A Feedback Loop

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"Thank you Loki." Kaminari said. "I guess I feel a little better now."

"Talk to your friends about this, they'll make sure to make you feel included I'm certain." Loki nodded, standing up and brushing off her cloak.

"I'm sure they will, I'll try, I'll follow your advise!" Denki said, smiling and puffing up his chest.

Loki turned to walk away, but stumbled on her leg, quickly adjusting to stand upright. She took another step forward and stumbled again, this time drawing a rune in the air, but gripped her arm in pain as she completed it and vanished in a flash of unstable lightning.

Denki stood up in alarm, but looked painfully at where the hero had vanished.

He pushed back through the door into Height's Alliance, instantly hit by the sound of a immense cheer. Jirou was with them though, despite the cracks on her Earphone Jacks, she had small foam casings around them to block the sound from damaging them further.

"Cmon Pikachu!" Kirishima shouted out, calling him over to the group.

He wandered over, and took his usual place standing with Jirou.

"Hey. You okay?" Jirou asked.

"Yep. Completely fine." Denki grinned, tucking a slightly shaking hand into his pocket.

"Wait, why were you outside?" Jirou inquired, cocking an eyebrow.

"Ehh, just went for a walk." Denki replied, shrugging, then turning his attention to the rest of the class.

"Well we're glad to have you here, it's calmed down a little since a bit since you got here, but you should have seen Bakugo nearly commit murder!" Momo smiled, holding onto Jirou's arm.

"Oh really...why?" Denki asked, keeping the smile and feigning stupidity....well more than the usual level of gullible idiot.

"Someone called him Bakuhoe Katsuki!" Kirishima laughed. "We came up with it on the spot!"

"Amazing!" Denki grinned, but anyone who had been watching close enough would have seen the light behind his eyes flicker out. They really had forgotten huh.

"Hey remember when you used to hang out with M*neta?" Mina piped up. "I've always meant to ask what was up with that?"

"Yeah, what the hell, that was totally not manly dude!" Kirishima said. "He was a creep."

"Well I...well...ah-I...I don't-I don't." Denki stuttered, feeling the weight of all of the words around him. The world seemed to fade away for a moment, and all there was were those words.

He was trapped, surrounded by something he couldn't answer and as the words surrounded him the pressure climbed and climbed, and climbed, and climbed.

He was alone, with only regrets surrounding him and unable to move, and as he stuttered the sensation of words leaving him started to crush his voice.

Then the whispers from within started.

"Why?" The question of why he had spent time and collaborated with Mineta.

"Why?" The question of why he couldn't answer properly.

"Why?" The question of why he was shaking.

Why?" The question of why this was happening to him...

Stuck in his internal battle Denki hadn't realised, but he had fallen to the floor, holding his head and his breathing speeding up to a dangerous rate.

He was whispering under his breath. "Why, why, why." He repeated over and over.

"Everyone SHUT UP." Jirou yelled, instantly silencing the class.

"What's wrong with Pikachu?" Bakugo grunted, trying to move over to him, prompting the class to start trying to crowd around him.

"What's he doing?" Uraraka asked.

"If I may ask politely, EVERYONE BACK THE FUCK OFF." Momo screamed, forming a barrier between the class and Kaminari and Jirou.

Jirou knelt down to Kaminari. "Denki, Denki. Listen to me, I'm here, it's okay. Stop trying to speak, hold my hand." She whispered to Denki.

His breathing slowed slightly, it didn't stop and he didn't stop his constant river of whispered questions. His hand weakly held onto Jirou's.

She started to stand. Guiding him to stand on his shaking legs, but lean on her for support.

He started to slow his breathing, with Jirou now reciting words to keep help him focus and giving him an anchor to hold onto.


He heard one whisper...

He didn't know from who...

One whisper that changed everything.

"Well that's certainly brought the mood down!"

The attempt at a way to break the awkward silence but with a serious consequence.

Denki felt all the weight of the situation return, and the whispers of "Why?" Changed to

"No." Whoever said it wasn't wrong.

"No." It was his fault.

"No." He'd ruined their fun.

He'd ruined their happiness.

"No." What Loki said didn't matter.

Denki felt all of these things come rushing through his head, and tried to grab his head in mental agony again, but felt Jirou's hand try to pull him up, but in a moment of instinct. He panicked.

He tried to get Jirou to let go, but her grip wouldn't budge.

More panic.

She won't let go.

"LET GO." Denki screamed, electricity jumping off his hand and blasting into Jirou.

Her body shook, then went flying back from the blast of electricity.

Denki's hand was smoking from the blast, and he felt his mind starting to fry.

Even. More. Panic.

And he had just hurt the one person who was trying to help.

"JIROU." Momo cried and dashed over to where Jirou had cracked the wall on impact, she was sat up, trying to stand but being a little shaken.

Denki clenched his fists and covered his eyes that were flowing with tears. He tried as he might to concentrate but his mind was spinning in ten thousand loops.

He turned.

And he ran.

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