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Chollo, without any fear in his eyes, charge at me. He used his good hand to punch me but I just avoid it by jumping at the side.

He used this chance to run from me.

Tch! Can't he stay still? It's only death! He's not going to outrun me. Specially because we're at a freaking airship!

"Is the famous Chrollo Lucilfer afraid to die? You know what? I heard this from somewhere.. A Qoute I really really like" I said as I aim my point finger at him. Smiling at myself, I added "Those who kill, should be prepared to be killed"

"It's not the exact phrase but you know.. " I said, smiling menacingly.

Before he could turn around a corner, I shoot at him. Grazing his back. Making him stumble at his feet but quickly get back sprinting away.

Such a sloppy rabbit. They are cute, and perfect for hunting. Hmm hmm~ yummy.

Chrollo would be all bloody before I can kill him. He's such a good runner..

I started to run after Chrollo who looks like he's getting faster by the second.

As I turn at a corner, that freaking spider used a vase to whack me in the face. Making me fall back down with blood dripping from mu forehead.

This isn't Chrollo at all. He should be embracing death right now. What's wrong with him?

I gritted my teeth and stand up. Chrollo, this time, didn't try to run. He stood in front of me. Face void of any emotion.

"Fine. You win" He said with a small smirk.

I look at him dumbfounded. After all that running and hitting me im the face with a vase he's just going to give up!?


Hmm.. Whatever. As long as he's going to die.

I sigh, closing my eyes, before looking back at him. "You sure are very very confusing at times, Chrollo. I don't even know if I should believe you." I said.

"There's no point in running. I don't have nen. And I'm slowly losing more blood from the wounds you inflicted on me. I'll eventually die. Either you kill me or I die from blood loss. It's a defeat for me." He said. Completely accepting his death.

"Of course" I said.

I turn away from him. Trying to find the control room or whatever it is called. I don't care. Just... Where the Pilot is.

After a few minutes of turning around corners, I finally found it.

I killed the two Pilots before pulling a metal bat from my infinitus chess. Using it to destroy the controllers.

Alarms went off, the ship began titling a bit. I cross my arms with a satisfied smirk in my lips. We are high up. Chrollo won't survive.

I turn around and found Chrollo standing there. Watching me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked with a bored tone. I should be leaving soon. This airship is going to-

Before I could finish my thought, a large explosion was heard from somewhere I don't know.

"So this is a goodbye" Chrollo said.

"Yes. A goodbye forever. Let's see each other in hell" I didn't wait for a reply. I opened a portal behind me.

As my eyes stare at Chrollo's cold eyes. I jump back. Letting myself be engulf by the purple mist. Never to see Chrollo again, I wish.

I opened my eyes, kneeling into the ground as I catch my breath. My body feeling week from exhaustion. Portals really take a lot out of me.

As I regain my composure, I saw Achilles heels infront of me. Violet once. Owned by someone I know too well.

"Well~ who do we have here? " Hisoka said. Crouching down in front of me as I look up to see his face.

"Your one and only" I said.

He has a slight smirk on his face that slowly turned into a frown after seeing my face.

"Where did you get that blood from? I hope you give them a satisfying death before you left~"

I also smirk. Wanting to tell him who I killed but that wouldn't be too nice.

He stood up, hand reaching for me which I take to help myself up.

I notice that we're at the forest near the house in York New. I also notice a man standing not far from us. Probably the nen exorcist.

"Now tell me, why are you trying to find Chrollo? "

I stop, eyes wide from shock.

Hisoka look at me with a glint in his eyes. One that wants to kill. One that wants answer.

He suddenly grip my hand, pulling me to him which made me irritated. I felt like it's going to freakong break!

"Neh Y/N-chan. Answer me" He said, a small smile in his lips. A forced one. His eyes wide and almost threatening.

Now shit is getting real~

Without answering, I pulled out a knife from my chest. Almost getting his hand but he pulled away immediately.

We both jump away from each other. He pulled out his cards while I pulled out my knives. Getting ready to kill..

Without a single word, he charge at me as he throw his cards. I block some and avoided some. Getting tiny scratch when I failed in doing so.

I'm still tired from running after Chrollo. And the pain in my head haven't subsided yet from what that spider did. It's still bleeding too. I'm at a disadvantage.

I need to run away. I look around, trying to find an escape route that I didn't realize Hisoka is already in front of me.

My eyes widen before I was sent away from his punch to my gut. Sending me to a tree, my head colliding with it.

I cough and cough. My vision blurry. Damn this! I'm fuckin disappointed of myself.

This is the right time to kill Hisoka. But I'm not in the best condition to do so.

After regaining some senses, I can hear his footsteps walking towards me. I smirk to myself. I don't need to pity myself right now or even have time to feel sorry about my decision. I will live! I will fucking survive!

And with that in mind, I sprinted away from the place. Away from him.

I can hear him running behind me. His bloodlust surrounding the area like a wildfire. Oh Chrollo~ I didn't know that you're much more important to him than I thought.

~ ♥ ~

Thank you so much. It's my 18th birthday today so Yeah!

I've been busy with the photo shoot and other things for my 18th bday so I didn't have time to write this chapter. Also, I lost motivation. I don't know why but I feel like my story is cringey that I almost do not want to finish it.

Btw thank you for everything.

Votes and comments are highly appreciated

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