♦ 12 ~

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After leaving, me and Illumi decided to meet up at a Hotel. He said he's going to deliver me a gown and on his way here. I don't really know why he need to bring a gown. I can buy my own things. I have Money!

I was laying on the bed,  staring at the ceiling and just thinking about life. Why did I choose this path? I mean, I could have had done something better than this. Rather than killing inoccent people I could have had been a hunter. Gourmet Hunter doesn't sound bad.

Hmm~~ I seriously need a life. Oh! I forgot! I have Hisoka~~

There was a sudden knock on the door so I had to stand up and open that thing. I'm really lazy today. When I opened it, I saw Illumi holding a big box and a suit on his other hand.

"Oh~ you're really prepared " I said, smirking at him.
"I'm always prepared" He said before literally shoving me out of the way to enter the room.

"I really want to kill you sometimes" I mumbled to myself.
I stared at Illumi from head to toe and started thinking that this man is prettier than me.  Look at his Hair and that body. He looks so Sexy I could give him my boobs and he would be a perfect pretty little Lady.
"This would be your dress. It's not that fancy so you could fight if you have to. Ah! It can also store some knives using this" He said as he throw a belt looking thing at me that can be strap on my legs.

"We should start then.  I don't want to miss the party. Oh! By the way, can I....? " I asked without finishing my sentence because I know he already know what I meant.  Of course, he should know what this smirk means.

He sigh before nodding, "You can Kill anyone except my target"
I immediately smiled after he said that.
"Of course"

after getting dressed, we both headed to the party. We're currently riding a taxy because First, I don't want to run and Second, Illumi doesn't drive.

"So tell me. What's the plan? " I whispered at him as we exit the taxy. He held my hand as the both of us walk through the red carpet towards the entrance.

"Kill and enjoy"
Oh~ I took a glance at him as I smirk and say "Let's enjoy the night, shall we? "

The party's so elegant. Look at all this people laughing and having the time of their lives. Without a care in the world. They have the money and the power. They have everything they need. I saw a few children too. Oh good~
I shall demonstrate to them how life works.

"I shall take my leave" I said to Illumi without looking at him and approach the table where I saw a chocolate fountain. Swear it's too good. I love it! 

I ate and tried different kind of foods until I saw Illumi looking at me irritated. He probably wants to finish this fast.  I gestured at him to wait as I swallowed. 
I took out my knife and approach the first kid I saw. He's playing with two other kids and they look like they're enjoying the party. No adults near them letting them do what ever they want.

"Hello. Are you excited? " I asked with a sweet smile plastered on my face.
The kids look up to see my face. They look confused as one of them ask,  "Uh.. Who are you?" he asked. "oh me? ~I'm (Y/N). And I will be one of the host for the event later!" I said cheerfully. The two kids smile but the one I was talking to look at me suspiciously. Oh good~ I know who to take.

"Ne miss,  what kind of event? " Ask the girl. "Ne!  Ne!  I want to know to" The other boy asked.
"Well~ it's a secret. But here's a clue" I said as I bend myself so that I can whisper to them.  "There would be an explosion" and as if on cue, a loud boom was heard.

"What was that!? "
"What's going on?! "
"Hey!  Someone check it"

Was the shouting. They are all so loud.
I look at the people with a board face when the kid suddenly shouted at me,  "I knew it! Guys, don't trust her" he glared at me as he use one of his hands as if to sheild the others.

The two looks scared. Now this kid reminds me of Killua. Always glaring at me.

Before he could react I strike his neck with my hand to make him unconscious.
Of course he fell to the floor. 
The girl screamed making the others look at our direction but before anyone could ask what was going on I killed one of the guest.

And that started the hunting game.
I look back to see the kids dragging the unconscious boy away.

I need to name them~

"Oh~ no can do. That kid is mine" I was about to walk towards them when I felt a gun shot towards me so I had to jump away. I don't want to use my nen just yet.
I look at my right and saw at least 11 people pointing their guns at me. Now there's the fun. After killing them, I'll take the kid and go home.


That's ideal.

I run towards them,  now holding knives in both of my hands.
They started shooting at me using pistols. Ya really think that pistol can kill me!? This is an insult!

One by One I cut their heads off clean from their body. Jumping from one man to the other. All I heard was screaming and Oh~~ How fun!

I clean my knives by rubbing it on a dead man's clothe before turning to the kids who look terrified.

"Why the look? ~ You know life is all about killing and Dying. No matter what you do, good or Bad. No matter what you achieve, we all die. There's nothing more in this world. Soon enough,  everything you're fighting for will disappear. All of it~. So tell me kid, why do you want to live? "

They were speechless. Of course. Kids aren't smart enough to counter my words. That's why I love talking to kids. They know not to interrupt.

"I'm taking him" I said as I held the boy on his collar.
"No! Release him! Give him back! " The little girl shouted at me, crying her eyes out as she hit me with her fist.

I carry the little boy like a sack on my shoulder as I wave my goodbye to the kids.
"Find me when you grow old, enough to kill me. Rescue your precious friend. But I can't promise that he's alive till then" I chuckled and the boy look terrified while the girl cried harder.

Someday.... I hope you come someday. Strong enough to defy life and live as you want. Oh~ what am I saying?~ I'm getting soft.

"You done" Illumi asked when I exited from the door. Him looking bored and all. He look at what I was holding and glare at the little boy.
"Why are you holding that thing? " He asked,  still with his furrowed eyebrows.
"I'm keeping him" I said with a bright smile.
He didn't answered but instead sigh,  as if he was done dealing with me.
"Fine, let's go" He said.

I'm keeping him. Train him maybe? Would Hisoka like him? Let's just find out.

When we got back to the hotel. Illumi changed at the bathroom while I lay the kid on the bed when there was a sudden knock on the door.
I glared at it! Who the heck knocks on a door at the middle of the night.

"Who the-!" I shouted immediately when I opened the door but was immediately shut up the moment I saw who was at the door.

"My My~ am I not allowed to visit? Are you enjoying your stay? (y/n)-chan~ ♦" After he said that, Illumi walked out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a- bathrobe!!??
"Yah! What the heck! Illumi! "I shouted.
"Hmm" And Hisoka sure looks like he wants to kill someone.  I am sure because of his serious face. He's not playing this time.

"Yo! " Illumi greet Hisoka with one of his hands raise.
Seriously!! Illumi What the actual F*-!!

~ ♥ ~


I'm really sorry I haven't been updating.
I've been busy with school works especially now that I'm a graduating student.
I'm busy with preparing for my college.
I'll make it up to you guys next time.
I'll try my best to update as much as I can.
Thank You!

Have a bless day everyone!

Tell me your thoughts 💭

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