What Lies Beneath A Smile

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Denki was running, hearing the shouts and yells behind him.

He couldn't hear the cries of "Come back!" And "Everyone stop, calm down!" He just heard the noise and couldn't hear the intent. Just shaking and his head burning.

He turned the corner, and another, and another, and another. His vision started to narrow, darker, and darker until he lost the feeling of the ground underneath his feet. He felt the slight impact of the ground against his face, but no more that a simple tap.

As he passed out in the hall.

Finally, weight of everything pulling him down and into the realm of Nightmares and Regrets.

Denki appeared in his own nightmare as a clown stood upon a thin, red-hot metal pole it burnt his feet, he wanted to jump off of it, but below him sat a large pool of lava and sharks.

Lava sharks.

He started to hop about to try and keep his feet off of it. From a distance all of his classmates watched him hop about, laughing at him.

"Look! He's dancing! Make him dance more!" They chanted.

But Jirou broke from the crowd, she ran and jumped up to him, grabbing onto the thin metal pole, her hands starting to burn.

In a moment of panic he pulled her fingers up, and pried her hands off of the pole. Denki watched Jirou she fell, down into the lava. His eyes catching hers as she fell into the lava, and slowly melted away.

Her hand, putting up a thumbs down as she melted away.

Now he was lying in a coffin, the lid not on it, being carried through a small orchard to a grave with no name on it.

His classmates carried it. They were dressed in mourning black, but carried the coffin low, not lifting it atop their shoulders, but each barely clinging to it like it was a burden that was too heavy to be worth it.

He opened his eyes, hearing sounds of laughter, but the minute his eyelids opened it came to a stop.

He closed them, and their laughter resumed.

They carried his coffin to a pre-dug hole in the ground. However he could see, some distance away there sat a gravestone made from gold, reading. K. Jirou. With a Momo dressed in all black, stood beneath an umbrella, beside the grave. Grass and vines grew up her legs, like she hadn't moved in years.

They didn't gently place the coffin down, they dropped it into the hole.

Instead of dirt, a drop of a purple liquid fell, and more, until he was being buried alive in grape juice.

He woke with a jolt. Shooting awake with a gasp. He looked down to see hospital bedsheets.

He stared at Recovery Girl's Office around him, not able to see the bed next his because of the sheet blocking the view between beds.

He reached out and caught the edge of the sheet with his fingers and pulled it along, but the bed was empty.

"Denki. Lay back down." A woman's voice said.

"Sorry Recovery Gi-" Denki started to croak, but turned to see none other than Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Surprise....." Momo said, shrugging a little bit. But she approached, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee. She set it down on a small table next to the bed. She was now wearing a knitted jumper with the symbol of a campfire detailed across the chest.

"Let me guess, it's poisoned, and this is your way of getting revenge on me killing your girlfriend?" Denki asked. Momo instantly shook her head, waving a hand to one side.

"She wasn't injured really, she was just shocked...no pun intended." Momo said, taking one of the cups of coffee and nursing it in her hands as she pulled up a chair and sat next to him.

"So...I didn't kill her?" Denki said.

"Why would you think you killed her? I don't think anything can kill her, she's too stubborn to die!" Momo laughed.

"You're probably right to be honest."

Denki took his cup of coffee, and took a long sip.

"Are you okay Kaminari?" Momo asked. "We're all really worried about you."

"I'm fine. I'm just weird I guess." Denki said.

"No. You aren't weird, there's no such thing as weird." Momo objected. "Let's call it what it is, an episode, that was a panic attack, or an anxiety attack, I'm not sure on the specifics. You can ask Recovery Girl when she gets back."

"Look. This is all a big fuss over, like you said, just one panic or anxiety attack, I'm fine now. I can just go." Denki said, starting to try and stand up, but feeling a very firm hand push him back down as Momo shoved him back down into the bed.

"This is absolutely not a big fuss, you are in a lot of mental pain, no matter what the source might be. You are suffering and that has to change. There is no fuss big enough for this." Momo said, firmly planting her chair between Denki and the door, and downing her entire cup of coffee in one go. "So we are going, to, figure, this, out."

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