♦ 24 ~

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I walk aimlessly around the city. No exact location to go to. Wondering around, looking for the best place to go to yet everything seems so dull to me now. It's no fun at all.  After this auction plan I am going back to killing some people. There will be an auction tonight too. I wonder what the plan is. Would there be a killing this time? Am I aloud to participate!?  Pft!  Wait- I don't think I need a permission. I could kill right now too! 

Hmm~ I can't wait to taste some blood~ ♥

I saw some dickhead around earlier and those delicious looling children. Hmm~ My lovelys~

As I walk I didn't realize that I'm getting further away from the crowd and trees are starting to come into view. I saw houses then and now but they have a good distance to each other. As if telling me to come in and kill everyone in the house and the screams would be heard by no one~!

Oops!  I found one!

I saw a tiny house. Enough for a family of 5 members. I bet they have a child~

I walk around the house, trying to find people until I saw some by one of the windows. He was sleeping on the sofa loud and clear. Yes. This cock snore and I hate it.

I climb inside the window since it's open. They are Unaware of the killing intent I have towards them. Not just them though since, you know, I hate everyone.

The moment I'm next to the sofa, I jump on top of him, straddling his legs.

He instantly woke up from it but before he could utter a word or even shout, I took my knife out and slice his neck.

The horror on his face is really funny! His eyes are almost popping from how much he widen them from shock. He even tried to stop the bleeding using his hands.

How amusing...
This insect is really really weak.
I'm getting bored of insects. Aren't there any wild animals out there like Hisoka? Or Chrollo? Or even Illumi?

I  decided to walk upstairs, usually on a scene like this there should be at least one person above. Sleeping or being Naive. One of those, at least.

I found three doors, one being the bathroom I assume. I opened the door on my right first and found a Master's Bedroom. Nothing is interesting so I opened the next door. And Kaboom! There she is. A teenage girl, sleeping on her bed.

What time is it anyway? Why are all of them sleeping? Heck with this people?

I sat at the bed and stroke her hair. Hmm~ what a soft hair. I can't remember the last time my mother stroke my hair. I can't even remember if she even did stroke my hair when I was a child. I can't remember the kisses and the hugs. The gifts and the surprises if there was even one. I can't remember any moment that I have with them.

I smile crazily as I remember the only thing in my childhood memory.

...Blood and deaths.
I remember the cries of my mother. The shouts of my father. The bloody head ofmy brother rolling in front of me as if I'm the one who killed him. I remember my red dress. It was supposed to be white but the life of my family dyed it in red. I remember the slippery floor. Full of red blood. The once happy home turned into a nightmare because of those people that I can't remember.

Ohh~ it's not sad at all. It was a fantastic event that turned me into me. I'm the one who survived. And I'll forever survive!

A shriek of a woman pulled me out of my thoughts as the exact same time that the girl jolted awake.

"Aahhh!!! " The girl shriek the moment she saw me. And I must admit that I hate that sound the most right now. What's with the people and shrieking today?

Loud footsteps could be heard by the stairs and a minute later there she is. The woman of the house! Or should I say the wife? The mother? ..Both.

"Get away from my daughter! " She shouted angrily with a hint of sadness, worry, and fear on her voice.

Hmm~ That I enjoy!

The girl hurriedly run to her mother but Of course, why would I let that happen?

I pulled the girl by her clothes as she tried to pass me by.

"WAAH! MOM! NO! (A/N: yamete kudasai!  Pft)"

"Let go of her! P-please! " The mother cried out.

Just to tease them I brought my knife out, poiting it at the girl's temple. It cut her a bit and blood made itself present.

"Noo! " the mother cried harder.

"Fine" I said crazily. I let go of the girl as she run to her mother.
"But, I want you to run. Once I caught you.. It's game over" I said.

The moment my words sink in to their little brains they immediately run down the stairs while I jump out of the window and run towards the front door. I heard the shriek of the girl suddenly, probably saw the state of her father.

"Boo! "

They both shriek after opening the front door and seeing me there. I catch the girl by her arms as the mother tried to pull her by the other hand. I laugh as I saw them struggle.

But everything has an ending.

I stab the knife at the girl's temple and watch as she drop to the ground while the only sound arount the house was the mother's scream of terror as she witness her child was murdered in front of her.

"You get to watch your family die just like I did. But do you know the difference between you and me? " I asked with a sweet voice. Getting closer at her.

I felt her body tremble the closer I got. I felt her breath quicken the more my smile gets bigger.

I whispered to her ear the moment I could reach her and say with the sweetest voice I could master, "The difference is that I survived, and you don't "  



HAPPY 10.6K!!!!


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♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


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