♠ 9 ~

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And now at the moment I was currently walking towards the place where all of the passing humans of the fourth phase will gather. When I arrived I can't see Gon, Kurapika and Leorio anywhere. I wonder where they are.. Hm~~ Dead? Maybe not.

I look towards Illumi as he show us how many tags he got but Hisoka suddenly block my view with a smirk on his face looking at me sideways.
I raise my eyebrow at him but he just shrug. What's with this stupid Clown?

After I showed mine three more people showed up being Gon, Kurapika,  and Leorio. Do they have a thing about being the last person to arrive?



Now we're currently at the 5th phase of the exam.  Netero is standing in front of us with the rest of the examiners and the men in black. I'm really curious about what we're about to do. Duel? Or maybe the last man standing? Hmm~ That would be cruel..
But I love Cruelty ~~

I didn't notice that I was leaking of bloodlust until I felt someone touch my shoulder. I look at the person who touch me and saw that it was Illumi with a stupid smile on his stupid pinned face.
I calm down instantly. I'm getting excited over here.  When will this shit start?

Netero then explained what will ne happening in this phase. All of us will fight in a duel and everytime someone lose he will need to fight again and the winner automatically pass the exam. So only one person will be failing this phase. The last one that reach the top.
Netero showed us a board where our names were written and our opponents as well.  I'll be fighting Illumi... Now that's fun~
I smirk to myself and look towards Illumi but he's just staring at the board so I look back and see why.
If he loses to our fight there's a possibility that he fights Killua if Killua lost to his.
Oh~ the wheels are turning.

A few moments later the fight started. It's Gon vs.  A bald guy. Ninja? What's his name?
My face must have look confused because Kurapika suddenly told me that his name is Hanzo. So... Whatever.

(A/N I'm not going to explain anymore of this because my Beautiful readers I know you already know what happened in the fight. )

And Now Finally it's my turn to fight.
I got in the center and wait for Illumi to come forward when he suddenly said something that made me want to strangle him.
"I give up" he said in his stupid voice.
"But I didn't even get to fight! Come here you stupid! -" I didn't finish my sentence because I know I would just be wasting my energy.  I angrily walk back to where I was before and lean against the wall with my hands cross in front of me.
"Mad? ~ ♣" someone asked.  I look to my right and saw Hisoka standing there with his hands on his hips. I just nod my head and close my eyes. I hate this feeling. I'm so disappointed. That stupid Illumi!

Suddenly, I felt a hand around my shoulder. When I opened my eyes I saw Hisoka holding cards in his right hand and his left around my shoulder. He was just looking at his cards so I take a look at it and saw that it was a Joker and a Queen of hearts.  I saw his eyes move and look at me for a second before going back to his cards.  Does that mean something?
"I prefer Queen of Diamonds" I say before looking at his face.  He turned his head towards me before he wave his hands up and down. Suddenly, he's holding 4 cards and then the next it disappeared then.... There's a two cards. He showed it to me.
It was now a Joker and the Queen of Diamonds.
And I'm not going to lie... it made me smile.

"What's with you? " I asked,  smiling to myself.
"Hmm~ ♥ " Instead of answering me he just smiled,  his eyes closed smile.  I wonder if that is his real smile. It looks cute on him.

I didn't even realize that the exam ended already and when I look around I can't find Killua. Then when I turned my head I saw Illumi .
Oh~ I don't know what happened but it looks bad. 


Niw we're on a room where Netero will explain what is the benefits of Hunter's license Etc. 
I didn't listen though. I'm sitting next to Hisoka playing with his hair. When I first touch it I was shock because of how smooth it is. 
I comb my hand in his hair and twirl some of the strand. Some look at us weirdly but Illumi looks like he doesn't even care.  Well I already expected that.  Hisoka was...  Yeah just smiling. I don't care about what other people say so I do what I do.  I didn't even bother to hide the fact that I was enoying it.
Suddenly a loud bang was heard.  And Behold! Gon standing there with a face that says he's here for some talking. 
I stop playing with Hisoka's hair and sat properly.  Now with a bored face.  I can't wait to get back to my old Job.
I guess I should ask Illumi for another assassination Job for some money then I guess I can find a normal Job. No...  That will be too boring. 

A normal Job is not right for me. Should I be a Bounty hunter then?
No...  That means I'm helping the society.
My mind was wandering around when Hisoka suddenly stand up making me snap out of my 'Job hunting ideas'.

It seems that the meeting is done. I take my license and drop it in my Infinitus Chest. Now no one's gonna get it from me. Right then I remembered about the egg. The egg that I put inside my Infinitus Chest. Gha! I should have had eaten it in Zevil Island instead of hunting for food.
I instantly hate my memory.

When I got outside I decided I would go around killing people before trying to find a Job. With that in mind I walk but suddenly a hand pulled me.

"Hisoka? " I asked but he just keep walking until we're a good distance from the door.
"Hmm~ leaving me without a single Goodbye? ~ ♣"
I raised my eyebrow at him. I never see him as a guy who likes to get a goodbye from anyone. I guess I don't know him enough.
I stared at his eyes.  Trying to read his thoughts but It seems like there's a wall blocking everyone from seeing it. Blocking anyone from seeing who he really is.
I want to break that wall...
I want to free him from that wall.

I raise my hand slowly.  He was just standing there with a blank face staring at me... Waiting for me to do something.
Then I touch his cheeks with both of my hands, staring at his eyes intently trying to see what's inside. Trying to see what he feels at yhe moment...
Then in a second I thought I saw sadness but he suddenly close his eyes.  Now both of his hands holding mine in his cheeks. As if he wants that moment to last.
But when he opened his eyes again there it was. The wall I badly want to break.
He smiled at me... A really small smile.
He took off my hands from his face and look behind me. His smirk is now back. As if the sad smile was never there.  Or maybe I'm just imagining things...

I look behind me and saw Illumi with a Broken wrist.
"What happened to that? " I asked..
"Gon Happened ~" Hisoka answered.
"I won't even ask" I said now with a smile on my face. I guess the broken wrist is bad enough so I don't have to do something for what he did earlier.

"Well...  I need to go~ See you when I see you,  Hisoka~" I said turning my head to look at him before running away.  I don't want his goodbye. I would see him someday,  but for now..
I need to have my fun.

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