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"So.... Tell me.... What do you know, Pakunoda? Hmm~"

We are pretty far away from the hideout. I bet they won't hear us from here, if I don't make it messy.. That is ~

Touji look at her, sitting at a rock and making himself comfortable there. It's already a little late. He's probably sleepy now. A little tired from our little journey from Meteor City to here.

"What do you want to know? " Pakunoda asked with a blank look on his face. She looks like a robot at this moment.

"Well... For starters, are there any rules in the troupe? Like... Whatever rule" I asked.

"There are rules. One of them are about membership. People who wish to join the troupe would only be accepted if they killed a current member and/or if a current member leave or die the leader is responsible for looking for a replacement of that member. Then Coin Tossing. Serious fight are prohibited among the troupe, in an event where they have quarrels, they use the coin toss method to settle their differences. This is the coin" She said and showed it to me. It was a gold coin. And oh! It's pretty~ I might just want to have one of those..

"The coin is custom made, the head side had the design of the troupe's signature twelve-legged spider symbol, while the tail side has the spider's web design." she added. I watch the coin as she put it at her pocket. Oh well. I'll just have to ask Chrollo for one of those. But I'm not joining the troupe so he might not agree on giving me one.

Guess I'll just have to be a thief now. Hmm~

"Enough with the rules bullshit. Let's discuss the troupe members. Tell me about them. Each... one.. of ..them" I said slowly. Smirking at the end. I didn't know that Pakunoda would be this usefull to me. Well heck! I didn't even know that Touji will.
That little child. Hmm~ how does his blood taste? I wonder..

Damn! I shouldn't be thinking like this.

"I can tell you everything about them. First, Uvogin. He is one of the founding members of the troupe and is number 11. He is also considered the strongest member in terms of physical strenght. About his nen, well...., he is an enhancer type. His ability, 'Big Bang Impact' allows him to enhance his punch, enough to cause an explosion" Pakunoda explained with a still blank look on her face. Well I have to get used to that.

I stop for a moment, trying to sink in every word that Pakunoda is saying. It would be tough. I didn't realize that he will be that strong. Well.. Considering his physical look I shouldn't be surprised. That was stupid of me.

I have to think of a way to defeat him. I need practice. I have to be fast if I want to fight him. But considering my physical strenght I think I wouldn't stand that much of a chance if his nen can cause an explosion. My purple bullet might not even graze him. Hmm~ lovely!

I like the thought of this suicide mission of mine. Can't wait to feel dead!

"Then, Shizuku is the troupe member number 8. She is also from meteor City. She's a conjurer type. Her ability let her conjur a vacuum cleaner called Blinky which sucks in everything except for living things or objects made of nen."

I stop again. Well... This one is a bit more easy. Well a lot easy. I can cut her! Kill her! Murder her! Huh! I can shot her! A vacuum won't stand a chance against my nen. My power should not be underestimated. Considering that I'm also fast and strong. But not stronger than Uvogin, let's fxking face that.

"Mom, I'm sleepy. " Touji suddenly said with his eyes blinking rapidly due to being tired and sleepy. Well I guess I just have to stop this now or else I can't do anything about Pakunoda when this talking stop.

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