The Sun Rising

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Jirou woke early, the light wind beginning to rustle the trees outside, and light curling through the room.

Jirou's phone was ringing, and she groggily lifted a hand and answered the call.

"What do you want I was sleeping-"

"JIROU, WAKE THE FUCK UP" Denki Kaminari's voice screamed.

"Ahhhh, the sweet morning air..." Jirou was virtually perfectly awake now, if not a little annoyed.

"This isn't funny Jirou! It's early and I don't know how to make TOAST." Denki was slightly sobbing on the other side of the phone.

"Won't Bakugo just make it for you?" Jirou sighed.

"Normally yeah, but I called him Bakuhoe Catsuki."

"Ok that's just begging to be murdered."

"It was a dare from Mina."

"That makes so much sense it's a little upsetting."

Jirou stepped out of her room stretching her arms above her head, it was a Saturday, classes were off for a bit. Jirou calmly walked down through Heights Alliance, spinning a drumstick in one hand, twirling it between her fingers.

Everyone was crowded around with plates eating various small bits of food for breakfast, but Kaminari was curled up in one corner, lying on the floor on his side holding his knees.

Jirou walked past, grabbing his collar and pulling him along with her as she wandered over to the kitchen. Throwing a piece of bread in a toaster, with Kaminari intensely watching, as she explained every step of the very simple process of making one slice of toast.

Jirou settled onto the sofa next to Momo, she was tying her hair up, then deeming it imperfect and untying it, and repeating over and over again.

"Hey Momo!"

"Oh, hello Jirou. Have you had a good morning!" Momo smiled, her attention focused elsewhere, still trying to tie her hair up.

Momo was obliviously unaware of the instant change in Jirou's heartbeat seeing Momo smile, framed perfectly by sunlight, and the light dancing across her hair. She saw light reflecting off her eyes.

"Yeah I'm ga- good, I'm good." Jirou stuttered.

"Fuck" Jirou screamed internally.

"Is something wrong with your hair?"

"Yes! I can't get it to sit right!" Momo was pounting, she'd obviously been trying for some time.

"I think it looks beautiful already." Jirou said, giving her a wink, that Momo didn't seem to notice.

"Oh my dear jesus god fuck." Jirou thought, yet again with Momo not picking up on the obvious clues she was leaving. She was 90% sure that everyone in the class already knew about her crush on Momo. Except Yaoyorozu.

"Thanks Jirou, you're a great friend!" Momo said, blushing slightly.

Jirou just sat there silently, Todoroki looked over from where he was sat next to Midoriya, he was devouring an almost endless dish of Cold Soba. He stopped eating for a second, seeing the pain on Jirou's face and mouthed a few words over to her.

"That's rough buddy."

Todoroki was once a bit of a rival, but he called the war off, and always listened to every time that Momo nearly killed her with obliviousness. After the first few times in his room bashing her head against anything and maybe a little bit of Midoriya and Iida's influences, everything sharp had been blunted and padded for her safety.

"It's like she has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT IT DOES TO ME." Jirou vented to Todoroki. She was laying on Todoroki's bed face down, smacking her head against it.

"Hmmm, powerful feelings." Todoroki muttered. He was sat on a spinning chair completely still, while beside him Midoriya was spinning on the chair in circles.

"What am I supposed to do?!?!" Jirou whined, giving up hope and trying to die.

"Don't be sad Jirou! I'm sure Momo will notice eventually." Midoriya smiled.

"Be gay, do crime." Todoroki said.

"TODOROKI NO." Midoriya shouted, stopping his spinning chair and nearly falling off it on accident.

"Thank's for your time guys. I need some space to think." Jirou said, getting off Todoroki's bed and leaving his room.

"Send me a text if you need any help." Todoroki called after her. "I can always set you up on a date with Momo."

Jirou stopped for a moment, but quickly left blushing at the thought of having a date with Momo.

"Hey Jirou, are you available?" A notification on Jirou's phone said. It was from Momo.

"Uhhhh, okokok." Jirou muttered, leaving the text for a moment. "In what way?" She wrote.

"I just wanted to hang out, it's been a while since it was just the two of us."

Jirou was curled up on her side, having just dropped her phone and her hands shaking. She started to write out a message.

"I can't take it anymore, every single day I sit here while your eyes look through me and for once I wish you would look into my eyes and soul, to see quite how much I love you."

At the last minute, with her finger hovering over the send button.

She deleted the message.

"Yeah sure, sounds like fun!"

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