Jirou's Story

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"So uhh- w-when did you know you were a lesbian" Momo asked, sitting back and readjusting her posture.

"I met a girl at a concert, I bumped into her by accident and she assumed I was gay. I tried to tell her I wasn't, but she talked to me and I realised she was right. We talked for a while, I haven't seen her since but the way she spoke about her own sexuality, she was so confident and proud of herself. It was inspiring, and I owe her so much for opening my eyes." Jirou smiled.

Momo felt a small pang of jealousy, Jirou really looked up to whoever this girl was. But Momo kept her smile wide, despite the small fragment of jealousy she was happy Jirou found such a positive force to help guide her through the motions.

"Nobody used to know, but I talk about it to Denki and Todoroki all the time."

Momo's face dropped. "Oh god, I am so sorry for saying that I thought that Denki was your boyfriend. "

"Hey it's fine, easy mistake to make, we're good friends. He's known the longest. But I hate to break it to you but I think the entire class already kind of knows."

Momo's eyebrows shot up. "How? Have you told them?"

"There's a group chat for those of us that are LGBTQ+, literally every straight guy I walk past assumes I'm gay, and the majority of the class have seen how flustered I get around the girls. I think the only person who hasn't gotten it except from you is M*neta."

"Oh that little shit..." Momo muttered.

"He's like the only reason I haven't publicly said it." Jirou looked ashamed.

"He would be filthy pervert about it as usual wouldn't he."

"I know that he doesn't think I'm attractive right now because I'm...yeah...but if he knew there's no telling what he'd try and pull." Jirou's embarrassment.

"He might not think you look sexy, I think you look great." Momo said.

There was a knock on the door, a bored kind of knock.

Jirou walked over and opened the door.

Outside the door was a man with long black hair spilling over his shoulders, a plain black shirt but wraps over his neck and shoulders, small scar under his eye. Shota Aizawa.

"Jirou, please try not to kill Kaminari he's sat in the common room burying himself in cushions." He said, he looked tired, heavy bags under his eyes.

"Oh, sorry sir!" Jirou said, but she looked a little too pleased with herself to be sorry.

"Just don't do it again unless absolutely necessary." He sighed and walked away.

Momo walked up to Jirou at the door. "I should be getting back to my room now." She said. As she tucked her phone away in her pocket, she looked concerned.

"Is everything okay?" Jirou asked.

"Oh yeah everything's fine, I just got a text from my mother asking about my schoolwork and she's going to call me to talk about my progress here."

"Good luck." Jirou said.

Aizawa's POV:

I looked over my shoulder down the hall to see Momo come out of Jirou's room. I may be tired but they could not be more obviously attracted to each other.

I would help, but that's not my job right now, I need to make sure Eri's gone to bed.


Why is my class just all gay and sad. Though that might be why they relate to me so much.

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