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Heavy storm-clouds begun to split, revealing the sun behind them, with it's warmth and light beginning to wash out.

It's light started to reflect off of windows and the long puddles of fallen rain. The warmth, now changing a cold night's wind, to a soft, warm, summer breeze.

The light falls over UA, hitting the glass and filling the rooms over Heights Alliance. The sun's light illuminated the rooms of Heights Alliance, before even the lights had come on in the building.

The common rooms were still cold, however Jirou and Momo couldn't feel it.

They were sat on one of the long sofas, with a knitted blanket wrapped over them both, each holding a steaming cup of coffee. Watching a report on the TV, with Jirou resting her head on Momo's shoulder, her earphone jacks wrapped round Momo's shoulders, just resting there.

They had woken up early, made sure to get in their seats quickly. And to have a moment of peace together.

"Honey?" Momo asked, breaking the silence. Smiling while she spoke, a small warm grin.

"Yeahhhh..?" Jirou answered, closing her eyes and snuggling more into Momo's shoulder.

"I love you." Momo muttered. Turning her head to kiss to the top of Jirou's head. Then turning back to watch the TV.

"Pfft, that's gay." Jirou said. She leaned up and kissed Momo on the cheek. "I love you too."

"You need to be more subtle." Todoroki's voice wafted out from the hallway, and he came walking out in a white shirt with black sleeves, baggy pantaloons and two fluffy pink slippers. "People are going to realise you two are a couple if you aren't careful, it really isn't difficult to figure out with how you two act."

"Hey! We told you and Midoriya because we trust you two." Momo said. "We just want to have our private little thing to enjoy for ourselves, until anyone else finds out."

"Me and Izuku won't say anything. Promise." Todoroki said. Walking over to the kitchen and starting to make another pot of coffee. "Anyone want any?"

"Yeah, sure. I need as much as I can get for today." Jirou said, rubbing one of her eyes. Momo frowned and looked at her concerned.

"There's no need to be so worried, dear. I know everything will be fine, I'm there to support you for every single step of the way." Momo assured her. She took Jirou's hand and held it in both of her hands.

Jirou smiled, her tired face lightning up a little. Spending just a couple moments staring into her girlfriends glowing eyes.

"I swear to All-Might, you two couldn't be gayer if you tried." Todoroki said from the background.

"We both know that isn't true..." Jirou replied, her eyes drifting closed and then shooting open.

"Sweetheart, please, you need to rest." Momo decreed. Seeing Jirou struggling to stay awake.

"No. I need coffee." Jirou said,  getting up out of the blanket and tucking it around Momo and giving her a kiss. "Y'know what they say, a coffee a day, drives the depression away."

Jirou grabbed a cup from Todoroki. "Hey, Shoto, can I talk to you for a sec, like, privately."

Todoroki looked over to Momo, and as she nodded, he wandered out of the room with Jirou.

They moved out into the hallway, and Jirou nervously looked up and down it cautiously, then moving in close to Todoroki to not have to speak loudly.

"So-uhh, me and Momo are going to visit my parents today so I can introduce them to her. They don't completely know that I'm a lesbian, but they know that I'm not straight, and that my last girlfriend hurt me. So I think they're going to judge Momo harshly." Jirou explained, still keeping an eye on the corridors.

"Ohh...oh my." Todoroki realised. His soft expression of neutrality changing to sympathetic pity.

"So, uhh, can I have some advice..I know that your dad isn't great..." Jirou asked.

"I can't really help you, I'm so sorry, I haven't told my dad anything. I never talk to him, and I actively avoid him." Todoroki confessed.

"Great. You were my only hope here. I don't know how the hell I'm going to do this." Jirou muttered. Her eyes getting watery and her trying to scratch them out of her eyes. "I CANT DO THIS."

"Kyoka Jirou." A older voice said from a little bit down the hallway, walking towards her was one of the only people in the building who looked more tired than she did. As Aizawa wandered over. "It's very early, could you keep the noise down."

"Sorry sir, I'm just...tired." Jirou apoligised. Aizawa squinted slightly, looking at her tears in her eyes, and the bags beneath them.

"Why don't you come with me for a second. I need to talk to you, and I think you'll want to hear what I have to say." Aizawa said. His expression was very similar to Todoroki's, a look of sympathy, but mixed in with the hero's wisdom.

He gave a look to Todoroki and mouthed a few words to him. Todoroki mouthed a few words back and Aizawa nodded and lead the way, with Jirou following behind to his office.

"Tell Momo I'll be back soon." Jirou said to Todoroki. As she drank down the whole cup of coffee and handed it to him. Then followed after Aizawa.

Oh Honey // momojirouWhere stories live. Discover now