that he's a manipulator.  Well that's nice.

He immediately thought of his abilities. He wants to practice it with me so we did.

And it was all worth it!

His Nen:

Mind Manipulation - He can control someone just by asking them a question and that person should answer honestly for his nen to work. His nen would only stop at his will. This ability wont work if the person answer him dishonestly.

Mind Invader - He can read someone's mind and search through their memory just by touching them. But he must know the name of his target or it won't work.

Memory Play - He can make someone forget about a certain event or person. He can also add an event or a memory about a person even if the target don't know that person at first. But for it to work, the target must be in a lot of pain.  Means, he needs to torture him.

All of it. All of the training we did was for him to evolve and rise higher. He's not afraid of blood or death anymore.
I made him who he is today.
And I'm so damn proud of it!

Chrollo always watch us train.  Helping us from time to time. Telling us what is the best thing to do to train a certain ability. Pointing out our mistake.

I enjoyed my time with him but it's nothing compared to when I'm with Hisoka.  I miss his playfulness. Chrollo is calm while Hisoka always want to kill. I shouldn't compare the two of them.

Today, I was training Touji with his combat ability.  He shouldn't always rely to his nen. It would make him weak.

"Faster!" I shouted at him. He tried to punch me again this time, getting faster by the second but still not enough to hit me.

When I got enough of it I kick him on his stomach, sending him flying towards a pile of junks.

"That should be enough" I heard someone say.  I look to my right and saw Chlloro standing there with a slight smile on his face. 

"Are you my boss now? Cause last time I check I don't listen to no one" I said and Touji stand up from where he flew earlier, groaning a little.

"Boss? Sounds fine coming from your lips. What do you say? Come with me to YorkNew City and-...  Ahhhh....... Nothing. So..? "

"Woah. Slow down there. Yorknew?  What would we do in there? " I asked. 

"Help me Steal the stuffs on the upcoming biggest auction of the year. What do you say?"

Immediately I smiled sweetly at him. My old self coming back to life.
"Sounds like a tough job. What's in it for me?" I asked, smirking.  And he smirk back at me with a glint on his eyes.

"Many... Many things" was his answer.

I feel my heart pounding. Excitement? What is this? Is something about to happen? No matter what is it, I can't wait to start!!

~ ♥ ~

How's this chapter?
I was supposed to be doing our research but nah! I'll do it later.
BTw.. How's your day?
Tell me your thoughts 💭

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