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Days had passed and all I did was killing people Everynight. Of course I took their money too. I need cash for food and clothes.  I honestly don't have a house but I don't need it anyways.  I have my Infinitus Chest for my things.

It's midnight and all I'm doing is stare at the moon.  Wondering if it feels lonely.  Like me?  Nah! I'm used to being alone. 
I pulled out my phone and look at my contacts. .....
It's Illumi. Eh? Only Illumi? I need to get a life.
I decided to call him for a job. Maybe he can get me one.

After 3 rings he finally answered my call.
"Hmm~ Illumi, It's a wonderful night for killing isn't it? " I asked. 
"Hm? What do you want? "was his only answer. 
"I need a job.  And you know what kind of job I want, right?~" I asked. Now feeling hopeful that he got a nice job for me.
"I don't have anything fun right now. Why? " he asked.
"I need money " was my only answer.

He stop for a minute as I sat there at the rooftop waiting for him to say something .
"Go to the heavens Arena"

"Heaven's what? "
"Heaven's Arena. It's in YorkNew City.  You can fight there and earn money at the same time" was his answer.
"want me to come with you? " He added.
Wait what? Come with me? What's with him now?
"Hmm?  Why? Want to earn money? ~ the famous assasin wants to fight people to earn money? ~ really?  Illumi~" I teased.
He didn't answer for a few second before I heard a sigh at the other end. "No" was his answer before droping the call.

"Wow. Didn't even say goodbye " I mumbled to myself while staring at the screen of my phone.

I shook my head and decided to follow what Illumi said. Heaven's Arena huh? Don't dissapoint me now.


I arrived at the arena and honestly, it amazed me how tall this building is.  I wonder how many floors it has.
The woman at the register looks so happy with her job. Makes me want to kill her. How is this thing fun?

"Hey miss. Can I kill my oponents?" I asked her and she looks slightly scared.
"A-ah no. It's against the rules. But you can when you reach the floor 200" she said and smiled after telling me.
Eh? Floor 200? Not bad. 

When I got inside I suddenly felt so dissapointed. This losers will be my enemies? Are you freaking kidding me right now?

I decided to just sit there and think about how to kill Illumi after this.
When my number is called I stand up and go to where I was supposed to go.

My opponent is ugly. Have beard and all muscle that doesn't go with his face. If only I could kill this ugly specimen we call Human.

All I did was to kick him and sent him flying towards the very far end of this arena and I won. The judge look scared at me but gave a  ticket nonetheless. Floor? Now that is easy.

When I arrived and gave the woman my ticket I was so disappointed with the coins. 
I Smiled at her with a murderous aura. Oh ghad ~ Illumi~ I will tear you apart.

But that disappeared when I found out I will have my own room.  It looks Fancy.  Finally I could relax.

After showering and changing my clothes I sleep.  Because tomorrow I will have a fight. Jumping from floor to floor is fun but the money is just so..... Whatever I need sleep.


Now I'm in the floor 190. And it's fun.  I jump from floor to floor by Ten. Maybe if I win this I get to be finally in the floor 200.
After winning in the 100 floor I realized that the more you advance the more money you get.  Floor 200 seems to be the last floor meaning It has lots and lots of money. 
Now I question myself when did I get addicted with money?

Hmm.. My money is in my Infinitus Chest.  I know it's safer in there. Then it made me think... If I lose my nen my money would also be gone.  I need a bank account. 

Now I'm in the stage with people cheering my name. My opponent? Is ugly. Again and again all if them is ugly but this time it's a girl.  She's wearing Bra and short shorts.  In short.. I hate her already. 
She's smiling at me as if she thinks she'll win.
"Why don't you run away now before I ruin your face? *chuckles. " She said.  I don't know her name.  I didn't even bother looking at the screen to know.  I wouldn't be seeing her after this so why ask?
"Hmm~" was my reply.  Smirking to myself. I want to kill her but sadly I'm not allowed to. 

The second the man said to begin I charge at her. She was shock when she saw how fast I was she didn't have time to react when I landed my first punch at her face.
It was strong it sent her flying but I run after her,  before she could fly out the stage I kick her towards the center. Of course people cheered so loud it makes me proud.  I jump as high as I can, both of my feet pointing towards her. The moment she opened her eyes it widened and her scream... Oh~

"GAAAHHHH-" She's not dead.  Just unconscious.

"(Y/N) WON! "

And the cheers were wilder and louder. Oh fun~ If only I could kill all of them right now.

I look at the crowd. Thinking of different ways to kill all of then when my eyes stop at a certain red hair Clown.

My smile turned big I thought it was going to rip my face.

He lick his lips as he look at me with his golden orbs.  With a proud smile on his face.

"You can proceed to the 200th floor" the man said, interrupting my staring contest with Hisoka. 

I took my ticket and walk away. When I'm out of everyone elses sight I run. 
Where could he be. Suddenly, someone pulled me to the side and I instantly know it was him when he kissed me.
I close my eye and run my hand in his hair.  Feeling it's softness while his arms wrap around me pulling me closer to him. He lick my bottom lips asking for entrance but I want to tease him so I keep my lips shut. I felt him smile as he bit down at my bottom lips making me open my mouth. He dominated my mouth,  feeling every part of it. I think I found my treasure. My Hisoka.

When we pulled apart I saw his eyes. The walls were nowhere to be seen.  And finally

.   .. His eyes... I can see him.

I saw something unexpected. I saw him staring at me lovingly. But what he said was what made even more shock...
"Stay with me"

Knowing The Clown (HisokaXReader)Where stories live. Discover now