Homo Yaoyorozu

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Silence filled the room and hung like the echo of a gunshot.

"Surprise..." Momo said, looking around nervously. Turning bright red and shrinking from all the eyes suddenly on her.

Eri looked around a little confused but both Mirio and Tamaki looked utterly shocked.

The rest of the class were staring at Momo looking a little surprised in their own ways, Kirishima was speechless, Mina was suspiciously looking at everyone's faces around the room, Bakugo wasn't paying attention.

The silence was broken by Midoriya happily clapping lots of tiny claps.

"Babe, why are you clapping..." Todoroki said, raising an eyebrow.

"It takes a lot of courage to come out, she deserves some kind of positivity! It's all I could think of I'm sorry." Midoriya explained.

He dashed over to Momo and gave her a hug. "Congrats!" Kirishima said, as he walked over to behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Welcome to the club." Todoroki said as he shared a nod with Momo, and very cautiously threw Jirou a wink.

"I'm so happy for you Momo!" Jirou said as she walked up and sat next to Momo. "I'm curious, what made you realise?"

Momo gave Jirou a very direct look, a very serious and knowing glance. "Well, i think I've just been freed from certain mindsets that were trapping me and forcing me to think I was straight. And since I've had more positivity in my life since I started seeing myself as a lesbian woman, that has to mean that I'm doing something right!" Momo explained.

"Well, I know that I'm very proud of you." Jirou said, giving her best friend a hug. Momo returned it gently and squeezed a little bit before letting go.

"It's great to have another girl out, besides Jirou." Tsu said. Making a heart with her hands and gesturing it toward Momo. "We're all proud of you."

"Wait you're gay?!?!" Denki asked. "Damn, the water really did turn the frogs gay."

"Kaminari I spent all of last weekend in the groupchat talking about my coming out as bi to my family." Tsu said, raising an eyebrow.

"THERE'S A GROUPCHAT?" Denki shouted.

"We'll add you. But either way congratulations Momo!" Mina said. With everyone now gathered around Momo.

"Wait, how many of you are gay? Or out rather. No pressure to come out kids, do it at your own pace!" Mirio asked

"Me." Jirou, Momo, Tsu, Kirishima, Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki, and a reluctant Bakugo all said.

"Wow that's a lot of us, I'll admit that I'm Bi." Kaminari said. "Just wanted to see how many of us there were first."

"I'm a lesbian, Momo's a lesbian, Tsu's bi, Denki's bi, Kirishima's gay, Iida's pan, Midoriya's bi, Todoroki's gay, Bakugo's pan." Jirou explained, gesturing to each person individually, getting a nod from each.

"Can I add my name to this, I'm, bi, and more importantly aromantic." Mina said. Getting a couple hugs immediately, and a warm welcome.

And she started to tear up a little.

"Are you okay Mina dear?" Momo asked.

"I always thought I was broken for being aromantic, and I know a lot of people don't think it's valid, and it's just been so painful to keep inside, and I'm so happy that I can finally say it and get a hug. It's a sign of acceptance to something where I can be myself." Mina explained.

"I'm so glad that we can talk about these things with each other." Jirou said. "It's an odd kind of family we've got here..."

Uraraka slowly raised her hand, leading to another colossal drop of noise. "I-I..." She fell silent and started to cry a little, turning around and tried to walk away.

Tsu grabbed her hand, and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay. You're safe. Trust me."

She held Uraraka's hand as she stood, humiliated entirely, but took a deep breath and puffed up her chest.

"I would like to take this moment to say that I'm Demisexual." Uraraka said. Then pulled her hand free of Tsu's to cover her face in shame. Tapping her face and activating her quirk.

She started to float away like a embarrassed balloon and pulled herself into a ball, clutching her onto her knees.

She was pulled down from the roof by a smoky shadow with glowing eyes, as Dark Shadow retrieved her. As they deposited her in the ground, Dark Shadow ruffled her hair a little.

She was dog-piled by her smiling classmates after a second of being within range of their grasp. With the exception of Bakugo and Shinso.

"WELCOME TO THE GANG." Kirishima shouted.

They all scrambled off of Uraraka as a voice spoke from the door, left open from when Jirou and Momo had returned to Height's Alliance. "All right kids, I'm proud of you but can you keep the noise down." A figure in a heavy cloak said as she wandered in.

She stood with folded arms reaching from beneath the robe, and her hair falling out of the hood but her head lowered at enough of an angle to still conceal her face.

"Oh, sorry Ms...." Kirishima started to say then stopped. "Wait! You've never told us who you are, have you?"

"Who are you?"

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