♠ 25 ~

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I got back to the hideout of the troupe. They seems to be discussing the plan of attack on the auction tonight. I never bother to listen. My plan is to kill every last guest and it still hasn't change till now.

Touji came back from the city, holding two plastic bags of chips in one hand. That is a lot of chips.

"You'd get a toothache from that, don't you think? " I asked. Smirking at my own child. Ohh~ that sounds like something.

"I'll brush my teeth later" He said and started to open one of his chips then started to eat one.

They had kept Gon and Killua in one of the rooms. Nobunaga would be the one to guard them, make sure that they won't be able to scape. He volunteered earlier. It seems like he likes Gon and would like him to join the troupe. I don't know why and what he sees in Gon to want him. I don't exactly care byt that's Gon we are talking about. A tiny innocent companion that I met on the Hunter's Exam.

Touji would also be left here in the hideout. I don't want him out there. I wouldn't want him to accidentally die, considering that I'm planning on killing him myself. Hmm.. Oops! Did I say that out loud? ~

I won't kill him. Simply because I prefer him alive. It would be a waste to kill him too. He already knows the taste of blood and the scream of terror. He knows how it feels like to survive. It would become a damn waste if I kill him now. He grows so strong. So Damn delicious ~

He can still become even more strong. Stronger than he is right now! And I can't wait to see him that strong. I think it's time to let him on his own. After this, I'm letting him go. I'm letting Touji go. To face his own battles. To survive on his own in this game of life. Hmm~ I can't wait to see him stand on his own, at the top of the bodies that he would kill.

Touji told me that he bought a phone so that we could communicate. I don't know about Hisoka but I won't getting his phone number. I'm still mad. Tsk!

We left the hideout that night, Killua, Gon, Nobunaga, and Touji were the only ones that is left. We have a mission. Wait no- They have a mission. I'm there for the fun part. I don't care about anything else except the killing part. Finally! I don't have to stay on that stupid hideout anymore. I can finally get the fuck out of here once it's all over.

I should practice my teleportation nen. I can't always be like this. Getting weak after one teleportation. That could get me killed and that's a problem.

I was with Feitan and the others. Just waiting for the signal to start the operation from Chrollo. It seems like he's already inside the building.

My phone vibrates, signaling that someone gad texted me. I opened it and saw Touji's name. What could he be wanting right now?

ey mom!  I saw Killua and Gon escaping. I'm currently following them. What should I do?

My Eyes widen from his message. I didn't think that they could escape from ome of the members of the phantom troupe and even get as far as outside of the building.

Nobunaga must be stupid. That old man! A smirk found its way to my lips. I won't let Nobunaga have his way.

Help them escape. I don't care about Nobunaga Touji. Follow them, be friends with them. And don't let Nobunaga get them. Use whatever you can to get them far from that place. I'm counting on you, my child.

Yes Mom

Ohh!!  Such convenience. I can't wait to see Nobunaga's face. I laugh to myself and saw the phantom troupe watching me. Probably thinking that I'm finally gone crazy. I don't know how they would become friends but that's none of my concern right now.

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