♥ 14 ~

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The kid is now eating at the side of the bed while the three of us watch from the side.
"He looks like he didn't eat for years" Illumi said. I couldn't agree more. The kid looks happy while munching in his food without stop.
"He looks like he's enjoying this ~" Hisoka said, his hands on his hips.
I nod my head, agreeing with the two.

After the kid was done eating I walk towards him. "Full or nah? " I asked with a bored face. If this kid cries again I'll stab him on the face.
"Full" The kid answered seemingly too happy for his own good. Doesn't he realized that he's still in the hands of his kidnappers? I mean yeah I'm the only one who kidnapped him but.. Hm hm he should still be scared.

"Now that you're done, can we get going? Can't be late for my appointment ~" Hisoka said, licking his lips.
"Where? " I asked confused. He never told me bout going somewhere.
"Heaven's Arena. Gon and Killua~" Hisoka said. Illumi's eyes widen a bit. As if he's now going to listen carefully to whatever Hisoka will say about his brother.

"I thought you're done with the kids when you came here. What's going on with you and those boys? " I said. Crossing my arms as if I'm interrogating him.
Gon looks really strong so I don't want him to be a waste if ever Hisoka decided to kill him.  I mean, hey I can literally see a glowing power from him.

"Unfinished Business ~" I just nod my head.  It seems like he's not going to tell me whatever it is.

I turn my head towards the boy and saw him glaring at me. As if he remembered who he was with.
"Don't look at me like that. We feed you so be grateful you Brat! Now Clean your face. You're coming with us" I said, pointing towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to check out from the hotel. I'll wait for you at the lobby " Hisoka said, staring at me.
I nod my head at him and Off they go. Illumi decided to come with Hisoka to also check out from his room.

When the kid was done cleaning his face I just then notice that he's still wearing his Little Tux.
Do I also need to buy him some clothes? Argh! I don't want to be noticed so I don't have a choice here.

"Let's go and meet your new father" I said, giggling to myself. This is not me at all but whatever. I'm just going to be honest with myself. I do love Hisoka.

"New Father? Then who's my mom? That long haired Fish face?" He asked looking so Innocent. Oh My! Illumi? Does he think that those two is gay for each other?? Oh no! I ain't accepting that!

"No! Listen here Kid! I am your mom and The clown looking guy is your father! He's not Gay! He's mine, you understand? " I said, Glaring with my eyes with my point finger pointing at him.

He nod slowly as if scared to said something that might upset me.
"Good! Now I forgot to ask, what's your name? " I asked, now smiling sweetly at him.

He look at me as if I was craxy. What? I forgot to ask because of all this happening!

"Touji" He said which made me raise my eyebrow.
"What about your last name? "
He look at me hesitantly before answering.
"I was an Orphan. I'm really not part of the family. I came originally from Meteor City when my f-father found me. He's really not my father but I like to call him that. He's really nice. They have twins which you jave met in the party. When I became part of the family I promise to myself that I will protect those two. But I really can't say that I'm part of the family because m-mom don't like me. She also doesn't want me to call her mom. She said that I'm a trash and it's better if I just became their slave and not her s-son. That's why I don't use our surname" He explained, looking at the floor. As if he's ashamed about his background.

"Hm! That would make things easier. Now that is clear then from now on your name is Touji Amorou! Hisoka wouldn't mind it. " He look at me surprised by what I said before smiling happily with tears threatening to fall out of his eyes.
I guess he was too happy.
"Get ready because our life is not that easy. We've got a bloody path towards the future." I said excitedly and now he looks terrified.

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