♥ 6 ~

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place.

Oh shit!  I f*cking let my guard down.

I immediately stand up and observe my surrounding. I'm in one of the rooms but this one is dark. The light is off and the door is close. Of course it should be close.

I roll my eyes because of my own stupid thoughts.

Then suddenly a door a few meters from me opened and it revealed Hisoka wearing a towel? Why the heck is he almost naked!?

"Hey! Put some clothes on" I said which startled him a bit. Well.. That was new.

"Oh~ (Y/N)-chan. I forgot that you're here" he said. As I stared at him I realize that his face paint is gone and His hair is down.

"You look normal" I said and my eyes landed on his abs.

Shit! He's Sexy Hot 🔥 I didn't realize that I gulp and he's watching may every move.

"Oh~ like what you see? " He ask in a teasing voice which made me blush.
What is this turn of event? Why am I blushing?

"Probably" I said as I smirk that seems to surprised him.

"You don't want to play that game with me,  (Y/N)-Chan~"

Well,  he's the only one who said my name the most. Seriously. What's with this clown.
"I seriously like your outfit, especially that one" I tease him more, licking my lips at the same time which made him lick his.

Before he could say anything else someone entered and it's none other than Illumi.

"Oh! Are you about to have sex? " He asked with no emotion in his voice.
I blush at that and shook my head to stop myself from thinking such things.
"I'm going to pin your mouth" I whispered to him.

"We were just about to be in the exciting part when you interrupted us~ ♥ " Hisoka joked which I didn't know he was capable of.

"Oh~ So you can joke too,  Hisoka? " I asked, folding my arms below my boobs. Oh yes I have those big soft boobs.
He licked his lips before answering.

"I can do more than just lie, (Y/N)-chan" He said.
"Should I go? " Illumi suddenly said which made me laugh.

Hisoka was surprised, it was the first time he saw me laugh. A real one,  anyways.

"No, I'm hungry so I'm going to find food" I said,  exiting the room not glancing at Hisoka even once.

What is this new feeling? It's not bloodlust or a desire to kill.
Hisoka~ what have you done, Clown?

*Fast Forward

We were now at the top of the trick tower and we have to get to the bottom.

One applicant tried to go down from the side but was eaten by the birds which is super big.

There is only one way to go down, go inside.

I see.. There are tiles and the other tiles have darker shade.
Oh, trap doors.

After a few minutes deciding which door I should choose, because honestly I don't know what kind of traps are inside,  I noticed Killua and the other three in front of different tiles.

Those tiles are way too close to each other. Maybe it was for group or just partners. I don't know. The all jump at the same time and then there.

I walk towards the tiles they were just earlier when I saw Tonpa in front of one of the tiles that is near where Gon and the others used earlier.  Before he could enter I pushed him hard, hard enough to sent him flying to the other side of the tower.

Without a second thought I jumped down and landed on my two feet.

"Ah!  It's you again! " someone yelled and when I turned my head towards the voice I saw none other than Killua glaring daggers at me.

"Oh~ A Zoldyck " It was then I realized my mistake. Oops!

"What! how did you know!? Are you a butler my family sent!? " He questioned which made me annoyed

"First of all,  Kid! I am no butler! Hell freaking No! Second, You look just like your father! And Third! I am no stalker B*tch!" I said getting angry.

Kurapika fake cough while Leorio look shock and Gon was as innocent as ever.
"B*tch?" Gon asked which made me widen my eyes. Oh No!  His Purity!

"No! Gon! You do not say that word! " I scolded Gon while pointing my fingers at him.

Killua still gaze at me as if he doesn't believe me. Hmp! This kid!
Why Am I even mad at a kid?
Kids are supposed to be my favorite!

Then we heard a voice from somewhere and explained to us what we should do.
I wear one of the watch and we all stand in front of a door. Of course we choose open then the next question was where we want to go,  either left or right. The three of us choose right while two choose left.

And then blahblahblah we are now in front of what I think is a place where people should die.

The intercom explained to us that each of us will fight one of the prisoners which is at the other side. We have to win 3 times to be able to pass.

After the explanation we all look at each other.

"Who should go first? " Asked Leorio.
Before anyone could say another word I walk near the edge and raised my hand.
"I would like to go first" I said that surprised the other four.

"Yah! We don't know what kind of fight will happend. Don't act without thinking! " Leorio Scolded me.  Wow,  he sure is loud.
"Oh~Really? You're scared that I might get hurt? Who do you think I am?" I said smirking. It seems then they remembered who I am.

A bridge came out and I walk towards the platform where the fight would be held.
The prisoner took off his hood (?) and walla! He's bald.

"The fight will only end if one of us Die or admit defeat" He said which I nod my head to.

He looks like he's underestimating me because he smirk and charge at me.
He tried to punch me using his right but I jump up to avoid getting hit and landed behind him.

This time, when he turned around, he used his left hand to punch me which I catches that surprised him a bit.

I'm getting excited a bit! Why am I suddenly excited? Before he could do anything else I have taken my knife out and cut his whole arms. Completely having it deattached from his body.

He screamed in agony.

"Oh~ Joy" I now have his blood in my clothes. Just a little bit though. He is now on his knees, holding his bleeding shoulder.

I walk towards him which seems to snap him out from his pathetic crying.

He knows I'm going to kill him and the only way to avoid that is to admit defeat. Of course.... I won't let you.

The moment he opened his mouth I throw the knife hitting his throat. When I'm near enough I took it and planted it in his forehead.

I enjoyed it too much,  I forgot where I was.
I look up to see Kurapika and Leorio scared.
Gon was in awe and Killua is smirking as if he could do better than that.
I won!

So let me fast-forward.
Kurapika lost because he can't kill the blue guy who introduced himself as part of the phantom troop. I know them.
One of their members almost killed me.

Well what really happened is that when the guy showed him his tattoo, Kurapika lost it and defeated the guy but he was so mad that he won't kill the guy. He was as if in a trance. He can't control himself and I saw his eyes Glowing. Probably his nerves stopping him from doing anything anymore.

Well, Gon won.  He's smart.
Leorio,  he lost because he's a pervert.
Killua Won by taking out the heart of his enemy.

Now we have 3 points but we need to go inside a room because of the time Leorio used to gamble earlier.

And fast forward it was a little fun because of Gon and Killua but other than that...... it's like I'm in heaven.

.......Quite and boring.

Knowing The Clown (HisokaXReader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum