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I cleaned my knife as Hisoka finished the last guy. We, of course, took their cards before killing them. We don't want to waste our time by trying to find cards when stupid people can bring it to us.

"How about we start on our journey. I don't want us to spend our night on this rocky dessert" I said as I stood up from my sitting position as Hisoka made his way next to me.

We didn't exchange a single word but instead look in each others eyes before running towards the dessert.

It was kind of like a Deja Vu. I remember this kind of feeling. When was it? When did I do this with him before?

As I tried to remember, I look at him. Hisoka, wearing a slight mischievous smirk on his face, eyes straight to where he was going.

My heart thumps in my chest. I feel like I'm floating. My feet lightly touching the ground as we run. My eyes focused on the clown that I'm still trying to figure out how his mind work. Trying to figure out who he really is. But I think I have a slight clue on who.

He's Hisoka, a crazy clown who's eyes is focused on becoming the strongest. A perverted Pedophile because he's someone who doesn't know how to express himself truthfully. Instead, he make a joke out of everything.... Because he knows that no one can stop his dirty mind from running. He's attracted to strong people. A child or not, as long as they are strong he doesn't care what age.

He feels pleasure from meeting strong people, a stronger pleasure if fighting them. And victory once he defeat them. Maybe he's like this because he knows that those people are fun to kill because they are strong.  People who Won't back down from a fight even if their opponents are stronger than them.

And I don't know why he's attracted to me when I never actually once usee my nen on him. It's probably because he knows that I'm strong even without using my nen, stronger if I use them. And that made him acknowledge my power. Making him curious but at the same time attracted to me. Probably?? I don't know...

I'm still confuse about him sometimes.

What's driving him to become number one?....  It's probably a hard question with no answer. It's like asking myself why I kill people. What's the reason behind my actions?

My mind was brought back to reality when I felt something flying towards me. I avoided it by jumping out of the way.

I look where the object landed and saw that it was a card. King of diamonds.

I didn't stop running and saw Hisoka from my left, running with a playful glint on his eyes. I smiled at him as I lick my lips. I took out my knife and charged at him as he does the same. We meet at the middle as my knife and his card crush at each other.

We both jump back in an instance, throwing our weapon at each other and avoiding it at the same time. We continued running.

I brought out another knife as he brought out another card. This time, as we charged at each other, his card stop near my neck as my knife stop near his. I didn't stop there.

I swipe my hand at his arm that's holding the card, making him drop it as I drop mine. I kick his feet from behind his knee, making him fall down on the ground with a thud with me straddling his thigh, my hand reating on his chest as I look down at him.

"Aren't you a naughty one?~" Hisoka said, licking his lips.

"Hnm.. Hmm~ Yes I am" and with that, I bend myself forward. Kiss him on the lips without a single care in the world.



We reach the end of the rocky desert and it's getting darker. I feel hot from the kiss earlier. It's like I want to do something naughtier. Something hotter ~

I feel sticky. I'm sweating from all over. Not because I'm horny! It's because we run all the way here.

"I know a place where we can rest" Hisoka said and made his way to the forest in front of us. Walking.... Again.

"That's cool, I guess" I said and stretch my legs before following him through the forest. We made a few turns before a small lake came into view.

"Oh~ it's pretty" I said and was about to remove my clothes when I remembered Hisoka is with me. My eyes turned to him and he is smirking at me. Eyes on my body as he lick his lips.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked with a glint on his eyes.

I made a straight face before saying, "You... To close your eyes" Hands on my hips.

"Fine" he close his eyes but opened the other one slightly.

"Hmm~ You want to play that game with me? " I asked, smirking at him.

"Maybe" He said, opening both of his eyes.

I didn't bother saying anything else but instead slowly hold the end of my shirt, slowly lifting it up until completely off of me. I drop it at the side before taking off my belt slowly. I didn't drop it though. I walk towards him, belt in my hand.

I put the belt behind his neck while I hold both ends of it. I smirk, heart thumping in my chest once again. His smirk never left his face... And oohh~ how I like it.

I walk backwards.... Slowly. Him being drag towards me by the belt. When near the edge of the lake, I let go of the belt and instead work on my pants. Slowly unbutton and unzip it, pulling it off of me as he watch me with lustful eyes, biting his bottom lips in anticipation.

My pants at the bottom of my feet, can't be removed because of my shoes that I forgot to remove earlier. I was about to remove it when Hisoka kneel down, removing my shoes for me. After removing it, he look up at me, still kneeling as he took off my pants as well. Eyes never leaving mine.

I jolt a bit when I felt his hands hold my legs while the other one rub circles on the other. I breath out as I shiver from his touch. I can't form a word as my eyes clouded with lust for the clown that is kneeling before me.

He moved his face closer to my thigh but not enough to made it touch. I can feel his hot breath between my legs as he slowly breath, making his way up until he's face to face with my underwear.

"H-Hiso-!  Aah! " I didn't finished my sentence, because the next thing I know....
. .
He's licking me through my panties. And damn! Was that hot!

*To be Continued

~ ♥ ~

Holy water please....

I'm going to update this on june
*evil laugh
( ˘ ³˘)♥

Is it alright? It's my first time to write smut in English 😂 and it's just the beginning!!

And btw... I really appreciated all your votes, comments, and follows. Thank You!!! If it weren't for you then I would have had discontinued this book last year. But because you guys liked it then Yey! I'm continuing.

Votes and comments are highly appreciated

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